Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 291 One line of software is not written

Chapter 291 Didn't Write a Line of Software
Boss Ma is from Lingnan, and he and Jiang Hui are half fellows. Jiang Hui has ordered the dishes in advance according to the characteristics of Chaoshan taste.

"How long is President Ma going to stay in the imperial capital this time?" Jiang Hui asked.

"Although this Internet conference lasts for three days, I will go back to Shenzhen in the afternoon the day after tomorrow. There are many things that I cannot leave the company for a long time," said Boss Ma.

"That's true. I also deeply feel that I don't have enough time. There are endless things to do every day," Jiang Hui said.

"Your stall is too big, that is, you, if you change someone, the game will collapse," Boss Ma said.

"I was thinking of asking you to teach our company's employees," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Aha, you still remember this episode. You mentioned it when you visited Penguin last time, but this time the time is too late. I will visit your company next time. In fact, Mr. Jiang, you are now in Tianchao For their status in the Internet world, it is enough to have you come to teach them directly, and I can’t even show that little stuff in front of you,” Boss Ma said with a smile.

"Mr. Ma, you are starting to embarrass me again. Since you don't have time to go to the company, let's teach and teach now. Let us listen to the teachings of the founder of the number one Internet company in China," Jiang Hui said.

"That's right, Mr. Ma, you should just point out us young people," said Bai Xuebang eagerly.

"I suggest that Mr. Ma and Mr. Jiang exchange their views on the Internet, and let's take the opportunity to listen to some content that is not suitable for publication in public," said Manager Gao.

"Okay, since you are all interested in listening to my nagging, then I will say a few words. I will just say it casually, and you can listen to it with your ears. If it makes sense, you can refer to it, and if it doesn't make sense, just listen to it with your left ear. It can go out in the right ear or in the right ear and out in the left ear,” said Boss Ma.

"First of all, let me talk about my attitude towards Internet products. My style is: to be pragmatic and focused, always passionate, thirsty for knowledge; to think quickly and execute firmly; to focus on strategy, speed and details, and to do it myself. Think like a novice user, and use the product frequently every day, constantly discovering deficiencies, discovering one a day, and solving one, will trigger a word-of-mouth effect,” said Boss Ma.

"A good product does not need a so-called particularly powerful design, because people who feel particularly good will deliberately create something that shows that they are powerful, but users don't need it at all. This is often the end of the road. Resources are just addition, and product strength is king. .10 weak ones are not as strong as one strong one. Otherwise, a bunch of products that cannot be made can only reduce points and distract energy,” Boss Ma continued.

Boss Ma's point of view is very consistent with the characteristics of Penguin Communications.Whether it is finding and solving problems every now and then, or the simple, practical and easy-to-use features, it all reflects the style of Boss Ma to a certain extent.

"Indeed, the simple way is the most simple. When a product is so simple that even a fool can use it smoothly, it will be the most successful," Jiang Hui said.

"I've also been paying attention to the development of Guanghui Group recently. To be honest, seeing,, and other companies supporting each other, I think Internet companies in the future may not be able to grow big by fighting alone. I don’t know if Mr. Jiang’s continuous establishment of new companies is also due to this consideration,” Boss Ma said.

"How should I put it, it has been ten years since the Internet entered China, and I think it's time for a change in the way it develops. I think a new era of the Internet is coming. This will be an era that encourages sharing and the rise of platforms. Era. The era of relying on a single product to win users has passed, and the traditional thinking that channels are king is no longer popular. In the new era, if you still carry these burdens, it is equivalent to installing a tractor engine on the Boeing 787. I can't fly," Jiang Hui said.

"How to create a platform for more partners to co-create and for users to choose freely, I think this is the question that practitioners in the new era of the Internet need to think about. This new era no longer believes in the traditional law of the jungle like the jungle. What is more advocating is the law of the sky. The so-called sky is high and birds fly. All people are under the same sky, but the dimensions of existence are not completely overlapped. The most successful thing is the ability to discover needs and actively create a sharing platform,” Jiang Hui said.

"That's very good, Mr. Jiang, I would like to toast you three times. This problem has been bothering me recently. Today I listened to your words, which is better than ten years of reading. Finally, I found the direction by clearing the clouds and seeing the fog ", Boss Ma clapped his palms, raised his wine glass and said to Jiang Hui.

Jiang Hui's point of view is Boss Ma's own speech a few years later. It's no wonder that Boss Ma doesn't resonate with him when he speaks it out now.

"President Ma is too polite, I just made some nonsense," Jiang Hui also picked up his glass and said.

"No, Mr. Jiang, this is definitely not nonsense. The rapid development of Guanghui Group in the past half a year is because Mr. Jiang has applied the Internet development method of the new era to the development of the enterprise. Everyone is still struggling in an agricultural society, so it’s no wonder you’re not the only one to lead the way if you use industrial production to develop ahead of time,” said Boss Ma.

"I just walked a little faster than others. Once everyone reacts, with my scumbag management level, Guanghui Group will be in trouble," Jiang Hui and Boss Ma said after drinking a toast.

"The level of management will gradually improve, let's just talk about myself. Before the age of 20, I was a very introverted programmer, the head of a small team that could only manage a few people. The people around me, my parents, including myself I don’t think I will start a company or manage a company, because I don’t look like this kind of person. My only capital is that I have written tens of thousands of lines of C language code and have taken over a few projects. But I am very Many people want to create a product, but the original company has no way to provide such an environment. It seems that only by starting a company can meet this requirement, so I was forced to choose to start a business. Slowly, there are more management things , I have seen a lot of things, and my level will naturally improve. Mr. Jiang, your performance is much better now than I was at the beginning," Boss Ma said.

"Mr. Ma, did you encounter any problems when you started your business?" Bai Xue asked.

"Of course starting a business by yourself will bring a lot of problems. Do you know? At that time, I found that I didn't need to write any code for the first half year of being a company, and all my energy was always on writing materials for bidding, saying that we have this software and what can we develop. , In fact, we didn’t write a single line of software at that time,” Boss Ma said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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