Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 266 Big head

Chapter 266 Big head

The matter of the ecological pig farm will not start until the research team of the Agricultural University has gone for a few days. Although Jiang Hui is more concerned, he is not in a hurry.

On the contrary, Jiang Ping is coming to the imperial capital, and Jiang Hui really needs to consider how to arrange her summer vacation, so that she can play properly and study well.

But now that Jiang Ping is leaving tomorrow, Jiang Hui finds that he has a difficult problem and doesn't know what to do.During the metalworking internship, He Ling said that she would pick up Jiang Ping with Jiang Hui, and then help with English tutoring.But what about Snow White?After all, Bai Xue is Jiang Hui's real girlfriend. It would be inappropriate for Jiang Hui not to tell her about his sister's coming to the capital. Besides, even if he didn't tell Bai Xue, he would know about it sooner or later.

Another question is, where should Jiang Ping live when she comes?He Ling said before that he would live with her for a while, but now that it's summer vacation, it's unreasonable for He Ling not to go home to live with her.Although there are Jinbi Garden, Bauhinia Garden and the rented house I bought before, I don’t know where to go now.

After much deliberation, Jiang Hui felt that he should discuss it with He Ling first and see if she had any suggestions.

"Lingling, my sister is coming to the capital tomorrow, didn't you say last time that you want to spend some time with her in English, but I think it's summer vacation, your parents will definitely want you to go home, and then Jiang Ping will go with her It might not be convenient for your family," Jiang Hui said.

"No, my parents are rarely at home," He Ling said.

"But they will also be very surprised, why are you so concerned about Jiang Ping's matter? How will you explain it then?" Jiang Hui said.

"Well, this makes sense. Normally, no one would call a classmate's younger sister to live in their home. How about we live in the Bauhinia Garden?" He Ling said.

"Do you think your parents will let you not go home all day during the summer vacation?" He Ling said.

"Then what do you think we should do?" He Ling said.

"Why don't I let Jiang Ping live in the former rental house, which is close to the school, and then I will find someone majoring in English and mathematics to stay with her for a summer vacation," He Ling said.

"Then why don't you go with her?" He Ling said.

"Occasionally, you can take her out to play," Jiang Hui said.

"Will Baixue go home during the summer vacation?" He Ling asked.

When Bai Xue was asked suddenly, Jiang Hui froze for a moment. He Ling seldom mentioned Bai Xue when she was with Jiang Hui, and she deliberately avoided it.

"Why do you ask this suddenly? Her family wants her to go back, and she will probably go back for a week or two," Jiang Hui said.

"Then how about this? The conditions for renting here are relatively poor. When Bai Xue is still in the imperial capital, you can take Jiang Ping to live with Bai Xue. After Bai Xue returns home, I will take Jiang Ping to live with me for a few days. At that time, everyone was familiar with her, so she should not be so uncomfortable," He Ling said.

"Are you going to pick up the plane tomorrow?" Jiang Hui said.

"Will Bai Xue go? If she goes, I'd better not go, or else she will doubt our relationship," He Ling said.

"She knows about us," Jiang Hui said.

"Ah? What did you say?" He Ling said in surprise.

"Do you still remember the bracelet I gave you when I came back from Hong Kong last time? She broke it when I gave her the bracelet. Let me buy you another one," Jiang Hui said.

He Ling was silent for a moment after hearing this, probably thinking about how to face the future situation.

"Then she is not angry?" He Ling said.

"I don't know, maybe it was when she first knew about it, and I don't know when she started to know about the two of us," Jiang Hui said.

"Then she is acquiescing to the state between us now. I said that when I met her recently, she always looked at me a little obediently," He Ling said.

"It should be," Jiang Hui said.

Maybe it's because the three of them are still young, maybe it's because Bai Xue doesn't know what will happen after they quarrel with Jiang Hui, maybe it's because Bai Xue loves Jiang Hui too much, maybe it's because Bai Xue knows that with Jiang Hui's achievements, there can't be only one woman, maybe ...Jiang Hui didn't know Bai Xue's real thoughts, so he could only keep it like this for a while before looking at it.

A man has two such women in his life, at least two.Marry a red rose, and after a long time, the red one becomes a mosquito blood smear on the wall, while the white one is still "moonlight in front of the window".Marry a white rose, and the white one will become a grain of sticky rice sticking to your clothes, while the red one will become a cinnabar mole on your heart.This is the most classic sentence in Zhang Ailing's "Red Rose and White Rose". Jiang Hui doesn't know whether he will marry the red rose or the white rose, or both.

Meeting the right person at the right time, at the right place, is a kind of happiness!

Meeting the wrong person at the wrong time, in the wrong place, is absurd!

Meeting the right person at the right time in the wrong place is a coincidence!

Meeting the wrong person at the wrong time, in the right place, is a kind of sentimentality!

Meeting the wrong person at the right time at the right place is a sad feeling!

It is a pity to meet the right person at the wrong time and wrong place!

Jiang Hui couldn't tell which one he and Bai Xue belonged to?Which one is he and He Ling?Or which one is he and Yang Yan?

"That's good, it saves me from feeling a lot of pressure every time I see Bai Xue. You said that if I went to pick up Jiang Ping with Bai Xue, would Bai Xue agree?" He Ling said.

"Let me ask her," Jiang Hui replied with a nod.

Jiang Hui felt that He Ling wanted to have a showdown with Bai Xue, but he didn't know that the result was a good thing or a bad thing.However, based on Jiang Hui's understanding of the two girls, he shouldn't fight or quarrel.


"Is your sister coming to the Imperial Capital tomorrow? When will we arrive? Let's pick her up together." When Jiang Hui called Bai Xue, Bai Xue said happily.

"Well, she will take the college entrance examination tomorrow, and I will let her come to the Imperial Capital, and then I will find a few people to help her review English and math, and see if she can also enter a good university in the Imperial Capital tomorrow," Jiang Hui said.

"There are a lot of interns in our company. It shouldn't be difficult to find some who are good at English and mathematics, but I think you can forget about it yourself. Let alone whether you are free or not, I think you don't have the patience to teach your sister well. I am worried that my level is not enough to mislead the younger generation," Bai Xue said.

"Well, I know. Jiang Ping's plane leaves at [-] o'clock tomorrow night, so I don't know how to tell you about something," Jiang Hui said.

"What's the matter, tell me," Bai Xue said.

(End of this chapter)

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