Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 292 The Exchange Between the Future Internet Giants 2

Chapter 292 Communication between the two Internet giants in the future

When Boss Ma said, "I didn't write a line of software", it caused a burst of laughter from everyone present.

To a certain extent, this represents the entrepreneurial environment of the early Chinese Internet.People with technology and ideas lack funds and have no way to develop, so they have to run projects and solicit investment everywhere, and have no time to study technology.

"Mr. Ma, I have a headache right now. Because the company is developing too fast, there is a lack of talent accumulation, and there is always a shortage of manpower, especially for managers at the department leadership level. What do you think about employing people?", Jiang Hui said.

"For Penguin, or for me, the first thing to look at when selecting talents for a company is their character. I put a lot of emphasis on this, and it has something to do with our company culture. The founder team likes simplicity and does not like to be politicized. Including the selection of cadres, character is very important. The second is to look at professional ability, cooperation ability, intelligence, etc. The combination of these factors is our several principles for selecting talents," said Boss Ma.

"It makes sense. The more important a person is, the more important they are, but the more damage they will do to the company. Only when there is no problem with their character, should they be considered in combination with other factors," Jiang Hui nodded.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm more curious about how you view the future development trend of the Internet in China?" Boss Ma asked.

"Keep innovating. In the past ten years, China Internet has used its local advantages to successfully resist the attacks of international giants and achieved a comprehensive victory. However, it is the next ten years that will really determine the survival of China Internet. In this decade, Chinese companies must not only cooperate with international companies. Competing for services requires innovation and core technical capabilities,” Jiang Hui said.

"Innovation is definitely necessary. You can't always rely on imitating Silicon Valley. Guanghui Group is doing better in this regard. Whether it is Xiaonei, Tudou or Meituan, they are all original. It can be said that they have set a trend in the industry. Penguin is not as good as you in this regard," Boss Ma said sincerely.

"Mr. Ma is the one who can break out of the crowd of competitors. I am just opportunistic, and there is some element of luck in it," Jiang Hui said.

If the rebirth is luck, then the development and growth of Guanghui Group really depends on luck. Of course, Jiang Hui has also put in a lot of hard work.

"If you only have one Xiaonei network, then it can be said that there is an element of luck in it to a certain extent, but then you have so many companies that are running very well, this is definitely not something that can be explained by luck." , Boss Ma said.

"Listening to the chat between Mr. Ma and Mr. Jiang, there is a feeling of Huashan discussing swords. They are the same characters, and we belong to passerby A and passerby B," Manager Zhou said with a smile.

"It really feels like a duel between masters. Come on, let's have a toast with the incisive insights of Mr. Ma and Mr. Jiang," Bai Xue said.

Although there are six people attending the dinner tonight, the protagonists must be Boss Ma and Jiang Hui, and Manager Zhou and Bai Xue are supporting roles. As for Zeng Qingying and Boss Ma's secretary Xiao Ying, they are purely soy saucers, basically without them Talking portion.

"The Penguin game platform accounts for more than [-]% of Penguin's total profit. Mr. Ma, what do you think of the current online games?" Jiang Hui asked.

"The sad thing about the online game industry now is that the situation is too chaotic, and the industry has not yet entered a stable era. There are several small companies in Tianchao who can develop a small online game and then go public. Many coal bosses also go to do it, dig a few people out and do it , also want to go public. So the online game is a bit messy, after all, the profit is too high," said Boss Ma.

"Big fish eat small fish. Sooner or later, this industry will be reshuffled. In the end, there will only be three or five large-scale enterprises left," Jiang Hui said.

"Why, Mr. Jiang intends to enter online games? Isn't your Guanghui game mainly focusing on web games now? Is this the rhythm of transformation?" Boss Ma said.

"It depends on the situation. Mr. Ma, you said that the online game industry is too profitable, and I am reluctant to give up. Now Guanghui Group needs a cash cow to support the rapid development of the group's companies," Jiang Hui said.

"In fact, you can also choose financing. From my personal experience, for most entrepreneurs, getting financing from venture capital is actually the most important," said Boss Ma.

"It is true for most entrepreneurs, but I don't think I am one of them. I am very optimistic about the future of the companies under Guanghui Group, but because the companies are just starting up, China's Internet penetration rate It’s not very high, and the potential of each company has not fully exploded, so there will be no high valuation, so I want to reduce risk financing as much as possible,” Jiang Hui said.

"I heard that and YY Live have conducted a round of financing silently, and and even introduced IDG, Softbank and Sequoia earlier. This shows that Mr. Jiang, you should be I’m not against financing,” Mr. Ma said.

"I am not opposed to financing, but I hope to raise funds at a more appropriate valuation. The financing of Xiaonei and Meituan belongs to the needs of development, while Tudou and YY Live are even considered to be the introduction of strategic investors," Jiang said. Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, Penguin is also very optimistic about companies such as Tudou and Meituan. If you are planning the next round of financing, please let me know. Penguin also wants to join," Boss Ma said.

"No problem, under the same circumstances, I will give priority to cooperating with Mr. Ma," Jiang Hui said.

"I see that in recent months, Guanghui Group has been busy expanding its market internationally. Penguin has not done enough in this regard. What do you think are the ways that China's Internet companies choose to go international?" said Boss Ma. .

"Let's think about it, generally speaking, there are about four ways.

The first one, according to the normal experience of American Internet companies, is to set up a branch abroad and copy all the models from the headquarters.Just like YY Live has set up branches in island countries to develop and provide live broadcast services.

The second is to use the products of Tianchao as the core, and use the advantages of Internet channels combined with local procurement to serve the local market.However, in this area, there are no companies that are doing very well.

The third is to try to combine the micro-innovation of Tianchao Company with the local market for in-depth development based on the successful experience of Tianchao Internet.Taking Xiaonei as an example, after optimizing the campus SNS model, it will be promoted to all netizens in the island country.

The fourth is to directly control a local company with certain advantages in the local market through acquisition and investment, and then use this company to deeply integrate with China's business.In this area, although no company has made me think that it is doing particularly well, it should also become a trend.

At present, I can think of the above four, probably,” Jiang Hui said.

"In just a few seconds, Mr. Jiang thought of four ways, which is very remarkable. Come on, I respect you," said Boss Ma.


Jiang Hui and Boss Ma chatted while eating. Although there was an age gap of more than ten years between the two, they still had a good time talking, as if they had forgotten their friendship.

 Thanks to "adult 911" for the reward~~
(End of this chapter)

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