Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 262 Big Changes in Personnel

Chapter 262 Big Changes in Personnel

The appointment and removal of personnel has always been the most concerned thing for all employees.Whether it is a government department or an enterprise or an institution, changes in leading cadres will have a profound impact on future development.

When talking about equity changes before, some ministers who did not have shares were not very concerned. Now when it comes to personnel adjustments, everyone starts to get nervous.There was no rumor at all before, but Jiang Hui suddenly proposed a personnel adjustment. Everyone was a little nervous, not knowing whether their positions would get better or worse.

"Entrusted by Mr. Jiang, let me read the appointments of the companies of the group," Liao Yun said, picking up the documents on the table.

"Appoint Fang Dawen as the general manager of, and no longer serve as the deputy general manager of Xiaonei and Tudou."

Starting from Tang Wenwen and Fang Dawen, Jiang Hui plans to gradually hand over the positions of general managers of each subsidiary, and he will only serve as the chairman and the general manager of particularly important companies such as Guanghui Payment.

"Appoint Shanyu as the deputy general manager of and the director of the data center of Guanghui Technology, and no longer serve as the director of the data center of, Guanghui Payment, Guanghui Games and other companies."

This appointment is mainly in consideration of the Group's consideration of building a data center. Now that the address has been determined and the land transfer procedures are basically completed, construction can start after the construction planning and preliminary bidding are completed.
Subsidiaries no longer set up the data center part, and related businesses are undertaken by Guanghui Technology Data Center and the technical departments of each company. The power of the technical department has always been weaker than that of the development department. Now, after adding the related business of the data center, basically On an equal footing.

"Appoint Zhou Benqiang as the general manager of Meituan, and no longer serve as the deputy general manager of Meituan."

Zhou Benqiang is stationed at by IDG Capital. After this period of contact, Jiang Hui is quite satisfied with his performance. At the same time, it can be regarded as an example for the venture capital circle. He is not an entrepreneur who will not let go of power , so this time Jiang Hui directly gave Zhou Benqiang the general manager of made Zhou Benqiang, who was sitting at the back of the conference room, overjoyed.

"Appoint Zhu Zhengfeng as the deputy general manager of Meituan, and no longer serve as the head of the technical department of Xiaonei".

Zhu Zhengfeng was the technical backbone of Xiaonei in the early days. Although his technical level cannot be said to be outstanding, he is still relatively good. He can also be regarded as Jiang Hui's direct army. It is more appropriate to be placed as the deputy general manager of

"Appoint He Ling as the general manager of Douban, and no longer serve as the deputy general manager of Douban."

"Appoint Xiang Weiwei as the deputy general manager of Douban and the director of the legal department of Guanghui Technology, and no longer serve as the director of the legal department of Xiaonei".

Promote He Ling to the general manager, and at the same time let Xiang Weiwei come to assist her, which can be regarded as Jiang Hui laying the foundation for the future entertainment business of the group in advance.Jiang Hui mentioned some of his thoughts to Xiang Weiwei, so this time Xiang Weiwei came to serve as He Ling's deputy, but he didn't have any emotions.

"Appoint Chen Hu as the general manager of YY Live, and no longer serve as the deputy general manager of YY Live."

"Appoint Fang Wei as the deputy general manager of YY Live, and no longer serve as the finance minister of YY Live."

Chen Hu is an old man who follows Jiang Hui. During the Spring Festival, he was alone on duty, and he followed Jiang Hui's instructions very well, so this time Jiang Hui directly promoted him to be the leader of YY Live.And Fang Wei was recommended by Zhang Mengze. Whether it was showing favor to Zhang Mengze or talking about Fang Wei's personal ability, he was considered qualified for the position of vice president.In this way, the deputy general managers of, YY Live, and Autohome are all candidates recommended by the members of the Dream Band. Everyone in the Dream Band should be able to feel more at ease about the company.

"Appointed as the deputy general manager of Guanghui Payment, and will no longer serve as the director of the general manager's office of and the director of the General Affairs Department of Guanghui Games."

The deputy general manager of Guanghui Payment has always been vacant. Jiang Hui directly assigned all the company's contents to each department. A trustworthy person helped Jiang Hui take a fancy to Guanghui Payment, and Li Shigui, as one of Jiang Hui's best friends in high school and a veteran of the company's entrepreneurship, was naturally appointed by Jiang Hui as the vice president of Guanghui Payment.

"Appoint Bai Xue as the deputy general manager of Brilliant Games, and no longer serve as the assistant to the general manager of Brilliant Games and the head of the finance department of Brilliant Payments."

As the cash cow of the group, Brilliant Games is Jiang Hui's most important asset now, so it is only natural that he arranges his girlfriend Bai Xueqi as the vice president to look after the company.

"Appoint Shi Yi as the general manager of Autohome and concurrently as the editor-in-chief".

The potential of Autohome lies in the future. Now that it is slowly on the right track, and Li Minghua is watching as the deputy general manager, Jiang Hui doesn't want to spend too much energy on this, so he puts the general manager The position was given to Shi Yi who performed well.

The deputy general managers of Guanghui Technology and Guanghui Investment are still vacant for the time being. On the one hand, because Guanghui Technology is the parent company, the position of deputy general manager is too important, and Jiang Hui is still considering suitable candidates.As for Brilliant Investment, Jiang Hui feels that the company has no suitable candidates at present and needs to recruit again, or poach someone from some venture capital.

After the announcement of the appointment of the deputy general manager and above, Jiang Hui himself only retained the general manager positions of Guanghui Technology, Guanghui Games, Guanghui Payment and Guanghui Investment, and the other companies were the chairman of the board.In the future, Jiang Hui plans to gradually hand over the positions of Brilliance Games and Brilliance Payment, and he himself will be the general manager of some important companies or emerging companies such as Brilliance Technology, Brilliance Investment, and Weibo in the future.

The next step is the adjustment of ministerial-level personnel, and this time a wide range of personnel will be involved.A lot of people have been promoted just now, and a lot of positions have been vacated. In addition, some positions that were previously vacant will also be appointed. Compared with the announcement of these appointment information to the whole company, it will inevitably cause a lot of heated discussions.

The group companies have recently expanded to 1000 employees, and have recruited many elite soldiers. It is time to promote a group of people to be ministers, so that everyone can see the company's development prospects and their own room for improvement.

For young employees, they are most concerned about the company's development prospects and their own development prospects in the company. The company's size and salary are relatively less important.However, Jiang Hui's salaries for all company employees are higher than the industry average, so the salary is actually not a problem.According to Jiang Hui's plan, the employee benefits and treatment of the Guanghui Group's companies will gradually become the benchmark of Tianchao Internet, so that all fresh graduates will take working in the Guanghui Group as their top priority.

Well, I dare not say the top priority, after all, there is still a civil servant occupying the top priority position.

(End of this chapter)

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