Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 280 YY live broadcast also goes abroad

Chapter 280 YY live broadcast also goes abroad

Even a pig can fly when you are in the wind.The trend of the live broadcast industry has not yet come, but the popularity of YY live broadcast has attracted the attention of a lot of capital. Compared with another year, the live broadcast industry will usher in a wave of development. In order for YY live broadcast to seize the market, Jiang Hui It is planned to allow YY to enter the island countries and other East Asian markets in advance.The Celestial Dynasty, the island countries, South Korea and the Taiwan Island region can be regarded as the most promising regions for the live broadcast industry in Asia and even the world, and they can also be regarded as the regions with the most "monetization" of live broadcasts.

Tianchao's live broadcast platform will give monetary rewards to well-known and even unknown anchors.Viewers can give the anchors some virtual gifts according to their preferences, and the anchors can use these virtual gifts to exchange money with the live broadcast platform.For example, the anchors on YY live broadcast for 3-4 hours a day, as long as they are a little popular, the average monthly income can exceed 1 yuan, and it is normal for some famous ones to even hundreds of thousands a month.This also explains a recent YY report that 56% of streamers on its platform come for money, not exposure.

In order to attract users, some anchors have begun to use some seemingly crazy or even tempting methods to attract users.And if these "crazy" behaviors are not controlled, they will eventually attract the attention of the regulatory authorities. For this reason, Jiang Hui asked YY Live to specially arrange censors to filter out harmful content.But if you enter the island country market, because the island country itself has a well-developed custom industry, and even pornography and the shooting of small movies are legal, there will inevitably be some anchors who will take "extraordinary actions" different from those of the Celestial Dynasty to win them over. Users, the majority of homeboys in the island country should also like this set, so Jiang Hui chose the island country as the first stop for YY to enter the international market.

"Jiang Dong, the domain name of YY Live in the island country has been registered, and the server has also been negotiated with the island country Yahu. It will be rented from their company at that time, but Yahu wants to become a shareholder of our branch. Do you think we should agree to cooperate with them? Talk?" Chen Hu said.

Most of the Yahoo websites outside the island countries have the largest shareholder of the American Yahoo company, but this is not the case for the island countries. In April 1996, Masayoshi Son's Softbank invested US$4 million to establish the island nation of Tiger World together with Tiger Global, which was established only two years ago, of which Softbank accounted for 7200% and Yahoo Global accounted for 51%.In the second year, Yahoo was listed on Nasdaq, and six years later it was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In 35, the market value of the island nation of Tiger reached 6 billion US dollars, while the market value of Tiger Global in the same period was only 2004 billion US dollars.At the peak, the price per share of the island country Tiger even exceeded 500 million yen.Its every move has a huge impact on Yahoo's world. For example, in the 330 months from 100 to 2003, Yahoo's stock price rose by $2004, of which $12 may be attributed to the island country of Yahoo.

Supporting such a high market value, in addition to Masayoshi Son's own appeal, the island nation's Yahoo's position in the island nation's Internet market and its good revenue status can be said to be the first.During the period from 1999 to 2004, the profit growth rate of Asia Tiger was 60%, while that of Asia Tiger was only 14% globally in the same period; Tiger is in the No.1 position in the island countries, and these markets are either the most profitable Internet markets so far, or one of the most promising markets in the future.

"At what price does Yahoo want to buy a stake in YY Live's island subsidiary?" Jiang Hui asked.

"I didn't talk about the specific content, but it seems that they want to refer to the cooperation method between Yahoo Global and Softbank, but I think this request is too much, which is equivalent to being controlled by them in the island branch of YY Live Broadcasting," Chen Hu said.

"The controlling stake must not be transferred, but if they are interested in buying shares, we should not directly refuse. The island country Yahu has a very unique position in the island country's Internet industry. As outsiders, we should try our best to establish a good relationship with them." Jiang Hui said.

"Understood, then I will talk to them about the shareholding and see what conditions they propose," Chen Hu said.

"Well, since everything about the website is ready, let's officially launch it tomorrow. Try to get the full cooperation of the Xiaonei Island Branch in the early stage of the launch, and make a good start. In this way, it will be easier for you to talk about buying shares with Island Tiger Confident," Jiang Hui said.

"Understood, Mr. Jiang, where is our bottom line in this stake negotiation?" Chen Hu asked.

"YY Live's island branch must be under the control of YY Live. It can give up to 49% of the shares of Yahu, but it is best not to exceed 40%. At the same time, it is required to provide support in publicity, technology, etc. ", Jiang Hui said.

"If we sell 40% of the shares, how much do we hope these shares will be priced at?" Chen Hu asked.

"The island nation of Yahoo will have to spend at least 2000 million US dollars to acquire these shares, and at the same time all shareholders must jointly inject 2000 million US dollars for the company's promotion and development," Jiang Hui said.


"Okay, I will go to the island country Yahu to talk to them in person, and I will also bring a group of people there to run the island country branch," Chen Hu said.

"Try to choose the address of the company near the island branch of Xiaonei. I will also make the Japanese version of Xiaonei like Tianchao, and open a link to the YY live broadcast at the top. You probably need to cooperate with each other on many things in the future," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, I have also communicated with Mr. Tang initially, and then I will have a face-to-face exchange with the manager of the Xiaonei Island Branch," Chen Hu said.

"The national conditions of the island country are different from those of the Chinese Empire. Many things that are banned in the Chinese Empire are legal there. You should roll up your sleeves and do it boldly, and don't be afraid," Jiang Hui said.

"Understood, our colleagues in the international department have already contacted some brokerage companies in the island country. When the YY live broadcast is launched in the island country, there will be a group of third- and fourth-tier stars and special personnel like *** to start the live broadcast." , Chen Hu said.

"Well, the custom industry is considered a very large legal industry in the island country. You should make full use of this. What time will it go online tomorrow, and I will go to your office to take a look at that time," Jiang Hui said.

"Welcome Director Jiang to come to YY to live broadcast and guide the work. We plan to arrange it to go live at [-] pm," Chen Hu said.

"Okay, then you guys do a good job, I'll wait and see," Jiang Hui said.

(End of this chapter)

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