Chapter 271
Over the past six months, the companies of the Brilliant Group have been calling the shots in the Internet world, making a lot of news, and Jiang Hui's name has also entered the eyes of many interested people.

During the winter vacation, I met my classmates who went to school in the imperial capital during the high school reunion. I originally said that I would find an opportunity to gather once every two months this year, but Jiang Hui was so busy that he didn't have time to attend.

The recent gathering was organized by students who didn't go home during the summer vacation. Li Shigui came here specifically to ask Jiang Hui if he would go.According to Jiang Hui's guess, most of the students in the imperial capital want to work and study during the summer vacation or are accepted by companies with internships.

Considering that the company now has hundreds of interns, and the demand is still increasing, Jiang Hui would like to attend this gathering. By the way, he can see who is willing to come to Guanghui Group for an internship. Bundle.Although the relationship between Jiang Hui and other classmates is not as strong as that of Li Shigui, Dai Fuqian and others, but they have worked hard together through the hard life of the third year of high school, and the relationship is still there.

This party was Li Shigui's treat, and the venue was arranged at a Hakka restaurant run by a fellow from Wu County.All of them are Hakka specialties. It is said that the boss also helped to make pure local chicken to make scallion chicken. Jiang Hui is quite looking forward to it.

Native chickens are also called grass chickens and stupid chickens. They are domesticated from ancient times. They have never undergone any hybridization and optimized mating. They have been fed naturally or combined with rough feeding for a long time. They have strong foraging and survival capabilities .It has the characteristics of resistance to rough feeding, strong nesting ability and strong disease resistance. The meat is delicious and chewy, which is very suitable for making scallion chicken.

In fact, when Jiang Hui was a child, almost every household in the village where Jiang Hui lived would raise a few hens, roosters, etc. to eat for himself.But in recent years, everyone has gone out to work, so there are fewer people raising them, and everyone eats more fast-growing chickens such as feed chickens outside. After seeing the huge difference in the taste of the two types of chicken, they began to miss native chickens.In addition, everyone's economic conditions have gradually improved, and they are willing to spend more money to buy more expensive native chickens.

However, sometimes in the city you are willing to spend money to buy authentic local chicken, but you may not be able to buy authentic chicken.

According to Jiang Hui's understanding, only chickens hatched from native eggs hatched by hens do not need to be fed with feed. They are only fed some rice in the morning and evening, and then let the chickens forage in the wild by themselves.In this way, the chickens that have been bred for about a year are considered pure native chickens.

From the appearance, the native chicken has a small head, compact body, strong breast and leg muscles, and thin chicken feet; the crown is large and upright, and the color is bright.The imitation chicken is close to the chicken, but the chicken feet are slightly thicker and the head is slightly larger.Fast chickens have larger heads and bodies, thicker feet, looser feathers, and smaller combs.Some people bought the grown feed chickens, fed them with rice for two months, and then bought them as native chickens, making it hard to tell.


Considering that it was going to a reunion with high school classmates, and it was estimated that they would have to drink some wine, driving the Escalade was too high-profile in the past, and it was inconvenient to continue driving after drinking, so Jiang Hui and Dai Fugan took a taxi from school to the reunion The place.

When Jiang Hui arrived, everyone else had already arrived.Liu Donghui from Imperial University of Posts and Telecommunications, Lu Xinyun from Huaqing University, Zhong Rixing from Beijing Normal University, Lin Guizhou from University of Political Science and Law, Xiao Qing from Kyoto University, Lan Chunmei and Li Shigui from Forestry University are all present, also known as the University of Finance and Economics. Liu Mei and Shi Guiyu from the Women's College went home and did not participate.

Jiang Hui's classmates are basically from the countryside. In the past few years, more students from the countryside have passed the college entrance examination to enter a good university. In ten or eight years, children from rural areas will have to pass the college entrance examination to enter a good university College is getting harder and harder.This trend can also be clearly seen in the college entrance examination of Wuxian No. 2016 Middle School in the next few years.In the past few years, people have been admitted to Huaqing University and Kyoto University every year, and there are not a few people who have been admitted to other key universities.And by [-], basically the top few in Wu County will be able to go to better key universities, and there will not be a student from Huaqing University or Kyoto University for many years.

It is precisely because most of the classmates in the imperial capital are from the countryside, and many of their parents are working outside, so the significance of returning to their hometown during the summer vacation is not so high.In addition, staying in the imperial capital can also earn some money through part-time jobs, so it is not surprising that only two of the eleven people go home.

"Hey, our Boss Jiang is finally free to come to the party, where are the rare guests," Xiao Qing joked with a smile.

"This is the most organized gathering of our class in the imperial capital, right? From eleven to nine, it used to be five or six, seven or eight," said class leader Lu Xinyun.

"Yeah, I guess it's really not easy to find a time when all 11 people are here, especially Jiang Hui, Shi Gui, and Fu Gan, who are always in a hurry," Lin Guizhou said.

"The three of us really don't seem to have participated in a few parties. We will be punished to eat an extra chicken leg to make up for what we didn't eat before," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Are you punished? It's obviously a reward, okay?" Lan Chunmei said.

"Didn't Zhong Rixing bring rice wine here? They will be punished three times first," Liu Donghui said.

"There is rice wine, this is good, don't say three cups, I can drink the two of them together for the whole night," Li Shigui said with a smile.

Li Shigui's alcohol capacity is the best among the crowd, and it's no problem to drink two catties of rice wine with not too high alcohol content.

"Shi Gui, don't lie to drink. This is my home-brewed rice wine. The last pot in stock will be gone after drinking it," Zhong Rixing said.

"Zhong Rixing, you bastard, you didn't let me take jars of rice wine when I went to your house during the Chinese New Year, so I must take a few jars with you next time," Dai Fu said to Zhong Rixing with a dry smile.The two of them were classmates from the first year of high school to the third year of high school, and their relationship with each other was better than that of ordinary people, and they seemed more casual when talking to each other.

"As far as your drinking capacity is concerned, it's a waste to drink it for you. Do you want to have three glasses for each person first?" Zhong Rixing said to Dai Fugan.

They are all people who have walked through the single-plank bridge of the college entrance examination together. Everyone knows the basics and understands each other's temperament better, so the atmosphere of talking is very relaxed.

After everyone sat down, Li Shigui notified the boss to start serving food.

Pork liver powder sausage soup, scallion chicken, stuffed tofu, beer duck, braised goose...all of them are local dishes, paired with rice wine and beer, everyone enjoyed it very much.

"Jiang Hui, I heard that Xiaonei was created by you. Both Shi Gui and Xiao Dai work part-time on Xiaonei?" Liu Donghui asked after drinking three rounds.

Liu Donghui majored in computer science at Imperial University of Posts and Telecommunications, so he pays more attention to Internet-related information.To be honest, when he knew that,, and were all founded by Jiang Hui, it was hard to believe it at first, so he went to confirm and verify after meeting today.

(End of this chapter)

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