Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 267 Jiang Ping Comes to Beijing

Chapter 267 Jiang Ping Comes to Beijing
"Even He Ling also said that she was going to pick up Jiang Ping, because it was she who asked me about Jiang Ping when she was an intern in metalworking before and suggested that I let her come to the imperial capital, so..." Jiang Hui said a little bit tangled.

"Then let's go together, but you have to let Jiang Ping live with me," Bai Xue said after a moment of silence.

"Okay, I'll stay with you. If you don't tell me, I'm going to tell you about Jiang Ping living in the Bauhinia Garden," Jiang Hui said with a sigh of relief.

"He Ling knows that I know about you, right?" Bai Xue said.

"I just found out today," Jiang Hui said.

"You dig the hole yourself and bury it yourself, I don't care. I'll punish you to watch a movie with me tonight," Bai Xue finished.

"Okay, I'll go back to the company later, I'll find you after get off work," Jiang Hui said.


In the evening of the next day, Bai Xue came to Jiang Hui's office ahead of schedule.

"We're about to leave, right? Go there early to avoid traffic jams along the way, and your sister will wait at the airport alone," Bai Xue said.

"Okay, shall we have something to eat first?" Jiang Hui said.

"I don't care, you can ask your He Ling," Bai Xue said.

It can be seen that although Bai Xue has accepted He Ling's existence, she must still feel a little uncomfortable in her heart, so her words are also a little tingly.But Jiang Hui knew he was wrong, so he didn't care about it.

"Why don't you pack some KFC, I guess Jiang Ping didn't have enough to eat on the plane, and it should be nine o'clock when I get home, so it's a bit late to go out for dinner," Jiang Hui said.

"It's up to you, I have no objection," Bai Xue said.

"Then let's go, I'll call He Ling," Jiang Hui said.


Jiang Hui and Bai Xue waited in the car for a while before He Ling rushed down.

"Sorry, the company was in a meeting just now, so it was a bit late," He Ling said with a smile at Bai Xue.

There was no quarrel, no hostility, but it was like meeting good friends, which made Jiang Hui a little confused.The heart of a woman, the needle in the sea, it's really not a bragging.

"It's okay, we just arrived," Bai Xue said to He Ling while sitting in the co-pilot, turning her head and smiling.

"Fasten your seat belt, let's go," Jiang Hui said.

"Jiang Hui, have you arranged your sister's next itinerary? Do you want to play for a few days first or just start reviewing?" He Ling asked.

"Let's play for two days first, and then start reviewing," Jiang Hui said.

"Then I'll take her out to play tomorrow, I'm the most familiar with the imperial capital," He Ling said.

"Aren't you still busy with the company meeting just now? You are the general manager of now, so you can't go far, or I can take Jiang Ping to play. Anyway, I can only go to the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace these two days. Let’s play with a few scenic spots like this first,” Bai Xue said.

"It's okay. In someone's words, the general manager is in charge of directing others to work, not working hard by himself, so I just need to arrange the people below to do things," said He Ling. .

"Compared with other companies that were established around the same time,'s development speed is much slower. You have to work harder," Bai Xue said.

Jiang Hui just felt that the two of them were very harmonious. It has not been 3 minutes, and it seems that the mode of fighting openly and secretly has already started.

"The positioning model of Douban is completely different from that of Tudou and Meituan. It is destined that there will not be a very big topic and popularity in a short period of time. Douban is going through a process of gradually accumulating popularity. A few years later, when When people go to buy books or watch movies, they habitually go to Douban first to find out the reviews of the latest books and movies, then Douban is considered a success. What we are after is a subtle influence,” He Ling said.

"What major do you think I want Jiang Ping to study in the future?" Jiang Hui changed the subject.

"That depends on what you plan to ask her to do in the future? If you want her to enter the company to help you, it's best to study management majors," Bai Xue said.

"I don't think so. Anyway, the company has all kinds of companies now, and it will be more complicated in the future. As long as Jiang Ping likes it, it doesn't matter what major she studies," He Ling said.

"During the third year of high school, how many people knew what major they liked. Even if they liked it at that time, after going to college and seeing more, they would find that their previous understanding was too superficial," Bai Xue said.

"So let her come to the Imperial Capital to learn about it in advance. In addition to taking her to tourist attractions, we can also take her to visit various colleges and universities, so that she can learn more about universities. Slowly, she herself I have a tendency to have a hobby, and I think which major is more interesting. We all know what college life is like. No matter what major you are in, you can’t expect to learn too much from books.” He Ling said.


Jiang Hui drove the Escalade on the airport expressway and arrived at the airport before seven o'clock.

"Let's go to KFC and sit for a while, we may have to wait an hour for the plane to land," Jiang Hui said to Bai Xue and He Ling.

The three of them walked in the airport hall, constantly attracting the attention of people around them.It is true that Bai Xue and He Ling are rare beauties, and now there are two of them, and they appear together with a man, so passers-by will inevitably take a few more glances.

Bai Xue is wearing a white t-shirt and denim skirt today, with a protruding front and back, showing off her beautiful figure perfectly. Her hair is tied into a ball shape and coiled on the back of her head, showing her delicate facial features.

He Ling is wearing a beige slim-fitting one-piece dress. The hem of the skirt is not yet knee-high, revealing her straight and slender thighs. Although her figure is not as hot as Bai Xue's, it also has a different kind of small and fresh feeling, which makes people unable to resist. I took a few glances.

The three of them came to the KFC restaurant, ordered some casual food, and sat on the sidelines until Jiang Ping's plane landed.

"Jiang Hui, you don't seem to have told me how you met Bai Xue. Anyway, you're fine now, why don't you tell me," He Ling said.

"Some people have known each other for a lifetime, but it's just like the beginning. And some people, it's like returning from an old friend. I think Jiang Hui and I belong to the second type," Bai Xue said.

"Bai Xue, I think you have to keep a close eye on Jiang Hui. On the first day of school, he came over to strike up a conversation with me in the cafeteria. I don't know who he will provoke in the future," He Ling said.

"Jiang Hui, what else is going on? I've never heard you mention this before." Bai Xue stared at Jiang Hui with an unkind expression and said.

"This grilled wing is delicious, try it," Jiang Hui said, changing the subject.It's not good for two women to fight tit for tat, but it seems that it's not good for two women to unite.

"Change the subject again".

"Change the subject again".

Bai Xue and He Ling said these words at the same time in a tacit understanding. After they finished speaking, they were stunned for a few seconds, looked at each other, and smiled knowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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