Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 298: Famous Again

Chapter 298: Famous Again
As Jiang Hui expected, starting that night, there were more reports about the third China Internet Conference.More TV stations and evening newspapers began to broadcast and publish relevant content.

Not to mention the online media, they are members of the Internet, and they pay a lot of attention to the China Internet Conference.

Websites such as and have set up special reports. Basically, it is difficult for anyone who surfs the Internet not to be overwhelmed by the news of the Internet Conference.

"Very congratulations on the successful conclusion of the third China Internet Conference."

"Ten-Year Prospects for China's Internet Development".

"Compendium of guest keynote speeches".

"The most critical thing about China's Internet is the next decade"


Basically, the headlines of every website are dominated by content related to Internet conferences.There are many comments from netizens behind each news.

"I didn't expect the Internet to develop in China for only ten years."

"What is ten years, it has been ten years."

"In the past ten years, we have mainly imitated, and it depends on the next ten years."

"Now that everyone's living standards are getting higher and higher, and the penetration rate of computers and the Internet is also getting higher and higher, the Internet market must also be growing. It is not wrong to say that it is the Internet of China in the next ten years."

"I saw Tang Wenwen's speech on, but I didn't expect that there are more than 500 million people using it in Xiaodao."

"Yes, if you want me to say that the best thing I have done recently is Xiaonei".

"I don't agree with the one above. Haven't you seen that Penguin has a market value of more than 300 billion Hong Kong dollars? They are the number one Internet company in China."

"Being number one now doesn't mean it will be number one in the future."

"Wait until someone surpasses me, anyway, I'm number one now."

"Just wait, sooner or later you will be surpassed by Xiaonei".

"Why didn't I see the bosses of YY Live and speak on stage? These two websites are also doing very well."

"The company is too young. It is estimated that the masters of the organizers did not take them into consideration."

"The Internet itself is a young industry, okay?"

"Go upstairs and ask the sponsor."


Taking advantage of everyone's heated discussions about the Internet Conference, CCTV broadcast a video interviewing Jiang Hui on the second night after the Internet Conference closed.Although it was not on the news channel, this was the first time Jiang Hui officially appeared on CCTV, and it also attracted the attention of many people in the industry.

Jiang Hui established more than a dozen Internet companies in less than a year, and each of them has developed very successfully, which makes many people very envious and jealous.This time, CCTV took the initiative to interview Jiang Hui about Internet entrepreneurship. People who are interested in Internet development are very concerned about this interview. They want to see how this person who has had a headache in his company for the past six months thinks about Internet entrepreneurship. Find so many ideas.

In particular, the concept of Internet + has given many Internet practitioners new inspiration. As long as a suitable path is found to combine traditional industries with the Internet, a new path can be blazed. Perhaps the next, the next Tudou will be born in their own hands.

In the next two days, when discussing the topic of economic development at the Standing Committee meeting, the Government Affairs Council repeatedly quoted the term "Internet +" and asked the majority of enterprises to be brave in innovation and forge ahead.When this scene appeared on the news broadcast that was completed that day, the term Internet+ became popular.

"The key to the success of Internet + is talent."

"Internet + should tap the greatest value in the traditional concept."

"Internet + has spawned a wave of youth entrepreneurship".

"Internet + is the self-salvation of the traditional Internet."

"Internet + is bringing the golden age of entrepreneurship".

"The rise of Internet + will drive the employment of college students."

"Don't let Internet speed and Internet fees drag down the Internet + strategy."


When the Internet outside was in full swing, all the forums on the Xiaonei website of Imperial University of Technology were talking about Jiang Hui, Xiaonei, and Meituan.Although it is summer vacation now, there are still many students staying in school.

"Is it possible that Internet + achievement is the secret of Jiang Hui's cultivation?"

"Kneeling and begging Teacher Jiang for guidance."

"Someone in our class is an intern at Jiang Hui's company. It is said that the salary is very good."

"Upstairs, we are talking about life and ideals, don't be so vulgar, always look at money."

"If you don't look at money, what life and ideals do you talk about?".

"It's so incisive, since I'm speechless."

"Guess what Jiang Hui's next company will be?"

"I don't know, if I can guess, I will start a business."

"The school has expert lectures every week. When will Jiang Hui be invited to give a lecture to everyone? This is much more interesting than listening to some experts' lectures."


The rapid popularity of "Internet +" has made everyone go through Jiang Hui's resume again, and found that the term "positive energy" that has been popular in the past, now, and in the future was also invented by Jiang Hui.

The Tianchao Youth Daily reported on the front page with the title "Positive Energy of the Internet Conference: Internet+".Combining the previous Tianchao Youth Daily interview with Jiang Hui and the CCTV interview video, the article first talked about the significance of the Internet Conference, then introduced Jiang Hui, and then talked about positive energy and Internet+.In short, as soon as this article came out, Jiang Hui's reputation became even louder.

The frantic reports of various mainstream media in China also made Internet+ and Jiang Hui appear in the eyes of many government officials.However, Imperial University of Technology, which has the right time, place and people, took the lead first. After this round of news came out, the school office found Jiang Hui and made an appointment for the school leaders to visit the affiliated companies of Guanghui Group on August 8.

Since many special majors of Imperial University of Technology are related to military industry, many academic papers are also classified as confidential, so although it is also a 985 and 211 university, its reputation has not been very high, and many people have never heard of it.Not to mention others, even Jiang Hui himself did not know Teito University of Technology when he applied for the exam. It is estimated that if a survey is conducted on the school intranet, at least half of the students outside the capital have never heard of Teito University of Technology.

However, thanks to the Guanghui Group, in the past six months, the media exposure of Imperial Capital University of Technology has become higher and higher.Especially with the rapid development of websites such as,, and, when many news reports on these companies, it will be mentioned that the founder Jiang Hui is a student at Imperial University of Technology. Du Niang inquired about the situation of Imperial University of Technology.

(End of this chapter)

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