Chapter 272

"It's true, but it was a small fight at the beginning, and I didn't expect it to become popular after doing it," Jiang Hui said modestly.

"I've also heard some news. Why don't Jiang Hui introduce the situation of your company to everyone, everyone is very curious," Lu Xinyun said.

"Yes, yes, I'm curious too," Lan Chunmei said.

After Liu Donghui started this idea, everyone's interest was immediately aroused.

A lot of Guanghui Group's corporate information can be found on the Internet, so it doesn't matter to briefly introduce it.

"That's all right, let me briefly introduce it. For a while last year, I suddenly felt that there was a lack of a platform for communication among students in various colleges and universities, so I came up with the idea of ​​creating such a website. At that time, I was busy wholesale clothing The business made some money, so I started the preparations for the Xiaonei website. Later, when the Xiaonei website was launched, it happened that I had a batch of high-quality down jackets at very low prices. Let the users of the Xiaonei network increase rapidly," Jiang Hui said.

After hearing that Jiang Hui began to tell his entrepreneurial story, everyone stopped eating and drinking, and listened quietly like a student.

"Everyone should be using the on-campus Internet cafe. If you don't, you will be fined three drinks," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"There must be."

"Now I can't communicate with the surrounding students without using the school intranet."

"Are you still a normal college student without a Xiaonei account?".

The crowd said with a smile.

"As for the Xiaonei website, the more friends you have, the more fun it is. So after Down Jacket attracted the first batch of users, many people began to actively recommend students around them to use Xiaonei. Slowly, Xiaonei developed." , Jiang Hui said.

When everyone thought about it, it seemed that, just as Jiang Hui said, he registered for the Xiaonei account on the recommendation of his classmates.

"Afterwards, we opened the video upload module, live broadcast module, group buying module and other services on the campus network. Later, you also saw that these modules gradually became independent and established a separate company. Currently, the popular is It is independent from the Xiaonei network," Jiang Hui said.

"During the development of, I also developed some games and established Guanghui Games Co., Ltd., relying on several hot games such as "Happy Farm" and "Fishing Game", the entire group has achieved relatively rapid growth. development," Jiang Hui said.

"Is "Happy Farm" also owned by your company? I have to play it every day, and sometimes I got up in the middle of the night to steal vegetables," Lan Chunmei said.

"Happy Farm" is the first game of Guanghui Games, and it seems that everyone likes it quite a bit," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"It's not that I like it, but I like it very much. I think Penguin Game Platform and Du Niang also have "Happy Farm", Xiao Qing said.

"That was in cooperation with Brilliant Games," Jiang Hui said.

"Bright Game, Jiang Hui, does this mean Everbright?" Lan Chunmei asked.

"Ha, a random name," Jiang Hui said.

"Last time I read the news that Xiaonei raised 22 million yuan at a valuation of 3.3 billion yuan. Jiang Hui, you are going to become the richest college student," Liu Donghui said.

"Hey, those are all fake, real cash is the real thing. It can be valued at 22 billion today, and maybe it will become 2.2 million when some scandal comes out tomorrow," Jiang Hui said.

It is true that the valuation of Internet companies changes rapidly. Fancl Eslite was so popular back then, and its valuation was billions of dollars, but it disappeared every two years.

Of course, this is only for ordinary Internet companies. For Jiang Hui, who has been a prophet for more than ten years, he will definitely not make the company like this.

"Both Shi Gui and Xiao Dai work part-time on Xiaonei, right?" Zhong Rixing asked.

Zhong Rixing's problem is also of great concern to several other people.In fact, since everyone knew that Xiaonei was created by Jiang Hui, and Shi Gui and Xiao Dai had been working in it, they all hoped that they could go in for an internship during the summer vacation.As a well-known Internet company, is a good opportunity for you to find a job in the future, or to take the opportunity to stay and work.

"Yes, when I first started wholesale clothing, I couldn't do it alone, so I asked Xiao Dai and Shi Gui to come over to help. Later, Xiaonei network was created, and everyone continued to stay and do promotion together. The two of them also I suffered a lot," Jiang Hui said.

"In the recruitment module of, I saw a lot of information about recruiting interns from,, Guanghui Games and other companies. Does your company still need to recruit interns? But it basically requires juniors Or graduate students, is there any work we can do?" Zhong Rixing asked.

"The reason for the juniors and postgraduates is to consider that after the internship, those who are suitable can be directly transferred to regular employees, and these people can be integrated into the company immediately. But of course there are also jobs that freshmen can do. My little one and I Dai and Shi Gui are freshmen like everyone else. I welcome everyone who is willing to come and help," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

In fact, Jiang Hui had thought of recruiting these high school students before, but considering that everyone is still in freshman year, coming to work will inevitably delay the class, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad.But now it is summer vacation, so there must be no such problem. As for whether to continue the internship after the summer vacation, it depends on everyone's own wishes.

Jiang Hui knew all about these students, and after a few years of training, he could become a middle-level cadre of the company, which would also help Jiang Hui better control the companies.

"Jiang Hui, we are serious. Would it make it difficult for you to recruit six unqualified interns to join the company?" Liu Donghui said.

"That's right, has also raised funds from outsiders now, so the personnel and financial requirements are probably more stringent. If it's troublesome, forget it," Xiao Qing said.

"It might be more difficult for a large company with a long history. Internet companies like ours, which have been established for less than a year, don't have so many rules. Everyone is young, and it doesn't matter if you are a few years old. If you have any ideas, tell me at once, and I will help you all get it done," Jiang Hui said.

"If you have any ideas, we will be very happy if you are willing to let us intern. We can start work at any time, and the positions are also arranged by the company," Lan Chunmei said.

"There are quite a lot of positions that need manpower. If you have requirements, you can try to follow your wishes. Only when you are interested in the content will you be interested in doing it," Jiang Hui said.

"Then try to arrange jobs that have something to do with your major," Lin Guizhou said.

"No problem, tomorrow you go directly to the [-]th floor of the Science and Technology Building, and I will ask someone from the HR Department to arrange it," Jiang Hui said.


After solving the major issues in their hearts, everyone drank more happily, eating, drinking and chatting, and they didn't leave until after three o'clock in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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