Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 264 Metalworking Internship

Chapter 264 Metalworking Internship
Metalworking practice is a practical technical basic course, and it is a compulsory course for college students to understand the production process of mechanical processing and cultivate practical ability and engineering quality.Jiang Hui is not very clear about other majors. Anyway, all majors in the School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering of Imperial University of Technology need to learn this course.

Generally, this course is arranged before the freshman summer vacation, that is, in early July.Originally, it was fine if Jiang Hui didn't take this class, and the school would naturally not give Jiang Hui a pass, but Jiang Hui considered that he would also enter the industrial circle in the future. Or mobile phones and robots are all related to mechanical processing and production, so it is also good to take this opportunity to purposely improve one's understanding of mechanical equipment and processing processes.

Although I was a doctoral graduate of information and communication engineering in my previous life, my professional research direction is mainly in signal transmission and image processing. After the group's summary meeting, I participated in the metalworking internship course.

According to the requirements of the teaching syllabus, the metalworking internship needs to complete the basic operation training of various types of work such as lathe, fitter, casting and CNC machining, so that students can understand the general process of mechanical manufacturing, common processing methods of mechanical parts and the structural principles of the main equipment used, and the operation of measuring tools. use.Independently complete simple parts processing, cultivate students' labor viewpoints, combine theory with practice work style and economic viewpoints, etc.

The first day of practice is to understand the production process of sand casting, learn to use modeling tools, and complete simple mold and split molding operations.After watching the teacher's demonstration, everyone started to make a sand mold of a small airplane by themselves, and then the teacher poured molten aluminum uniformly to get a small airplane.

This small plane is actually not interesting to ordinary people. The workmanship is relatively rough, and the model is relatively small, so it has no collection value.But for the students who participated in the metalworking internship, it is more commemorative, after all, it is something they made by themselves.

"Jiang Hui, why did you take such an active part in the metalworking internship on a whim?" He Ling asked.

"It's not that you came to participate, so I followed," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Liar," He Ling rolled her eyes at Jiang Hui and said angrily.

"I've been so busy during this period, I think it's a vacation for me to come to the metalworking internship class," Jiang Hui said.

"Summer vacation is coming soon, will you go home then?" He Ling asked.

"Do you think I can walk away now?" Jiang Hui said.

"That's right, I guess it has nothing to do with you in the summer and winter vacations," He Ling said.

"Hey, I was born to work hard," Jiang Hui said with a deliberate sigh.

"Just pretend, is your sister a senior in high school next year?" He Ling said.

"Yes, I haven't contacted her for a while," Jiang Hui said.

"You are too unqualified to be an older brother. How is her usual grades? Would you like to call her to the Imperial Capital for the summer vacation? You can take her to play, or arrange someone to tutor her," He Ling said.

He Ling's idea Jiang Hui hadn't really thought about it before, but after thinking about it, it actually makes sense.In her previous life, her younger sister, Jiang Ping, had so-so scores in the college entrance examination, so she went to a secondary school in Wuyang.At that time, it was mainly English and mathematics that hindered her. If she had been called to the imperial capital during the summer vacation, she could have arranged for various top students to make up for her every day. There were sufficient resources within the group: four to five hundred interns to find A few good English and maths is too easy.

Because his younger sister took the college entrance examination, in his previous life, Jiang Hui also carefully read the 2005 Lingnan Province college entrance examination questions. Although he couldn't remember the specific content, he still had an impression of the types of questions in the various major math questions.In addition to the composition in Chinese and English, as well as some ancient Chinese, Jiang Hui still has an impression.When the time comes to ask Jiang Ping to review those question types in a targeted manner, the old Huaqing and Kyoto universities may have difficulties, but there is still no problem in going to better 985 and 211 universities.

"Your suggestion is good. Her grades are mediocre now, and she is probably at the level of a second-year undergraduate. It would be a good idea to find someone to tutor her weak English and math," Jiang Hui said.

"Then call her over. I can teach her English listening and reading. Then let her stay with me for a while. I will speak English with her the whole time. She already has a foundation in vocabulary and grammar, and her listening can be improved." Soon," He Ling said.

"Okay, I'll call her later, she probably won't be on vacation for a few days, and the school has arranged a period of tutoring for them," Jiang Hui said.

"Tell me when you have decided to come, and I will pick her up with you," He Ling said.


In the next few days, Jiang Hui followed his classmates to participate in practical operations such as forging, welding, wire cutting, CNC machine tool machining, lathe machining, and stamping.

These are the basic processes for the production of industrial products.Taking automobiles as an example, the body is welded after stamping steel plates; the transmission shaft and engine crankshaft are usually forged; many parts on the second engine are processed by casting, CNC machine tools and lathes.

With the purpose of learning, Jiang Hui also specifically asked the instructors of various internship projects about the current domestic level and international application of these processing technologies.

For most students, the metalworking internship may be the small aluminum plane left over from the internship process, the panda image cut by wire cutting, and the small hammer from the lathe, which remind them that they have participated in such an internship.

This metalworking internship also made Jiang Hui think about his future industrial planning.According to the current development pace of Guanghui Group, it should be able to gain a firm foothold in the Internet industry next year.At that time, I can allocate part of my energy to start looking for industrial investment projects.

Considering the amount of investment, you can consider the early research and development of drones in the early stage.The DJI drones of the later generations don’t even have a shadow yet. Jiang Hui can just take advantage of the time when everyone has not noticed this piece of content, and find the professors of the aircraft major of the Imperial University of Technology to cooperate in research and development, or recruit a group of related experts. Professional people form a small research institute to start preliminary research, anyway, it doesn't need much money at the beginning.

After thinking about this, Jiang Hui arranged for Dai Fugan to understand the content of this piece.Although he hasn't learned too much professional content related to aircraft, after all, he is a professional in this field. It is very easy to find out about the development of this field with his brothers, sisters and teachers.

(End of this chapter)

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