Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 279 Overseas Expansion of Xiaonei Network

Chapter 279 Overseas Expansion of Xiaonei Network
Time is invisible and intangible, just when you are not paying attention, it has passed you by quietly, maybe you have waited, but what can you do?
Just in the midst of being busy, July is coming to an end.The Russian version of has also been produced, and Tang Wenwen specially came here to report on the overseas development of

Since the last semi-annual summary meeting, Jiang Hui has not paid attention to the Xiaonei network for a while, and the Xiaonei network has basically entered a period of stable development.During this time, Tang Wenwen focused on attracting overseas users.

"Director Jiang, the number of overseas users of Xiaonei finally broke through the 500 million mark yesterday, and it is still increasing," Tang Wenwen said.

All regions in Asia have large populations, and the total number of college students is still very large.There are more than 1000 million college students in island countries, 400 million in South Korea, more than 100 million in Taiwan, more than 1000 in Hong Kong, more than 300 million in India, 4000 million in Vietnam, and Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines. There are still ten million or so.Counting these places add up to nearly 5000 million people.If you count Russia, which spans Asia and Europe, and other regions outside Europe and the United States, there will be almost [-] million college students.

The 500 million international users of Xiaonei is a drop in the bucket compared to 5000 million, and it can be said that the future is boundless.

"What is the distribution of our current international users?" Jiang Hui asked.

"Island countries have the most users, with nearly 300 million users, South Korea has about 100 million users, and Taiwan and other places have more than one million users," Tang Wenwen said.

"It seems that the main users are distributed in East Asia, and the South Asian region should also step up promotion efforts, especially India, which quickly seized the market before local imitators appeared or rose. Now we only have island countries and Hong Kong. Office?" Jiang Hui said.

"Yes, we are preparing to upgrade the component company," Tang Wenwen said.

"We need to speed up a bit. The island country branch is mainly responsible for the business of island countries and South Korea; the Hong Kong branch is responsible for Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia and other regions; in addition, we will set up an additional India branch to be responsible for the business of South Asia and the Middle East," Jiang said. Hui said.

"Understood, I will start the relevant arrangements immediately. In addition, besides "Happy Farm" and "Plants vs. Zombies", most of the other games of Guanghui Games are only available in the mainland. Are we considering letting Guanghui Games cooperate? How about launching international versions of various games? In this way, the number of registered international users of can be driven by games. After the number of registrations increases,’s self-promotional function will help us quickly seize the market,” Tang Wenwen said.

"You don't have to worry about this. Brilliant Games is in the field of web games. The tasks for the next two months will be to prepare the English, Japanese and Korean versions. Among them, the English versions of "Defend the Carrot" and "Angry Birds" are basically finished. The preparation is almost ready, and it can be launched at any time," Jiang Hui said.

"It's Mr. Jiang who's thoughtful, so I'll go back and make arrangements to release the English versions of these two games at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon," Tang Wenwen said.

"In the island country, find a way to let Softbank do more. They also have shares in Xiaonei. Although the current 300 million users are not small, compared with the more than 1000 million students in the island country, it is still far from enough. , I hope can win the island market first,” Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, I will ask Liu Wenfeng to coordinate with Softbank to see how to increase support for Xiaonei. But last week, I heard Liu Wenfeng mention that Softbank intends to invest more, probably because of the rapid development of Xiaonei. , I want to take more shares in the early stage," Tang Wenwen said.

"Don't worry about the B round of financing, wait for the valuation to rise again. Now I estimate that the venture capital will give a valuation of about 40 billion. If the number of international users of can be equal to or even higher than the number of domestic users If it is high, then the valuation can reach at least 70 billion, so Mr. Tang, you have to work hard," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, the number of international users of must exceed 12 million by December this year at the latest. However, may not be able to make a profit in the past six months. I plan to increase investment in promotion," Tang Wenwen said. .

"No problem, except you don't have to touch the funds for the construction of the data center, and you can spend the monthly profits from now on. I didn't expect to rely on the school intranet to make money in the next year," Jiang Hui said.

It is Jiang Hui's true idea not to withdraw money from Xiaonei in the next year.For campus SNS websites, the most important resource is the number of customers. As long as the number of customers increases, there are ways to improve profitability at any time, and the valuation of the website will also rise accordingly.Jiang Hui's goal is to have at least 3000 million users of Xiaonei this year, and strive to break through 4000 million; then at least 5000 million in the first half of next year, and at least 7000 million in the second half; and reach more than 2006 million users in 1 Quantity, then ready for listing.

In Tianchao, Xiaonei only opens up registration permissions for college students. This is mainly because the cultural level of different Internet users in Tianchao is quite different. If the registration permission is opened to all people, it is estimated that it will affect the user experience.However, in island countries, South Korea, Taiwan and other places, Jiang Hui is considering whether to adopt a different registration authority from the mainland because the university enrollment rate is already relatively high.

"Old Tang, how do you say that we open the registration authority of Xiaonei to all netizens in island countries, South Korea, Baodao, Hong Kong and Singapore?" Jiang Hui said.

Hearing Jiang Hui's words, Tang Wenwen's eyes lit up and said: "Director Jiang, this idea is absolutely perfect. I think it is completely feasible. These places are all economically developed areas, and netizens generally have relatively high education levels. It can be considered to open the registration authority of Xiaonei website to all netizens, and it will not cause too much impact on the experience of existing users,” Tang Wenwen said.

"Well, since you think so too, let's open up the registration rights of the island countries first, and then open several other regions after seeing the effect," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, Director Jiang, I plan to go to the island branch in person for a period of time in the near future, and keep abreast of user feedback after the registration permission is opened," Tang Wenwen said.

"Okay, for the personnel of the island country branch, in addition to sending out some from the headquarters, we should use local employees as much as possible for the marketing personnel. Only the island country talents know the island people best," Jiang Hui said.

"Understood, Chairman Jiang, just wait for my good news," Tang Wenwen said.

(End of this chapter)

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