Chapter 294

The Imperial Capital International Conference Center is located in the prosperous Asian Games Village area of ​​the North Fourth Ring Road, at the intersection of the North Fourth Ring Road and the central axis of Beijing, close to the future National Stadium Bird’s Nest and Water Cube, and only 10 minutes’ drive from the Bauhinia Garden where Jiang Hui lives. Of course, the premise is that there is no traffic jam.

In the morning, after Jiang Hui and Bai Xue got up and had breakfast, they didn't go back to the company and drove directly to the site of the Internet conference.When Zeng Qingying was about to get off work yesterday, she had already sent Jiang Hui a list of some companies and people attending the Internet conference, and the invitation letter for the conference had also been sent to Jiang Hui.

Compared with the previous two sessions, this year's Tianchao Internet Conference has significantly improved its specifications, scale, and quality while maintaining the deep participation of leaders, international and domestic experts, and business representatives and the authority of the conference.Enterprises and users from upstream and downstream industries such as basic networks, basic services, and application fields are widely involved. Enterprises in telecommunications, communications, computers, Internet services, and various traditional industries and their upstream and downstream partners gather on this professional platform to conduct in-depth exchanges. ,Practical cooperation.

According to the characteristics of the Celestial Dynasty, the opening ceremony of this kind of conference must be to gather everyone in a hall to listen to the long speeches made by the government leaders.Entrepreneurs will go to various sub-forums to start communicating and listening to the speeches of some business people and social celebrities after accepting the round-robin battle of a group of officials.

Jiang Hui is the chairman of many companies such as Xiaonei, Tudou, Meituan, etc. The organizer arranged Jiang Hui's position in the third row of the conference, which is basically a very good position in the corporate circle.Because according to the usual practice, the first row is filled with leaders of relevant ministries and commissions, and the second row is also invited personnel from large international companies such as Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, and Intel.Most of the leaders in China's Internet industry are in the third row.

The rest of the Guanghui Group, such as Bai Xue, can only be arranged in the back, but fortunately, companies such as Xiaoneiwang and Guanghui Games are also well-known in China, so most of the positions are in the fourth and fifth rows.But Zeng Qingying and other accompanying personnel had to sit in the back row.

Pay attention to the number plate on the table. This number plate is also the treatment enjoyed by the first three rows. From the fourth row, there are only stools and no tables. Boss Ma from Penguin, Boss Chen from Shengda Network, Xinlang, NetEase, CEOs of Sohu and other companies are also in this row.

Jiang Hui discovered a very coincidental thing. Next to his seat were Boss Li from Du Niang and Ma Tianxing from Alibaba, and next to him were Boss Ma from Penguin and Rebus from Jinshan.Looking at this seat again in more than ten years, you will find that these few people basically represent the middle power of the Chinese Internet in the future, especially the Guanghui Group, Penguin Company, Du Niang, and Alibaba, which are almost the most essential part of the Chinese Internet. up.China's future Internet 1+3 top 4 giant structure made its debut at this Internet conference.

"Hello, I'm Jiang Hui." When Jiang Hui came to his seat, Alibaba's Ma Tianxing was already sitting there.

Ma Tianxing was born in 1964 and is just 40 years old this year, but he looks like he is in his 30s from the outside.The 40 years of Ma Tianxing can be regarded as 40 years full of legends.

In 1982, Ma Tianxing took the college entrance examination for the first time and failed for the first time, scoring only 1 point in mathematics.Ma Tianxing was full of frustration. Later, he and his cousin went to a hotel to apply for a waiter job. As a result, his cousin was hired, but he was rejected. The reason given by the boss was that Ma Tianxing was thin and short, and he was not good-looking.Later, Ma Tianxing worked as a secretary and porter.Ma Tianxing failed the college entrance examination, his father, Ma Laifa, saw that he was depressed, and asked him to send books to the magazine on three wheels.

In 1983, Ma Tianxing took the college entrance examination for the second time and failed again, improving his mathematics score to 19 points.Ma Tianxing's parents persuaded him to stop going to university and learn a craft well. After that, Ma Tianxing began to ride that old bicycle again, shuttling through the streets and alleys of Hangzhou.

In 1984, despite his family's strong opposition, Ma Tianxing took the college entrance examination for the third time. This time he scored 89 points in the math test, but he was still 5 points away from the undergraduate course.Since the enrollment quota for English majors was not met, some excellent English students had the opportunity to be promoted to undergraduates. Ma Tianxing was promoted to the foreign language undergraduate major by Hangzhou Normal University.After entering the university, Ma Tianxing became a good student with excellent character and learning, and was firmly in the top five of the foreign language department with his excellent English.

After graduating from university, Ma Tianxing started his career as a teacher. After working as a teacher for several years, Ma Tianxing became restless again.Has been tossing for many years, working as a translation agency, creating Haibo Computer, Tianchao Yellow Pages, etc., until March 1999, Ma Tianxing officially resigned from public office, and returned to Hangzhou with Ma Tianxing's team, later known as 3 Arhats, and founded Alibaba .

From then on, Ma Tianxing started his cheating life.

"Hello, I'm Ma Tianxing, you can call me Feng Qingyang," Ma Tianxing greeted Jiang Hui humorously.

"Feng Qingyang" is the nickname Ma Tianxing gave himself. He said that he likes Feng Qingyang.First, he is a teacher, he didn't want to come out but he trained Linghu Chong.The second one is that he has a trick to win without a move, and the last move without a move is a move.Under this concept, a group of grown-up managers came into being within Alibaba.First there was Lu Zhaoxi who was fighting fires everywhere, then Zhang Yong who became more responsible after the October siege, and of course there was Peng Lei who helped Alipay through the crisis and built it into the largest third-party payment platform in China.

However, the outside world remembers the nickname "Alien". "Alien" is said to be because Ma Tianxing's appearance and way of doing things are different from others, so friends in the circle got him for him.Whether the way of doing things is different, Jiang Hui doesn't know yet, but the appearance is different from others, Jiang Hui can see it.

"Hello Feng Daxia, I heard that Feng Daxia named Alibaba's office after the holy land of martial arts in Jin Yong's novel: your office is called Peach Blossom Island, the conference room is called Guangmingding, and the bathroom is called Tingyuxuan," Jiang Hui said with a smile .

"Haha, I didn't expect it to spread so fast. It is true. I like Jin Yong's martial arts novels, so not only do I call the office Peach Blossom Island, I also display a lot of swords in the office. These swords I will carry it with me, and I will move it wherever I go to work. Sometimes, I will wander around the company with a shining sword," Ma Tianxing said.

No one in the later generations would have imagined that among the four giants of 1+3 in China Internet, the Guanghui Group with the most grievances and the two leaders of Alibaba would talk about these things when they met for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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