Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 289 Brilliant Technology Supervision Department

Chapter 289 Brilliant Technology Supervision Department

"What did you just say, say it again?" Jiang Hui said, frowning.

"What's the matter? I mean let them submit a work report every month. Is there any problem?" Bai Xue said a little depressed.

"Not this one, but the next one," Jiang Hui said.

"The last sentence, let me say: When you have time, go to the various subsidiaries to inspect. Is there anything wrong?" Bai Xue said.

"No, that's right," Jiang Hui said, clenching his fists.

The so-called speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.Bai Xue mentioned asking Jiang Hui to visit various subsidiaries when he was free, which made Jiang Hui realize that Guanghui Group's companies have begun to disperse to various places.At present, there are Aofei Animation in Wuyang, Diandian Chinese website in Shanghai, offices of Meituan, Xiaonei, Tudou, and YY live broadcast all over the world.In the future, more and more companies will be distributed across the country and around the world. How to prevent corruption and monitor the development of each company has reached a level that needs attention.

"What did you think of? It feels weird," Bai Xue said.

"I think it's time to set up an audit and supervision department under Guanghui Technology. It regularly audits the financial status of various companies and supervises and investigates corruption. Although no corruption has been found in any company, with the expansion of business, there will be no The power of a small number of departments is growing. We cannot base integrity on individual self-awareness, but should guarantee it from the system to avoid scenes that no one wants to see,” Jiang Hui said.

When it comes to corporate anti-corruption, people often think of state-owned enterprises, while ignoring private enterprises.In fact, not only central enterprises and state-owned enterprises have tigers and flies, private enterprises also encounter similar problems.The Internet platform is a complex business ecosystem. The prerequisite for orderly operation is a set of autonomous rules, and internal corruption breaks this set of rules.Taking Meituan as an example, the platform has a huge number of participants, involving various offline industries.The consequences of breaking platform rules will naturally extend beyond the platform and the Internet industry, which can be said to destroy the business rules and business ethics of the entire society to a certain extent.

For the Internet companies under Guanghui Group, the "anti-corruption" work should be planned in advance to prevent problems before they happen.Prevention is better than cure. The establishment of a good corruption prevention mechanism by an enterprise will not only save the enterprise, but also those employees who may make mistakes.

It is true that the anti-corruption within the Guanghui Group depends on the corporate culture and management system.Corporate culture and values ​​are more about preventing corruption from the moral level, while the management system is about preventing and punishing corruption from the perspective of self-discipline mechanism.Establishing a supervisory department, establishing a comprehensive anti-corruption system, and fundamentally curbing the spread of corruption are the only solutions to the symptoms and root causes.

"This idea is also good. We can first set up a supervision department directly under the chairman, open a mailbox for reporting, and gather a group of talents who are proficient in auditing and finance. It is best to dig a few from the public security department who are proficient in economic crime investigation. If more police come to the Ministry of Supervision, at least there should be a deterrent effect," Bai Xue said.

Bai Xue's suggestion is very similar to the practice of the Professional Ethics Construction Department established by Du Niang in later generations.By hiring former police officers and prosecutors to conduct internal investigations and transfer the relevant corruption clues to the judiciary, this has made Du Niang's internal atmosphere positive.

"Well, I'm going to let Li Shigui be in charge of the content of this part. I will formulate a job responsibilities for the Supervision Department in a while, and let Li Shigui personally communicate with Liu Chujing to screen the personnel of the Supervision Department," Jiang Hui said.

"Don't you have several high school classmates doing internships in the company? You can consider choosing one or two people who you know better about character to help with. However, the Ministry of Supervision is a department that offends people. I guess not everyone is willing to go there." , Bai Xue said.

"Although it is a department that offends people, if it runs well, it will be as important as the financial department, marketing department, development department and other important departments in the company," Jiang Hui said.

"That's true. This is like the Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty. Although they were scolded by many people, their rights are very powerful," Bai Xue said.

"Eh~ Why do I think your metaphor is weird?" Jiang Hui said.


The establishment of the Supervision Department of Guanghui Technology is very low-key and very high-key.The low-key is because in the early days of its establishment, the entire department only had a few people such as Li Shigui and Lin Guizhou, and there was no establishment ceremony; Guanghui Technology Holdings Co., Ltd.

Among them, the work responsibilities of the Supervision Department and the reporting mailbox are the most concerned by employees.

The Ministry of Supervision works under the leadership of the Board of Directors of Guanghui Technology, and its duties are as follows:
[-]. Responsible for the audit and supervision of the financial revenue and expenditure and internal control system of the subsidiaries of the group, and organize and carry out internal audit.

[-]. Responsible for auditing and supervising the authenticity, correctness, compliance and legality of the financial revenue and expenditure in the accounting report.

[-]. Responsible for auditing whether the calculation of income, cost, tax and owner's equity is correct.

[-]. Responsible for auditing asset management, checking the rationality of fixed assets and current asset income and expenditure, and the authenticity of capital occupation.

[-]. Review the integrity, rationality and effectiveness of the internal control system of the group's subsidiaries in accordance with laws, regulations and the principles of scientific management.

[-]. Responsible for the audit of fixed asset investment projects of the group's subsidiaries and the management of audit files.

[-]. Regularly and irregularly audit the financial status and business activities of the group's subsidiaries, audit and supervise the implementation of financial plans and financial final accounts.

[-]. Audit the completion of the target management annual plan issued by the group company to the subordinate companies.

[-]. Review the security and integrity of corporate assets.

Ten, responsible for the company's administrative supervision.Supervise and inspect the implementation of the company's relevant laws, regulations, rules and internal systems of the enterprise; supervise and inspect the performance of job duties and management activities by managers; supervise and inspect the effectiveness, efficiency and effectiveness of enterprise management.

[-]. Accepting reports on the internal operators of the group and the personnel of the subordinate companies.Correct and deal with violations of regulations and disciplines in production and operation management.

[-]. Complete other tasks assigned by the group company.

This responsibility of the Ministry of Supervision, which was later called the "Twelve Points" by employees, was cited by many companies in their own anti-corruption efforts.Even in the anti-corruption construction many years later, the successful case of Guanghui Group's anti-corruption construction by a degree enterprise was widely reported.CCTV even made a special promotional video on corporate anti-corruption construction, and the protagonist is Guanghui Group.

(End of this chapter)

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