Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 274 Defending the Radish

Chapter 274 Defending the Radish
Shining Games has been dormant for a while since "Plants vs. Zombies".Of course, during this dormant period, the people of Brilliant Games did not do nothing. In addition to the intensive development of "Glory of the King", the web game project team also developed the defense carrot planned by Jiang Hui.

Jiang Hui tried it out. This game is very simple. Players only need to use all means to protect the carrot at the end from being eaten by monsters.During the game, place the turret to snipe the enemy, and kill them before they finish eating the carrots.

It is such a simple game that is deeply loved by everyone in later generations. Jiang Hui feels that, on the one hand, the game is powerful.The exquisite packaging, cute monsters, and the hypocritical radish cry are simply adorable, and the relaxed and happy game atmosphere is indispensable.

On the other hand, the gradual increase in the difficulty of the game also arouses the player's desire to challenge.In fact, each level is a little more difficult than the previous level, but it is so addictive.The comparison between players, even if I am only one level higher than you, and I have raised one more pet than you, that feeling is super cool.Of course, a large part of the high level of the player is due to the good use of strategies and a good grasp of the characteristics of the major turrets in order to maximize their advantages in the game.

For these two simple reasons, "Defend the Carrot" has been popular for many years. Although the ability to attract money may not be as good as "Fishing Game", the game's audience area is far higher than "Fishing Game".Therefore, during the development process, Jiang Hui asked to make great efforts on the image of monsters and the shape of carrots, etc., and at the same time increase the number of levels in the game, preparing to put an atomic bomb on the web game circle again.

Under the leadership of several classic products of Brilliant Games, Tianchao's web game market exploded with great vitality ahead of schedule.Many newly established companies have begun to target the web game market.

Compared with online games, web games have a lower threshold, require less time to invest, and are relatively simple.And the development time of a web game is very short, and the capital recovery is very fast, so if you lose money, you can withdraw quickly, which is very suitable for small companies.

In recent months, the number of web games in the Xiaonei plug-in market has grown very fast. Although there are no classics like "Happy Farm" and "Angry Birds", some products are also operating well. It should be Let the game company make some money.

"Is this launch also scheduled for two o'clock in the afternoon?" Bai Xue asked.

As the deputy general manager of Brilliant Games, Bai Xue is now a bit of a strong woman, helping Jiang Hui to manage the company in an orderly manner.

"Necessary, but before going live, we should publicize it live on Xiaonei, Meituan, Tudou, and YY. At the same time, we can also let several of our anchors play the game live for a period of time after the game is released," Jiang Hui said.

"Do you still want to continue to license the game to You don't own nearly [-]% of's shares now," Bai Xue said.

"Let's go, the more than 1000 million young users of are the most potential sponsors of "Defend the Carrot". In the past, and the official website of Guanghui Games have always been launched simultaneously. This time, there will be nothing special," Jiang said. Hui said.

"Okay, then I'll ask the legal side to sign a cooperation agreement with Xiaonei immediately on "Defending the Carrot," Bai Xue said.

"You can tell Chen Hu about the game live broadcast business of YY Live. Let them choose a few popular contracted anchors, and Guanghui Games will guide them in advance on how to play "Defend the Carrot". When the time comes to live broadcast, the audience must fully experience it to the fun of the game," Jiang Hui said.

Game live broadcast will be a very popular live broadcast category in the future.Doing a good job can not only expand the live broadcast business, but also effectively promote the game.Jiang Hui intends to test the waters with "Defend the Carrot". After the online game "Glory of the King" is launched in the future, he should be able to fully develop the game live broadcast business.

"Okay, then it will be online at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon?" Bai Xue said.

"Well, you can arrange it according to this," Jiang Hui said.

As soon as the various companies of the Guanghui Group launched the "Defend the Carrot" advertisement, it attracted widespread attention from inside and outside the industry.

The position of Brilliant Games in the web games of the Celestial Dynasty is already a bit like Apple's position in the mobile phone industry in later generations.As long as some new product information comes out, it will attract widespread attention.


"Did you see the latest advertisement on the Xiaonei homepage? They are about to release a new game."

"Have you seen the game video on It seems very interesting."

"Products produced by Brilliance must be high-quality goods, look forward to ing".

"How do you feel that suddenly there are advertisements for "Defend the Carrot" everywhere, where can I play this game?".

"Such a cute radish and monster, I want this doll."


A game company.

"Sister, Brilliant Game has only been quiet for a few days, and it's come out to toss again."

"Browser games are now the dominant player in Brilliance Games."

"Can you leave a way for others to survive? They eat meat, at least leave a mouthful of soup for us to drink."

"Looking at the content of the advertisement, "Defending the Carrot" is destined to be another classic."


An advertising company.

"Have you seen the advertisement for "Defending the Carrot"? Please study it carefully, there are many new techniques that no one has used before."

"I heard that these advertisements were all designed by Huihui Games itself, and they were not entrusted to advertising companies."

"People who engage in games are better at advertising than us professionals, don't you feel ashamed?".

"I will immediately organize the creative department to study the advertisement of "Defend the Carrot"."

"As soon as possible, we just got the advertising sheet of Shengda Network, we must do it well, otherwise it will be difficult for us to accept the advertising business of game companies in the future."


A classroom at the Media University.

"Before class today, let the students watch a few advertisements, and then everyone will talk about their feelings."

The professor clicked on the links on Xiaonei, Tudou, and YY Live, and watched the advertisement of "Defending Carrots".

"I think the biggest feature of these advertisements is the diversification of distribution channels. In the past, people seldom advertised on video websites, and few people advertised in the form of live broadcast."

"The beautifully crafted images are also a highlight".

"This advertisement makes full use of various delivery methods of the Internet, which may be a development trend in the future."

"The development of Internet live broadcast business and video business has created more platforms for advertising."


The ad for "Defending the Carrot" has only been online for a day, and no one knows whether the game is fun or not, but the company's adverts on Tudou, YY Live and other platforms have become popular first.

(End of this chapter)

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