Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 278 The Pig Farm in My Hometown

Chapter 278 The Pig Farm in My Hometown
The acquisition and establishment of Aofei Animation has added an important platter to the big picture of Guanghui Group.In the future, the group's game cartoon images, movie and TV character dolls will have their own production plants, will have more sources of animation, and will have more channels for adapting animation. For Aofei, it has not only expanded its business, With its own broadcast platform and a large number of high-quality IPs, it can be said to be a win-win result.

Just when Brilliance Games and Aofei were discussing the acquisition, the research team of the Agricultural University also returned to the imperial capital from Jiang Hui's hometown under the sponsorship of Brilliance Group.

Jiang Hui first learned about the pig farm expansion plan given by the research group and the construction plan for the entire col from his father.Now the research team came to the Science and Technology Building in person again to explain to Jiang Hui the planning and construction of the beautiful countryside proposed by Jiang Hui before.

"Mr. Jiang, let's explain our research group's plan for pig farms and villages," said Professor Li, the leader of the research group.

"Okay, let's read the information first and then discuss," Jiang Hui said.

According to Jiang Hui's idea, the first step is to spend more than a year to improve and expand the entire mountain col together with the pig farm.It is enough to design the pig farm with a scale of [-] pigs per year, and it is estimated that it will exceed the environmental bearing capacity of the mountain.While expanding the pig farm, the supporting biogas digesters, tap water, biogas generators, etc. will also be built.

"Mr. Jiang, first of all, let's take a look at the relevant content of the ecological pig farm. Organize pig production according to the principles of ecology and ecological economics, through biogas engineering, anaerobic plus aerobic and oxidative decomposition, multi-stage sedimentation, biological filtration A series of ecological purification treatment methods, such as the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry, fish and animal husbandry, etc., have established pigs→biogas→planting (trees, fruit trees, rice, vegetables, etc.), pigs→biogas→fish ponds, pigs→biogas→grass →Pigs and pigs→sewage→anaerobic→aerobic→advanced treatment→standard discharge (or on-site flushing) and other circular ecological agricultural models to achieve full utilization of resources, clean breeding environment, good breeding environment, reduced related stress, and ensure The effect of healthy growth of pigs, and make the best use of manure and waste in the farm, effectively preventing it from causing harm to human and pig health and polluting the environment.” Professor Li introduced a esoteric content as soon as he came up Fortunately, Jiang Hui also has a certain understanding of the piece, and can understand it.

"In order to improve the microclimate of the pig farm, purify the air, and reduce dust and noise, our research team suggested planting fast-growing forests around the pig farm and on both sides of the main road, and planting flowers, plants and trees around the pig house..." Professor Li continued.

"Professor Li, I am more concerned about the pig, biogas, and planting models you just mentioned. What specific plans do you have for planting? I hope that this planting can cooperate with the planning of the entire village to form a certain scale." , Jiang Hui said.

Jiang Hui's uncle is the village party secretary. As long as Jiang Hui is willing to pay to help improve the construction and environment of the village, it should be relatively easy to advance.It is also very beneficial to increase the prestige of the uncle by expanding the income of the village name.Although Jiang Hui probably didn't have a few days to stay in the village in his life, but for the place where he grew up, he still hopes to build a beautiful place.

"Combining the local soil, climate and other conditions, we recommend planting asparagus in ponds and paddy fields under the mountain depression. Asparagus likes fertilizer. Generally, asparagus needs 300 catties of compound fertilizer per mu, which costs about 500 yuan. There are more than 500 mu under the depression and surrounding areas. The 500 mu of asparagus in the year are all raised with the biogas slurry treated by the pig farm, saving 25 yuan in fertilizer costs alone. Asparagus not only grows well, has a good color and taste, but also from other places According to the information, the yield has also increased by 30%. The soil was compacted after the application of chemical fertilizers, and the soil was also improved after the application of biogas slurry,” Professor Li said.

"As for the slopes of the col, we believe that passion fruit can be planted. Passion fruit fruit contains a variety of vitamins, which can lower blood lipids, prevent arteriosclerosis, and lower blood pressure. It contains as many as 165 compounds, 17 amino acids and anti-cancer active ingredients , can prevent cell aging and canceration, have the effect of anti-aging and beauty..." Professor Li continued.

Jiang Hui felt that Professor Li's suggestion was quite pertinent. Seven or eight years later, some people in the village began to grow passion fruit, and they all grew well.

"In addition, Mr. Jiang, don't you hope that the village will develop tourism in the future? I think the village can consider developing into a fruit-picking tourism and leisure area model, and grow passion fruit, kiwi fruit, loquat, red bayberry, peach and other fruits in an area. , try to make things that attract tourists all year round," Professor Li said.

"Well, it makes sense. I wonder if your research group can continue to help and give guidance?" Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, actually, I have a better suggestion. I have a classmate who is now a professor at Wuyang Agricultural University. They also have research in this field, and they are located in Lingnan Province. The direction and focus of the research may meet your needs. It will be closer. If Mr. Jiang needs it, I can help you get in touch,” Professor Li said.

"Then I would like to thank Professor Li first. In addition, I think it is necessary to unify the architectural style of the village as much as possible. Does Professor Li know any teachers who are good at rural planning?" Jiang Hui said.

Most of the villages are still relatively antique yellow mud houses, which look more classical with green tiles. In a few years, everyone will have more money in their pockets, and they will start to build houses everywhere.Basically, they are cement brick houses without any aesthetic feeling. At that time, it was difficult to consider unified planning.

The village in Jiang Hui's imagination should be covered in white mist in the morning, and a clear stream runs through the whole village. With the sound of new flowing water, a few domestic ducks and geese are freely foraging.The fields in the distance are full of various fruit trees, and the villagers can also raise some bees to pick flowers.

However, it will take a few years to build it into this kind of appearance, and it is best for someone to take the lead so that other villagers can see the benefits.

For the majority of villagers, the best management method is to let them feel that their family earns more money, so they will spontaneously resist the bad habits and behaviors that affect the family's earning money, so that everyone has a sense of ownership.

After meeting Professor Li and others in the research group, Jiang Hui arranged for Dai Fugan to help follow up on this matter. Jiang Hui and Dai Fugan were in the same town, and Dai Fugan knew many things better than others.The village has done a good job, and in the future, it can slowly consider promoting it to other villages in the town.

(End of this chapter)

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