Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 290 Internet Conference

Chapter 290 Internet Conference


Jiang Hui received the invitation letter from the organizer one month in advance, and more than ten people in the entire group received,,, YY Live, Brilliant Games, etc. are all relatively popular companies in the Chinese Internet industry, and the organizers will definitely not miss them.

In fact, China's Internet Conference has only been held a few times, and it is still in the stage of accumulating fame. All Internet companies need this conference to show themselves, and the Internet Conference also needs more affiliated companies to participate, to enhance the warm atmosphere of the conference.Otherwise, a bunch of government leaders will be present, but it turns out that not many companies will participate, which would be embarrassing.

"What was discussed at last year's Internet Conference, what were its features, and who participated?" Jiang Hui asked Zeng Qingying.

As the secretary of the boss, in fact, it is not as long as serving tea and water as many people think.Instead, it is necessary to have an understanding of the business of each department of the company, and to grasp the relevant investigation conditions in advance for various arrangements on the boss's schedule.Just like Jiang Hui's current question, if he meets an unqualified secretary, he will definitely not be able to answer it.

"Last year's Internet Conference was held at the end of the year. Leaders of relevant state ministries and commissions, information industry authorities, relevant ministries and commissions, network operators, software and hardware equipment manufacturers, integrators, as well as famous experts and scholars in the Internet industry, well-known domestic and foreign Enterprise CEOs, industry celebrities, etc. attended the conference. At the same time, industry representatives from island countries, South Korea, and the Asia-Pacific region also organized groups to participate in last year's conference. The last conference was when the Internet economy began to recover, the Internet industry and traditional industries began to organically combine, Internet It was held under the situation that the industrial chain began to reintegrate. Compared with the first Internet conference, online game forums and online economic forums were added last year. The second Asia-Pacific Broadband Forum," Zeng Qingying said.

It can be seen that she has worked hard to understand, and Jiang Hui gave her performance [-]% in his heart.

"Come and see with me tomorrow. Also, see if you can get a list of people attending the meeting from the organizer," Jiang Hui said.

The Internet Conference is a grand event in the Internet industry in China. Enterprises and individuals who are interested in the development of the Internet industry will find ways to participate as much as possible.Jiang Hui wanted to see if there were any future big names coming to the conference, and to see if he could be poached to his company in advance.In addition, I also want to see if there are some companies that have just been established but have unlimited potential. You can consider letting Guanghui Investment inject capital. Jiang Hui has injected nearly [-] million yuan into Guanghui Investment, and the money is still lying on the bed.

"Alright, by the way, President Ma of Penguin has arrived in the imperial capital today, and I have arranged for you to have dinner with Mr. Ma on the schedule, can you attend normally tonight?" Zeng Qingying asked.

"No problem, are the boxes all booked?" Jiang Hui asked.

"It's all been arranged. It is expected that President Ma, Manager Gao, and President Ma's secretary will be present at Penguin. I will discuss it with Secretary Ma later," Zeng Qingying said.

"Talk to Bai Xue, let her go to dinner with me at night, and you can go too," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, then I'll ask the driver to wait for us downstairs at 05:30," Zeng Qingying said.

"I don't need a driver, I can just drive there," Jiang Hui said.

Jiang Hui arranged the dinner at a private restaurant where Dream Band once invited Jiang Hui and He Ling to dinner. This restaurant is very private, with a beautiful environment, delicious food, and a strong sense of class. It is used to entertain Boss Ma. It couldn't be better.

Since Penguin went public in June this year, Boss Ma's reputation in China has risen sharply.Penguin has successfully become the Internet company with the highest market value in China. The market value of Penguin has risen from 270 billion Hong Kong dollars on the day of listing to the current 320 Hong Kong dollars, and the upward trend is full. Even the shares held by Jiang Hui have also appreciated by more than [-] million yuan. .

At 10:[-] in the evening, [-] minutes earlier than the agreed time, Jiang Hui had arrived at the private restaurant with Bai Xue and Zeng Qingying.

"Keep in touch with Secretary Ma, and let me know when you arrive soon. My host will pick him up at the door," Jiang Hui said to Zeng Qingying.

"Speaking of which, Penguin Company is considered a noble person in the development of our group's business. Through "Happy Farm" and "Happy Landlord", you not only got five points of shares in Penguin, but more importantly, you got a large sum of money. The cash was used to acquire Hao123 and develop other businesses,” Bai Xue said.

"Yeah, so I still have a lot of respect for Mr. Ma, the old man. Although many people scold him and say that Penguin has always relied on plagiarism and imitation to develop, I think there are countless companies imitating and plagiarizing, and only Penguin can In the end, it is not easy to become bigger and stronger," Jiang Hui said.

"It is true that it was difficult for the early Chinese Internet companies to escape from the scope of imitating Silicon Valley Lighting companies, but the ones that survived and developed in the end were all fully improved in combination with the characteristics of China," Bai Xue said.

The two sat in the box chatting while waiting for Boss Ma's arrival.

"Boss Jiang, Boss Ma and the others are coming soon," Zeng Qingying said.

"Okay, let's go out and greet her," Jiang Hui said to Bai Xue.

Jiang Hui and the others waited at the entrance of the private restaurant for a few minutes before Boss Ma's car arrived.

"Mr. Ma, I haven't seen you for two months. Your style is better than before." Jiang Hui said with a smile while shaking hands with Boss Ma.

"Young people are awesome. In the past two months, I have been seeing the news of your companies. Xiaonei and YY Live have successfully entered the island market, and they have achieved very good results. I am so envious. If you want to say which Chinese Internet company has done the best internationalization, it must be you," said Boss Ma with emotion.

"President Ma, Manager Gao, why don't we go in first and chat slowly inside," Bai Xue said.

"That's right, Mr. Jiang, please." Boss Ma stretched out his hand to signal Jiang Hui to leave first.

"We are all old acquaintances, so you don't have to be polite, let's go together," Jiang Hui said.

Boss Ma is now a well-known figure. Although ordinary people may not recognize him immediately when they see him, Du who comes to eat is not an ordinary person, so it is really not suitable for chatting and being polite at the door. If you have anything to say, go slowly in the private room. Just talk.

(End of this chapter)

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