Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 265 The Summer Vacation Is Here

Chapter 265 The Summer Vacation Is Here
The summer morning is earlier than any other season. When Jiang Hui was still intoxicated in sleep, the moon had already quietly left the sky with the tired stars.With the windows open, the fresh air blows in, driving away all the drowsiness.The sun rises from the east, showing a lovely smile; the flowers are swaying and competing to open.

The grass on the side of the road is shining under the sun, making it even more lovable.There are fewer and fewer students walking on the campus, and the birds are also happy, playing beautiful music one after another, one after another.

In the summer of the imperial capital, the hottest day of the day is at noon.There are a few white clouds floating in the sky, with strange shapes, adding a little vitality to the empty sky.The sun is most powerful at noon, it burns, pouring energy unreservedly to the earth.The trees on the side of the road were also listless, their leaves gradually rolled into curls, and the cicadas couldn't bear the power of the sun, so they just chirped weakly a few times to vent their inner dissatisfaction.

In this way, the summer vacation came quietly.

Although many staff members of Guanghui Group are still students, but there is such a good internship, except for a few who really have something to do, most of them stay in the imperial capital to continue working.

"Oh, my mother has been asking me when I'm going home, and I told her that I won't go back, and she doesn't like it." Bai Xue and Jiang Hui strolled in the campus, Bai Xue said a little distressed.

"Have you told them about starting a business with your classmates?" Jiang Hui said.

"I only said that I was a part-time intern at Brilliant Games, and I didn't tell them anything else. I couldn't tell them that I now have more than 100 million in cash and millions of shares. I was shocked when I said it. What?" Snow White said.

Speaking of which, all the people who first followed Jiang Hui to start a business now have at least a few million net worth, which really went beyond everyone's expectations.

But Jiang Hui is not surprised by this at all, what is a few million?It's just an appetizer. In a few years, all of them will be billionaires.

"This is also a problem. It's really not easy to talk to them directly. Why don't you go back and stay with them for a week, and then come back?" Jiang Hui said.

"Well, but you asked me to be the deputy general manager of Brilliant Games. Now that the company is busy, it won't be a good influence if I take the lead and go home," Bai Xue said.

"There is nothing bad about the influence. We start our own business and earn money by ourselves. There is no need to pay so much attention to the influence that comes and goes," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Let me see again. If it doesn't work, let my mother come to the capital for a few days to see if she can let me continue to spend the summer vacation in the capital," Bai Xue said.

"You can figure it out, anyway, don't confront your mother," Jiang Hui said.

"I know," Bai Xue said with her lips pouted.


As long as you don't stay under the sun in summer in the north, it is actually not as hot as you think.This is mainly because the air humidity is not that high, unlike Lingnan, where the air humidity is around 70.00% or 80.00% at every turn. As long as the temperature exceeds [-] degrees, it will be too hot even if you stay there. Fortunately, there is an air conditioner now, otherwise the summer for the people of Lingnan would be really difficult.

Jiang Hui has confirmed with his family that Jiang Ping will be on vacation the day after tomorrow.Jiang Hui bought her a flight ticket from Wuyang to the Imperial Capital.There are many buses from Meishi to Wuyang, and it only takes four hours to arrive.Jiang Hui arranged for staff from the Wuyang office of to pick up Jiang Ping at the passenger terminal, and then send her to the airport.In this way, as long as Jiang Ping departs from Meishi at 04:30 in the morning, she will have enough time to catch the flight from Wuyang to Imperial Capital at [-]:[-] in the afternoon.

In order to avoid his father's worry, Jiang Hui also briefly told them about part of his stay in the Imperial Capital, and also told them that he bought a house in the Imperial Capital, so he didn't have to worry about accommodation, so that his parents could consider spending a few days in the Imperial Capital as well.

But Jiang's father is worried about the pig farm now, and he is not in the mood to go to the imperial capital with Jiang Ping.

Since I took down the pig farm in the valley next to my home at the beginning of the year, after half a year of tossing around, the pig farm has entered the normal state.

Jiang Hui also remitted another 100 million in the first two months to prevent Jiang's father from raising money everywhere to expand the scale of the pig farm.

After experiencing a low tide last year, the price of pigs has now embarked on an upward channel.Father Jiang, who has sold a batch of live pigs and tried to make money, now has a strong idea of ​​expanding the scale of the pig farm.

Jiang Hui also arranged for someone to consult with an animal husbandry expert from the Imperial Agricultural University about the precautions for raising pigs.After Jiang Hui provided the photos of his pig farm and the environment and other information, he also got the plans and suggestions for the expansion of the pig farm given by the livestock experts.

Teidu Agricultural University is also doing research on ecological agriculture. One of the professor's research topics is the construction of pig farms and related agricultural ecological circles around pig farms.

After the professor gave the plan and suggestions, Jiang Hui specially arranged for Guanghui Technology to give a sponsorship to their research group. The premise is that they will go to Jiang's father's pig farm for a few days to give advice on epidemic prevention work, expansion plans, and other related industries. After going to the site to confirm the content of the construction, he guided Father Jiang.

The mountain where the pig farm is located is relatively large. Although the mountain is not very high, there are not many trees. The trees have been cut down in the past few decades.However, there are springs in the col, and the water flow is relatively large, so there are some paddy fields and ponds under the col.But now most people have gone out to work in Wuyang, Shenzhen and other places, so they are all abandoned.If you want to use it, you can just give someone some money and rent it for a long time.

In fact, Jiang Hui is really not short of the money earned by the pig farm, but Jiang Hui wants to do something for his hometown.If this ecological pig farm is established, it will also set an example for other pig farms, and can effectively reduce the environmental pollution of pig farms.

The village where Jiang Hui’s hometown is located has mountains and rivers on the whole. As long as the construction is good, green agriculture and ecological pig farms are established, it will be possible to consider developing tourism in a few years and attract people from the county to come to eat, drink and have fun .

Therefore, Jiang Hui hopes that after the research team from the Agricultural University arrives at the scene, they will plan at the same time which crops such as fruits with high economic value are suitable for the village.

After the fruits in the village are planted to a large scale, Jiang Hui will donate another sum of money to tidy up the small stream that crosses the village, pave stone roads on both sides, plant ornamental trees such as willows and ginkgo, and then release a batch of fish. Form a hiking, sightseeing, fishing leisure area.Cooperating with the village's fruit tree picking, ecological pig farm visits, lotus gardens, etc., it should basically be able to support a small-scale tourism industry.

(End of this chapter)

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