Chapter 286

"Golden September and Silver October" is a buzzword first created by the Chinese auto industry, which means that September and October are the best seasons for selling cars in a year. Now this term has become a well-known Chinese market law.

The reasons for the formation of "Golden September and Silver October" are, on the one hand, due to the high autumn air in September and October, people are impulsive in spending money and investing, and household consumption has increased significantly; on the other hand, manufacturers and car dealers took advantage of With the Mid-Autumn Festival in September (the 9th day of the eighth month in the lunar calendar generally falls in September in the Gregorian calendar) and the National Day in October, some promotional strategies will be formulated to try to create a lively atmosphere; moreover, many people in the Chinese New Year go home to drive new cars The idea of ​​going back, and many times when buying a car, you can’t pick it up right away. Besides, even if you pick up the car, you need to drive it for a month or two to become proficient. Therefore, in order to be able to drive home during the Spring Festival, the best time is around September and October. Buy a car.

The 4S shop of Wang Jiang Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. has been almost done under the management of Wang Zhenguo.Wang Zhenguo also fixed the opening time in advance and asked Jiang Hui to attend.

"Liao Yun, does our group now only have special cars for Mr. Tang and Mr. Fang, and the rest of the staff can only use official cars?" Jiang Hui asked.

"Yes, it was said before that all staff above the vice president can be assigned a car, but at that time, the management of most companies was not well-equipped. Except for Mr. Tang and Mr. Fang, all other personnel said that they did not need a special car." Liao Yun said.

"Now that the system has been formed, it must be implemented. Now it is assigned to the deputy general manager level. After the company develops well, it can be considered to expand to the ministerial level," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, then I will notify the companies to purchase vehicles," Jiang Hui said.

"How about this, a buddy in the dormitory and I opened an Audi 4S store, and you can go with me when it opens in a few days. This batch of car purchases will be a good start for one of the store," Jiang Hui said.

In 2004, the Chinese auto market was not so prosperous.

After China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, China's auto market ushered in a period of rapid growth in 2002.The growth of the automotive industry was exceptional among all industries at the time.Statistics show that in 2002, Tianchao Auto produced a total of 325 million vehicles, an increase of 2001% over 38.5.

The boom in the automobile market in 2002 stimulated major automobile companies to significantly increase their production plans. At the same time, the further reduction of import tariffs brought about by joining the World Trade Organization also stimulated the gradual increase of the impact of imported automobiles on the market.However, the outbreak of market demand in 2002 and 2003 ushered in the first sharp drop in growth rate in 2004.Data show that in 2003, the growth rate of China's auto market was as high as 34.2%, and the growth rate has slowed down to 2004% so far in 15.

That's why Jiang Hui thought about placing a batch of orders with Wang Jiang Motor's first 4S store. Anyway, these dozen or so cars are bought wherever they are bought. Why not buy them at his own company?
"Third brother, who will be present on the opening day?" Jiang Hui called Wang Zhenguo and asked.

"On the part of the manufacturer, the head of the sales department of the Audi division of Northern Volkswagen will attend; in addition, I also invited the vice president of the Tianchao Automobile Association, who is my mother's college classmate; the general managers of several other Audi 4S stores in the capital The manager will also come to participate, and some auto media have also been invited,” Wang Zhenguo said.

"Will people from other Audi stores also participate?" Jiang Hui asked curiously.

"Of course, although we are competitors, we are also partners. Discounts, car purchase requirements, etc. all need to be discussed together. Otherwise, if a store messes up, everyone will feel uncomfortable. The manufacturer also hopes that each of us The 4S stores in the area can communicate more, so their sales tours regularly organize each store to sit together and communicate with each other," Wang Zhenguo said.

"Well, why do I feel that the water in car sales is also quite deep," Jiang Hui said.

"That's a must, any line of sales is deep. Why don't you take the initiative to call me today? Do you have any instructions?" Wang Zhenguo said with a smile.

"How dare I tell you, my company is planning to allocate cars to the management, just thinking that the fat and water will not flow into the fields of outsiders, and they can be bought in our store," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, a good start. I was thinking about not being cold on the first day of opening. How many units your company plans to buy, I will sell them to you at the ex-factory price of the manufacturer," Wang Zhenguo said.

"A dozen or so, and you don't need to make a profit at a loss. The market price is whatever you want. In addition, I was thinking about whether to hold a car delivery ceremony, which will be lively," Jiang Hui said.

"It's a good idea. I think we can hold a delivery ceremony for every car deal in the future. It doesn't have to be complicated, but it makes customers feel valued. It should be very beneficial to the cultivation of the after-sales market in the future." Wang Zhenguo Said.

"You can pay attention to the after-sales market now. I think this is very rare. With the increase in car ownership, the demand for after-sales services is also increasing rapidly. In the future, it is possible to make more money selling cars than after-sales services." Jiang Hui Said.

"No way, for our current Audi, a car worth 50 million yuan, we can earn [-] to [-] yuan at will. If it depends on after-sales service, how can we make such a big profit," Wang Zhenguo said.

"You must not underestimate the money you earn from after-sales. Now the car price is relatively high and the profit is huge; in the future, the car price will only get lower and lower. When the competition is fierce, you may even sell the car at a loss. And the after-sales service is not good. Similarly, the emphasis is on long-term maintenance. On average, each car needs to be maintained two or three times a year. Including material costs and labor costs, the ordinary maintenance of an Audi needs at least 1000 yuan, and the profit inside is several hundred. Also, you haven’t counted vehicle repairs, there are so many car accidents every day, and there are many accident cars that need to be repaired, and there are many ways to make money in it,” Jiang Hui said.


This has also led to a huge profit margin in the automotive aftermarket.A parts car manufacturer buys it back from the parts manufacturer for 100 yuan, and then sells it to a 200S store for 4 yuan, and the 4S store sells it to a consumer for 400 yuan or even higher, and the profit in the middle is astonishing.

 Regarding the update, at present, we try our best to maintain the rhythm of one update in the morning, at least one update in the evening, and sometimes two updates.Nanshantang needs to go to work during the day, and only has time to code at night. Sometimes I don’t even have time to code when I work overtime. Besides, in order to ensure the quality, the update will not be particularly fast, but it will definitely not be a eunuch, and it will not be unfinished. Readers, please rest assured .

(End of this chapter)

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