Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 293 It's Reasonable

Chapter 293 It's Reasonable
After dinner, Zeng Qingying insisted on taking a taxi back by herself, probably because she knew that Jiang Hui and Bai Xue were going back to their love house, and they didn't want to continue to be light bulbs for the boss.

"When I was eating just now, I saw you and Mr. Ma talking about the development of the Internet calmly, and I felt very stressed," said Bai Xue, sitting in the co-pilot.

"What's the pressure? You have nothing to be afraid of as a game queen. When "Glory of the King" is launched, the title of this game queen will probably become even louder," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Hey, I didn't do anything in Brilliant Games. The development of the game was already arranged by you. I was quite embarrassed to hear about Game Queen," Bai Xue said.

"No, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. I just arranged a general direction, and you are still following up on the details. Without your efforts, there would be no rapid development of Glorious Games. You don't have to feel embarrassed."

"But I am worried that the people below will not convince me."

"If someone is really disobedient, then let him find another job."

"It's not that good."

"There's nothing wrong with it. You are the person in charge I appointed. If anyone refuses to accept it, then pick a few out to make an example of others and let others know what the boss has the final say on."

After being interrupted by Jiang Hui, Bai Xue, who was a little emotional, a little uneasy, and a little unconfident, returned to normal.Although Bai Xue is very good herself, she is actually under a lot of pressure when she meets Jiang Hui, who has golden fingers every now and then.In the company, there is no need to understand, Bai Xue also knows that many employees will say that she is Jiang Hui's girlfriend, and it is not surprising that some beautiful female employees want to replace her.

Fortunately, Bai Xue knew Jiang Hui before Jiang Hui made a fortune, but no one dared to say that she and Jiang Hui were together for the sake of glory and wealth.If Jiang Hui chases Bai Xue again half a year later, Bai Xue really doesn't know if she has the courage to bear Zhou Wei's pressure.

The older generation often say that you need to find someone who is well-matched.Many people may scoff at this statement.But it is undeniable that children from two well-matched families will be more likely to walk hand in hand on the road of love.When Jiang Hui chatted with Jiang Ping last time, he half-jokingly said that he believed in "the right family", which was actually from his heart.

The right family is the foundation of a happy marriage, but it is a stumbling block to love. If two people with similar family backgrounds, similar wealth, similar knowledge and ability, and similar looks are together, no matter how much you love each other and how you stay together for the rest of your life, you will not be rejected. Written in the book, it is praised as love, because most people in this world follow this principle, what we think of as love is to go through untold hardships and never leave, because everyone thinks that true love is not so easy to come across.

Jiang Hui thinks this is why most people in the world, when they are young, will do "a poor boy like Xue Rengui ends up marrying a prime minister with three thousand pieces of gold", "an ordinary girl like Cinderella ends up marrying a man who combines wealth and power". The Prince" dream.The point presented in the story is to make men upright and brave, and women to be hardworking and kind, and then you will have a rich man or a prince marry you, and then we will unconsciously put ourselves on ourselves, I am upright and brave , I am hardworking and kind, so I will definitely marry the goddess in my heart, or marry the male god in my heart.

In this real society, when we grow up, we find that we have been cheated.Being upright, brave, and responsible may not necessarily marry you, because you don't even have the chance to meet her, and being hardworking and kind does not necessarily mean that a prince will marry you, because you will never meet him at all.

"By the way, your mother has called you almost every night recently. Does she know that you have a boyfriend?" Jiang Hui said.

During this period of time, Jiang Hui basically spent every night with Bai Xue in the Bauhinia Garden, and Bai Xue's mother would call and chat with Bai Xue basically every night.

"Well, I guess I guessed it. I heard from Song Min that my mother called the dormitory several times to find me, but she couldn't find me, but when she called me, she didn't mention that I was not in the dormitory. Just ask me what I am doing, pay attention to safety and so on, and then find out where I am by insinuating," Bai Xue said.

"If you know it, you know it. Next time she asks you, just tell her the truth," Jiang Hui said.

"I dare not, although they should be able to accept me talking about a boyfriend. But if they know that I'm living with you, they probably won't be able to accept it, and they will be very angry," Bai Xue said.

"Then tell her step by step, let them have a process of acceptance," Jiang Hui said.

"Well, let's wait until my mother asks me next time. What should I wear when I go to the Internet Conference tomorrow?" Bai Xue said.

The woman's thinking really jumped, and she immediately began to care about what clothes to wear tomorrow.

"Just wear the skirt you usually go to work, I think it's very beautiful," Jiang Hui said.

"Is there? Do you really like me wearing it like this, or is it just a perfunctory thing?" Bai Xue said.

"I really like it. You look great in your professional suit," Jiang Hui said.

"Even if you can talk, then wear a skirt," Bai Xue said.


After returning home, Jiang Ping was reviewing her homework in the living room alone.

"You two are back in style," Jiang Ping said when she heard the door open.

"Jiang Ping, guess who we went to have dinner with today?" Bai Xue said.

"She didn't know that my request to Comrade Jiang Ping in the next year is to keep my ears to the outside world and only read the books of sages," Jiang Hui said.

"Brother, you are being lenient to yourself and strict to others. I didn't see how serious you were studying when you were in the third year of high school."

"Hey, this is a world that only looks at the result and not the process. I don't care if I studied hard in my third year of high school. Anyway, I was admitted to a university, and it was still a university with 985 and 211. If you think you can pass the exam, you don't have to be so serious. educational".

"Forget it, I have a low IQ, so I'd better fly the stupid bird first."

"Have self-knowledge".

"Jiang Hui, let me tell you, how can you belittle your sister like this, really."

"That's right, sister-in-law, please discipline my brother for me, otherwise he will become more and more arrogant. Now his company has not fully developed and grown, you can still persuade him, don't manage him well at this time, wait for him When he is well-known in the whole country, you won’t be able to control him.”

"Hey, I can't control him now."

(End of this chapter)

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