Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 261 Equity Dilution

Chapter 261 Equity Dilution


According to the valuations of several other companies at the time of their first financing, the valuation of Guanghui Payment in everyone's mind is only about 2 million. If Guanghui Technology injects 60 million yuan, it is equivalent to diluting half of the equity of the original shareholders.At present, the main asset of Guanghui Investment is [-]% of Facebook shares without voting rights. Everyone has not fully realized the value of this piece, so everyone thinks that the valuation of [-] million is not estimated. The company can be bought directly. Since Guanghui Technology itself is the major shareholder of Guanghui Investment, if it is purchased, most of it will still be a left-handed and right-handed transaction of Guanghui Technology.

"At present, the valuation I paid to Guanghui is [-] million yuan, and the valuation of Guanghui Investment is [-] million yuan. Shareholders can choose to inject additional capital in the same proportion as Guanghui Technology, or choose to dilute their equity, or directly sell their equity. It doesn't matter. Which one to choose is entirely in accordance with the wishes of the shareholders, and I do not make any requirements. However, I hope that everyone is responsible for their own choices, and no matter how the company develops in the future, everyone should not regret today's choice," Jiang Hui said.

According to this capital injection ratio, shareholders who originally held 1% of Brilliance Payment’s shares need to invest an additional RMB 100 million to ensure that their shares will not be diluted. This is actually stressful for most shareholders.However, Jiang Hui felt that Guanghui Payment and Guanghui Investment had reached the point where they could not do without financing. Instead of letting venture capital take advantage of it, it is better to let Guanghui Technology do it by itself.Anyway, Guanghui Technology is wholly owned and controlled by Guanghui Games, and it is really not short of money now.

"Everyone doesn't have to make a choice now. If you have a decision at any time in the next three days, you can tell Zeng Qingying, and she will be in charge of all the procedures for this equity change and transfer," Jiang Hui said.

Originally, I heard Jiang Hui say that everyone should choose whether to inject capital, dilute equity or transfer equity. Shareholders were still anxious to choose which one to choose. Now Jiang Hui said that there is no need to make a decision now, and a decision can be made within the next three days.They couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.Which one of the three roads to choose, everyone really has no idea.On the one hand, most people, except for a few shareholders, should not be able to take out so much cash directly. Even so, everyone is hesitant between diluting equity and transferring equity.

Money is touching, as long as everyone chooses to transfer the equity, then the two companies add up, ranging from 80 million to 60 million or more. In 2004, this money was still quite purchasing power.Those who pursue a lower price can directly use this money to buy a house or a car in the imperial capital, and then they can live a small life slowly.

"I chose to transfer the equity, and I can give it back to Secretary Zeng now, without waiting for a few more days," He Ling said with a smile.

About today's matter, Jiang Hui generally talked to He Ling a few times.However, with He Lingbingxue's clever mind, she must know that Jiang Hui wanted to gather the shares of Brilliance Payment and Brilliance Investment.Although this decision was definitely not aimed at He Ling and Bai Xue, if He Ling took the lead in choosing equity transfer, more people would make similar choices. After all, people have a herd mentality.

Besides, each shareholder not only has shares in Brilliance Payment and Brilliance Investment, but also several other companies. In this way, it is not a bad idea to continue to hold shares in other companies and cash out the shares of Brilliance Payment and Brilliance Investment. choose.After all, no one knows how far these two companies will develop in the future. Judging from the current situation, Jiang Hui's choice for everyone is still very fair and acceptable to everyone.

"I chose to transfer the shares of Guanghui Investment and dilute the shares of Guanghui Payment." Tang Minghua made a similar choice after seeing He Ling's choice.

"I also chose to transfer the shares of Guanghui Investment to dilute the shares of Guanghui Payment," Lu Yang said.

"I choose……"


In the eyes of everyone, the prospect of Guanghui Payment is obviously much better than that of Guanghui Payment, so under the demonstration effect of Tang Minghua and Lu Yang, basically all of them gave up the shares of Guanghui Payment, and only Li Xingping who was not present was left. He will not know his choice until he is notified after the meeting.

Jiang Hui calculated the equity situation of Guanghui Payment and Guanghui Technology in his mind based on everyone's situation.Since most people chose to dilute the equity of Guanghui Payment, and a small number of people chose to transfer the equity, so Guanghui Technology owns about 95% of the shares of Guanghui Payment, and Guanghui Technology is close to [-]%. In the end, it depends on Li Xingping's choice.

"No matter what choice you make, I respect everyone's choice. But I still want to emphasize that you are responsible for your own choice. No matter whether these two companies close down or grow stronger in the future, everyone should not regret it," Jiang said. Hui said.

Jiang Hui is really worried. After Brilliance Payment and Brilliance Investment become giants, will today's shareholders be able to treat today's choices so calmly, hoping not to plant hidden dangers for the future development of the group.

"Following today's opportunity, in order to speed up the future development of each company in the group, I plan to make some adjustments to some of the leadership teams of each company," Jiang Hui said.

Although companies such as and have venture capital shares, Jiang Hui is still the absolute majority shareholder. As long as Jiang Hui doesn't deliberately assign the personnel sent by the venture capital to the corner, they have no right to oppose Jiang Hui's various plans. item appointed.Jiang Hui also doesn't want to waste time discussing various personnel appointments at the shareholders' meeting before the company has grown stronger. He just decides to announce it directly. If he has any opinions, he can raise them again, which makes sense. I can accept it for myself, and those who make trouble can go wherever they like to be cool.

"Then it's up to Liao Yun to announce the personnel appointments of each company," Jiang Hui said.

As Liao Yun's secretary in charge of business coordination within the group, Jiang Hui hopes to strengthen her authority, otherwise she and a girl who just graduated may not necessarily coordinate the affairs of each company.As for Liu Chujing, she is only the head of the personnel department of Xiaonei in name, and it would not be particularly appropriate for her to announce the appointments of the group companies.

(End of this chapter)

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