Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 273 College Entrance Examination Counseling

Chapter 273 College Entrance Examination Counseling

After Jiang Hui told Liu Chujing about the internship arrangement of his high school classmates, he didn't take care of it in detail.After all, with so many companies under his umbrella, there are a lot of things waiting for him to deal with every day.

After Bai Xue and He Ling played with Jiang Ping in the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and other places for two days, Jiang Ping followed Jiang Hui to the Science and Technology Building every day, and started the summer review task.

Jiang Ping was tutored in mathematics by a third-year intern from the Department of Mathematics of Kyoto University, and the tutor of English was a third-year intern from the English Department of BFSU.Of course, Jiang Hui also arranged for review of physics, biology, Chinese and chemistry at the same time, but the review time for these courses was relatively small.

This review team can basically be regarded as the top review treatment for the college entrance examination in China. It is really difficult for ordinary people to find several outstanding students from top universities to review for you at the same time.

These interns watched the rapid development of Guanghui Group and had a strong desire to stay and work in Guanghui Group after graduation.Not to mention that the group is currently in a stage of rapid development, and there is a huge room for promotion. Just because of the salary and benefits of the Guanghui Group, everyone wants to stay.

Unlike ordinary companies that treat interns as free labor, Guanghui Group’s interns are paid at least 100 yuan a day, plus transportation subsidies, communication subsidies, and catering subsidies. In this year, the wages are almost catching up with ordinary college graduates. average salary.

Therefore, these interns who were selected to tutor Jiang Ping in their studies were very attentive and passed on their experience to Jiang Ping without reservation.Jiang Hui also used the reason that Jiang Ping was not good at these types of questions for the college entrance examination that he knew, and asked the interns to find various types of questions of this type for Jiang Ping to practice until they could no longer master them.

According to this situation, Jiang Ping is relatively weak in mathematics, and only scored 150 points on the 86-point paper of the college entrance examination in her previous life. Now it should not be a problem to get a score of 120 or more.It should not be a big problem to increase the score from 92 to 120 in English. Coupled with targeted review of Chinese composition and major physics questions, it should be possible to add a hundred points to the overall test.In this way, it is definitely no problem to change from the second to the first, and it is still a relatively good university in the first.

Although according to Jiang Hui's net worth, it doesn't really matter what university Jiang Ping takes.But different universities will allow you to come into contact with people of different levels, and the destination of these people after graduation is also different.An ordinary secondary school is probably proud of being able to enter an ordinary top 500 company, but if it is a top university such as Huaqing University, each student will either study abroad, stay in school for postgraduate study, or go to some Morgan, Merrill Lynch, etc. Or top companies such as the headquarters of central enterprises.Different circles of classmates will also make one's vision different, so Jiang Hui still hopes that Jiang Ping can go to a better university as much as possible.

"Brother, do all the companies on these floors belong to you? Then why do I have to take the college entrance examination, just come to work?" Jiang Ping said on the way back from get off work.

"If you put it this way, Bill Gates' children will stay at home and do nothing when they are born," Jiang Hui said.

"Jiang Ping, it's very interesting to go to college. I will take you to a few colleges during the two-day weekend so that you can feel the atmosphere. Or you can take a few classes with me to learn what college life is like." Yes," Bai Xue, who was sitting in the co-pilot, said.

"I'm just kidding, I'm just not used to it, why do I feel like I have to change from an ugly duckling to a white swan," Jiang Ping said with a smile.

"With your brother here, you don't have to worry about it in this life. You can go to university well and live according to your own ideas. Whether you want to study abroad after graduation, or come to work in the company to help your brother, it's all right," Bai Xue said.

"Brother, why didn't I realize that you have a talent for business. When I was young, I played around all day long, digging out bird nests, picking wild fruits, fishing and so on. I didn't expect that you would change a lot after entering university." , Jiang Ping said.

"Your brother was so naughty when he was young, he even took out bird nests," Bai Xue said with a smile.

"Sister-in-law, you don't know, until junior high school, every summer vacation, my brother and my uncle's youngest son, Jiangfu, went around the village, and many bird nests suffered. Kingfishers, sparrows, magpies, owls and so on , he raised them all, but in the end they were all raised to death by him," Jiang Ping said.

Speaking of it, Jiang Hui really didn't like studying when he was a child. He knew how to play around in the whole six years of elementary school, and his grades in the class could only be said to be above average.In an elementary school in the countryside, a grade above the middle is considered poor.But fortunately, from the beginning of the third year of junior high school, Jiang Hui seemed to be a little enlightened. He began to be interested in learning, and his grades continued to improve.Along the way, he was admitted to No. [-] Middle School in the middle school entrance examination, and Shendu University of Science and Technology in the college entrance examination. He actually performed better than all his classmates before junior high school. People in the village refused to believe it.

"Jiang Hui, I said you are too cruel. You took so many little birds out of their nests, and you couldn't keep them alive," Bai Xue said with a smile.

"Ha, I was not sensible at that time, and I didn't have any entertainment activities. I had a TV at home but no cable. I could only watch VCDs. How could there be so many movies to watch, so I just fooled around all day long." Jiang Hui said.

"However, your childhood was quite fulfilling. My parents forced me to do my homework every day when I went home, and then I went to remedial classes, and even enrolled me in Chinese painting," Bai Xue said.

"You can still draw, why have I never seen you draw before?" Jiang Hui said.

"I just learned a little fur, and I didn't learn any more after I went to high school. Later, I will draw you a landscape painting. This is what I am best at," Bai Xue said.

"Okay, hang it in the living room after the painting is finished, let everyone appreciate it," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"How can you let everyone appreciate you? You want everyone to make fun of me," Bai Xue said with a white look at Jiang Hui.

"Sister-in-law, let me tell you, when I was young, my brother wanted to learn to play the flute on a whim, but he bought a flute and didn't learn anything?" Jiang Ping said.

"That's right, your brother can write songs now, can't he really have a hobby since he was a child," Bai Xue said.


Jiang Hui drove the Escalade and drove Bai Xue and Jiang Ping back to the Bauhinia Garden talking and laughing.

It has been four or five days since she came to the Imperial Capital, and Jiang Ping has quickly gotten used to the current life, but she has not fully adapted to the teaching in English.Originally, Jiang Hui wanted to let Jiang Ping live in an all-English atmosphere at home, but his spoken English was really ashamed to meet people, so he had to give up.

I have read three hundred Tang poems by heart, and I can chant even if I can't write poems.It's a pity that Jiang Hui doesn't have the patience to learn English.

(End of this chapter)

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