Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 299 Impact of Google's IPO

Chapter 299 Impact of Google's IPO

Just when content such as "Internet+", "Positive Energy", and "Internet Conference" on Tianchao Internet kept swiping, the news of Google's official listing spread to China.

On August 2004, 8, Google stock was officially listed on the NASDAQ exchange.Google's IPO (initial public offering) issue price was US$19. On the first day of listing, Google's share price closed at US$85, an 100.34% increase compared to the IPO pricing, with a market value of more than US$18 billion.Although the increase on the first day does not seem to be very large, if you consider that when Google went public, the entire trading market was in a downturn: the Nasdaq market was at a multi-year low, technology stocks fell into a "stall" state, and many technology companies The company's IPO transactions have been postponed or canceled, and everyone will find that Google's listing performance is still good.

In fact, it was Google's listing at that time that revived the entire Nasdaq stock market.Although Google search existed for several years before going public, it was the IPO that brought it to the public's attention.And once people started using Google products, everyone understood how powerful Google Search really is.A very realistic example is that many people switched from Yahoo to Google at that time.As for other competitors, such as Ask Jeeve, they are more like a joke in front of Google.

Jiang Hui searched for news related to Google's listing, but found a few interesting things.

2718281828. Before Google went public, it decided that its listing financing amount was [-] US dollars.This number looks nerdy, but the first nine digits are actually the irrational number e. Anyone who studies science should know this ubiquitous e.

[-]. In order to determine which bank underwrites the IPO stock, Google released a detailed questionnaire and asked the bank to fill it out carefully.This approach has irritated some bankers.The surveys Google sent to all of these banks were slightly different from each other, and if those surveys were leaked, Google would have been able to quickly figure out which bank did it.

[-]. On the day of listing, the co-founder Sergey Brin did not show up to ring the listing bell because he did not want to take a night flight.Page showed up in an outfit he bought at Macy's.

[-]. Although Google's listing made a large number of employees rich overnight, they simply celebrated by eating ice cream that day.Google even warned employees not to show off their newfound wealth or let the victory go to their heads.On launch day, Google's engineering chief even told employees that if he saw a new BMW or Porsche parked in the parking lot in the next few days, he would smash their windshields with a bat.

Google's listing also made Du Niang ready to move, don't need more than 200 billion US dollars, only half of Google's half is enough.The money raised is enough to turn China Internet upside down.

The listing of Google revitalized technology stocks, which made Jiang Hui feel the need to accelerate the pace of development of Guanghui Group.Otherwise, a lot of money will start pouring into the Internet field.As someone who came here, Jiang Hui knew that 2005 was a very special year in the Chinese Internet industry, and many Internet companies were established in this year.

Since then, there has never been a year in which so many well-known Internet companies were established at the same time.Although companies such as and were withdrawn in advance by Jiang Hui, and those companies in the previous life may not be established in 2005, it is also because of Jiang Hui that the Internet market of Tianchao has become more active, and it has also made more More funds and talents have invested their attention in the Chinese Internet market in advance.

According to Jiang Hui’s previous ideas, companies such as Xiaonei, Meituan, Tudou, and YY Live will need to consider B-round financing by the end of this year.But now the group has Brilliant Games, a big money sucker, with [-] to [-] million funds recorded every month. In addition to the funds reserved for data center construction, the excess can be invested in other companies in the group.These companies will all know that the future valuation will be very scary, and there is no need to give up their shares to venture capital or other institutions when they are not short of money.Unless the other party can bring some special contacts, resources, etc. to the company, then it can be considered, just like Jiang Hui introduced the investment of Dream Band a few months ago.

As for other shareholders, if they are willing to inject capital with Jiang Hui, there is no problem. If they don't accept it, they can only continue to dilute their shares. Anyway, they can't blame Jiang Hui for the choice they made in the future.

At the same time, with Guanghui Weibo already registered, Jiang Hui felt that it was time to enter the substantive preparation stage.From various companies to rotate a few people to go to Guanghui Weibo, and then recruit a group of people from the talent market. At the beginning, there are 30 to [-] people, which is enough, and it is easier to do a good job when we expand the number of people in the early stage of the official launch. Project confidentiality.

Before the popularization of smartphones and the emergence of WeChat, Guanghui Weibo was the most important project for Jiang Hui besides Guanghui Payment and Guanghui and YY Live have certain limitations. Their future is destined to be inferior to that of Guanghui Weibo. Not to mention the valuation of over [-] billion U.S. dollars at the peak of Weibo, as far as social influence is concerned, other companies at present are also It's hard to flatter a horse.Although with the subsequent rise of WeChat, the influence of Weibo will decline, but at least for a few years, no company can replace the status of Guanghui Weibo within the Guanghui Group, so Jiang Hui is very concerned about the related matters of Guanghui Weibo. All very cautious.

In addition, apart from Brilliant Weibo, Jiang Hui had previously asked Dai Fugan to find a group of people to study drones. There are already a group of people working, but they are all in the theoretical research stage.Jiang Hui felt that it was necessary to equip the drone team with an office space and a laboratory, and to approve some funds for model making, etc., to accumulate for a year or two, and to launch the market quickly after a breakthrough in technology.

According to Jiang Hui's positioning of the Guanghui UAV, the first batch of models are mainly used for aerial photography, which involves image processing and signal transmission.Jiang Hui's own Ph.D. major is wireless, image signal transmission and processing, which happens to be closely related to drone projects.Jiang Hui plans to let the drone team make the mechanical model first, and then find a time to retreat to figure out the core aspects such as the control system and the image system.

As the first industrial project of Guanghui Group, the drone is the first project Jiang Hui hopes to do well. This is also the place that can best reflect his professional advantages of doctorate in his previous life. First of all, it is really unreasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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