Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 297 Internet+

Chapter 297 Internet+
"Internet+, I've only heard of the Internet. This is the first time I've heard of the word Internet+. What does this word mean?" Chen Li asked.

"In layman's terms, Internet + is Internet + various traditional industries, but this is not a simple addition of the two, but the use of information and communication technology and the Internet platform to deeply integrate the Internet and traditional industries and create a new development ecology. For example, our group’s is actually a company developed from the combination of Internet + catering industry, Internet + entertainment industry,” Jiang Hui said.

"I probably understand when you say that, I used Meituan a few days ago," Chen Li said.

"Internet+, which represents a new social form, is to give full play to the optimization and integration of the Internet in the allocation of social resources, deeply integrate the innovative achievements of the Internet into various fields of economy and society, and enhance the innovation power of the whole society. and productivity, and form a broader new form of economic development that uses the Internet as its infrastructure and tools,” Jiang Hui said.

Now is an era when all people pay attention to GDP, especially government officials, journalists and media are more interested in topics such as GDP and economic development.

"What does the new form of economic development mean? Can you tell us more about it?" Chen Li said.

"The new economic form represented by Internet + refers to the combination of the Internet and traditional industries relying on Internet information technology to complete economic transformation and upgrading by optimizing production factors, updating business systems, and restructuring business models. Internet + The purpose is to give full play to the advantages of the Internet, deeply integrate the Internet with traditional industries, improve economic productivity through industrial upgrading, and finally increase social wealth,” Jiang Hui said.

"It sounds a bit advanced. Can you give some specific examples like just now to make it easier for everyone to understand?" Chen Li said.

"No problem, then I will just talk about a few examples. A school, a teacher, and a classroom are traditional education; a dedicated education network, a mobile terminal, and millions of students, the school is your choice. The teacher is up to you to choose, this is Internet + education,” Jiang Hui said.

"For another example, after making a movie and investing a lot of manpower and material resources, if it cannot be broadcast on TV stations or movie theaters, then all the investment may be in vain; and put movies and TV dramas on Internet broadcasting platforms such as , you can watch it at any time, this is Internet + entertainment," Jiang Hui said.

"That is to say, the combination of Internet + various traditional industries is Internet +?" Chen Li said.

"No, this is not a simple addition of the two, but the use of information and communication technology and the Internet platform to deeply integrate the Internet with traditional industries and create a new development ecology. Internet + several major features," Jiang Hui said.

"One is cross-border integration. + means cross-border, it means reform, it means opening up, and it means reshaping integration. If you dare to cross-border, the foundation for innovation will be more solid; if you integrate and collaborate, group intelligence will be realized, from R&D to industrialization The path will be more vertical. Fusion itself also refers to the fusion of identities, the transformation of customer consumption into investment, the participation of partners in innovation, and so on," Jiang Hui said.

"The second is innovation-driven. China's extensive resource-driven growth model will be unsustainable sooner or later, and it must be transformed to the correct path of innovation-driven development. This is exactly the characteristic of the Internet. Using the so-called Internet thinking to seek change and self-development Revolution can also give full play to the power of innovation," Jiang Hui continued.

"The third is to reshape the structure. The information revolution, globalization, and the Internet have broken the original social structure, economic structure, geographical structure, and cultural structure. Power, rules of procedure, and discourse power are constantly changing. Internet + social governance, virtual Social governance will be very different,” Jiang Hui said.


Jiang Hui talked alone for more than ten minutes, and Chen Li's eyes were straightened when he heard it.All kinds of nouns came out of Jiang Hui's mouth, enough for her to digest.

"Mr. Jiang, thank you for your sharing. At the end of the interview, do you have anything to say to our new Internet entrepreneurs? Especially for those college students or those who have just graduated?", Chen Li said.

"Entrepreneurship is a complex yet simple matter, and I have a message for everyone.

A man with a goal is running,

The aimless are sleeping,

because he didn't know where he was going;

People with goals are grateful,

People without goals are complaining,
Because I feel that the whole world owes him;
People with goals can't sleep,

A person without a goal cannot sleep,

Because I don't know what to do when I get up;

Give life a dream, a road for the dream, and a direction for the road;
If you fall down, you must learn to get up by yourself; if you are injured, you must learn to heal yourself;
Life can only come out of the splendor, there is no waiting for the splendor;

Complaining is just a sign of cowardice;

Hard work is the attitude of life! ", Jiang Hui said.

"Thank you Mr. Jiang. After listening to your words, I feel that my enthusiasm for working overtime at night is even higher. I hope these words can encourage more young people to participate in Internet entrepreneurship," Chen Li said.


After Jiang Hui finished the interview, he wandered around the scene for a while.After lunch, it was the closing ceremony of the conference.

There were quite a few entrepreneurs who came to this conference. What surprised Jiang Hui was that during the closing ceremony, the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic work of the Government Affairs Council actually came to the venue to give a closing speech.Generally, the opening ceremony of these conferences is more important than the closing ceremony. The big leaders also attend the opening ceremony for a while and then disappear. The importance of the Internet conference has been greatly raised to a higher level.

Under such circumstances, the media will definitely report heavily on the Internet Conference in the next few days, and even tonight's CCTV news will report that the Vice Premier will attend the conference.

For Internet practitioners, this is actually a very good thing.The government pays more attention to it, the media reports more, and more people pay attention to the Internet.Some parents who originally disagreed with buying computers for their children will change their minds; some people who do not have access to the Internet will try the online world; some funds that have nowhere to go will spontaneously pour into the Internet.

In short, this effect can only be seen slowly.Besides, the deputy prime minister is here this year, and the Internet conference will be held tomorrow. The leaders who will come will not be low-level. It can be said that in the future, leaders above the deputy national level will basically attend the conference.

Is the golden scales a thing in a pool, it turns into a dragon in a storm!

(End of this chapter)

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