Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 263 New Structure, New Atmosphere

Chapter 263 New Structure, New Atmosphere
In the afternoon of the same day, all personnel appointments were announced to all employees in the emails of each company.After the adjustment, the management of each company becomes:


General Manager: Tang Wenwen

Deputy General Manager: Flash Rain
Deputy General Manager: Liu Wenfeng (recommended by Sequoia Capital)
Minister of Finance: Lin Muxia

Marketing Department Director: Lu Yang
Director of Development Department: Chen Long (the person dug out by Du Niang)
Director of Technology Department: Zhao Tianhu (Dr. returnee, former employee of Yahu)
Director of Customer Service Department: Dai Fuqian

Minister of General Affairs Department: Tang Minghua

Minister of Legal Affairs: Zhao Jingjing (recommended by Sequoia Capital)

Director of the General Manager's Office: Yang Lina (former subordinate of Tang Wenwen)

Minister of International Department: Yang Yan
Minister of Public Relations: Wang Lin (former public servant of radio and television)
Minister of Personnel: Liu Chujing

General Manager: Zhou Benqiang

Deputy General Manager: Zhu Zhengfeng

Finance Minister: Liu Xu (former bank accountant)

Marketing Department Director: Wang Feng (former Procter & Gamble employee)

Minister of Development: An Wei (former Penguin employee)
Minister of Technology: Chang Hongjian (Dr. returnee, former AOL employee)
Director of Customer Service Department: Chen Jieling (former PICC employee)
Minister of General Affairs Department: Deng Haiming (Zhu Zhengfeng's classmate)

Minister of Legal Affairs: Ding Fen (former law firm employee)

Director of the General Manager's Office: Hong Suyan (former employee of
Minister of Public Relations: Liu Tianhua (former CCTV employee)
Minister of Personnel: Liu Chujing concurrently

Radiance pays.

General Manager: Jiang Hui.

Deputy General Manager: Li Shigui

Minister of Finance Department: Long Ling
Director of the Marketing Department: Li Xiong (Tang Wenwen’s classmate, former president of the sea branch of the Imperial Commercial Bank)

Minister of Development: Shen Yanhuan
Minister of Technology Department: Zhou Gang

Director of Customer Service Department: Dong Guohua (Fang Dawen's colleague, former deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper)

Minister of General Affairs Department: Tang Minghua concurrently

Minister of Legal Affairs: Wang Fengxia (former law firm employee)

Director of the General Manager's Office: Aska (Jiang Hui's classmate)
Minister of Public Relations: Lin Zhen
Minister of Personnel: Liu Chujing concurrently

Shining game.

General Manager: Jiang Hui
Deputy General Manager: Bai Xue
Minister of Finance Department: Geng Shuangshuang (former employee of Didu Auto recently recruited by the society)
Director of Marketing Department: Wang Chao (former Netease game employee)

Director of Development Department: Lai Xiaobei (former employee of Shengda Network)

Director of Technology Department: Zhang Weiguo (former employee of Shengda Network recruited recently)

Minister of Customer Service Department: Dai Fuqian concurrently

Minister of General Affairs Department: Tang Minghua concurrently

Minister of Legal Affairs: Huang Jing (former law firm employee)

Director of General Manager Office: Song Min

Director of the Public Relations Department: Hu Cuifang (former reporter from Tianchao Youth Daily)
Minister of International Department: Yang Yan concurrently
Minister of Personnel: Liu Chujing concurrently


"Wow, the leaders are about to change all over again."

"A lot of people got promoted."

"Two people who recruited with me have become ministers. When will it be my turn?"

"Is Chairman Jiang planning to expand his strategy? He has adjusted so many leadership levels."

"That is to say, Director Jiang has the courage to adjust the leadership of so many positions at once. If he were to change someone, he would not dare to make such a big difference."

"All companies were founded by Mr. Jiang. Why should he be afraid of anyone who would dare to jump out and make trouble? So this adjustment seems to be a big move, but it may not be a big deal in Mr. Jiang's eyes."

"Work hard, there are still many positions waiting for everyone."


The management of each company was gradually equipped. Although the handover of various tasks made each company a little chaotic in the first few days, the personnel working at the grassroots level did not change much, so it quickly stabilized.

After Guanghui Payment received the capital injection from Guanghui Technology, it quickly cooperated with group companies such as, YY Live,, and launched a [-]% discount activity with Guanghui Payment. For the first-time registered users, they will also give cash coupons .At the same time, the marketing department of Brilliance Payment began to mobilize to contact Ctrip and other Internet companies to promote the use of Brilliance Payment.

The most difficult part of the promotion of the payment platform is to allow users to let go of the insecurity brought about by Internet payment, and at the same time allow more banks to support the platform to access the banking system.Fortunately, Li Xiong, the head of the marketing department, has a rich background in the banking industry. Guanghui Payment is currently only acting as a payment interface, and has not caused any real damage to the banking industry, so it has been relatively smooth so far.After a few years, after Guanghui Pay launched the Yu'ebao project, it is estimated that the conflict with the bank will become bigger, but the Guanghui Group in a few years' time will definitely not be what it is now, and Jiang Hui is not too worried.

The staffing of Brilliant Games before was not neat enough. Most of the projects were planned by Jiang Hui, and then the programmers filled them in.Now Jiang Hui has appointed all the leaders of the main departments in one go, and asked Bai Xue to assist him in management as the deputy general manager.

Since Jiang Hui intends to make the cash cow of Brilliant Games bigger and stronger, he must develop more games and do a good job of maintaining the current games.In terms of web games, as long as the upgraded version of the current game is continuously launched, it will be enough in a short period of time; but in terms of online games, it needs to be continuously strengthened. Jiang Hui plans to restart the development of League of Legends.According to the plan, King of Glory will be launched this year, and League of Legends will be launched in the first half of next year.With two popular online games, Brilliant Games has gained a firm foothold in the online game circle.

After the summary meeting, Xiaonei also took new actions immediately.As college students who entered school after 1997 were able to register on, it can be regarded as filling the with hard work. The graduate students on were relatively early in 1500, so the release of registration rights to all college students who entered in 1997 caused little repercussions. let go.In this way, the university students who are equivalent to the first batch of Ph.D. users of the intranet can also use the intranet.

Under the leadership of the new general manager, and YY Live are not to be now focuses on the videos uploaded by users, but this will also lead to poor clarity of the video content, which may not be appreciated by high-end users. Therefore, under Jiang Hui's suggestion, Fang Dawen began to introduce high-definition videos appropriately. Copyrighted film and television dramas, these film and television dramas must be registered and logged in to watch.This can also be regarded as a plan for the future launch of membership system and VIP production.

And YY live broadcast has also begun to make efforts in daily live broadcasts such as game live broadcasts, food live broadcasts, music and dance live broadcasts, enriching the content of anchors and giving viewers more choices.

(End of this chapter)

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