Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 302 Prepare to Burn Money

Chapter 302 Prepare to Burn Money
After seeing off Principal Hu and his party, Jiang Hui immediately summoned relevant personnel from to discuss the arrangements for the "Popular School Video Open Class".

"Many colleagues here participated in today's inspection by President Hu of Imperial University of Technology and his team, and they must know what we are going to do next. The public video class of a prestigious school is a publicity project, a public welfare project, and a political project. I hope Everyone can pay full attention to this project. Chen Jingcheng, the deputy general manager, will personally act as the project leader, and he will organize elite troops from all departments to make an instant hit and make this project a success,” Jiang Hui said.

Chen Jingcheng was recommended by Chen Yu. Chen Yu invested 2000 million to obtain 10% of the shares of This is also a strategic investment that Jiang Hui attracted in consideration of their family's extensive influence in the publicity system.

"Director Jiang, don't worry, I will focus on this project for the next period of time, and I will definitely give the company a satisfactory result," Chen Jingcheng said.

"At present, only has more than 70 regular employees and more than 80 interns. If we want to carry out the recording work of public classes on a large scale, we need a lot of manpower. The personnel department can contact the director department and photography department of each art school in advance. Wait for the relevant personnel to contact, whether they are recruited as a regular employee or an intern, try to build up the photography team and improve the level," Jiang Hui said.

"No problem, I will arrange it immediately after the meeting," said Su Xiaoyan, Minister of Personnel Department.Su Xiaoyan was recommended by He Qingquan. He had worked in human resource management for many years in large foreign-funded enterprises.

"Director Jiang, the company raised 4000 million yuan before, but now basically only about 1000 million yuan is left. If you want to shoot a public class on a large scale, you will inevitably need to purchase a large number of video equipment and post-processing equipment. The funds may I will be a little nervous," Fang Dawen said.

As the general manager of Tudou, Fang Dawen is very clear about the company's financial situation.In order to encourage users to upload high-quality videos, Tudou launched a series of incentive policies.In addition, some time ago, started to enter the US market, and the funds were flowing out. If Jiang Hui did not hold this meeting, Fang Dawen would have to report to Jiang Hui in the next few days.

"You don't have to worry about this. I will ask Liao Yun to notify the shareholders of,,, YY Live and other companies to hold extraordinary shareholders' meetings tomorrow to discuss the capital injection of Guanghui Technology into each company. At the latest At the end of this month, at least 1 million yuan will be injected into Tudou, so roll up your sleeves and let go," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, then I will step up efforts to negotiate content related to online copyright of film and television resources, and make Tudou a giant in online copyright," Fang Dawen said.

After that, Jiang Hui discussed the specific matters of the open class with everyone, and then the meeting ended and he started to work on his own.


At [-] o'clock in the morning of the next day,'s extraordinary shareholder meeting was held first, and Zhang Mengze and others also came to the Science and Technology Building for a rare occasion.

At present, Jiang Hui indirectly holds more than [-]% of the shares of through Guanghui Technology, several members of the Dream Band hold [-]%, and Bai Xue and other initial shareholders of and other personnel hold less than [-]%.

A few months ago, the valuation of was [-] million. Jiang Hui planned to inject capital at a valuation of [-] million. This valuation is the lower limit given by the venture capital.It is difficult to have a precise number for valuation. Anyway, Jiang Hui injected capital into Tudou according to this standard. Shareholders can choose to follow or dilute their shares.

"Yesterday, also held a meeting, and some shareholders also participated. At present, the enthusiasm for Internet investment has begun to rise. In order to occupy the market before the follow-up websites enter the market on a large scale, needs to further accelerate the pace of expansion. The form of the Internet is changing every day. It is changing. The plan you think is good today may be outdated in a few weeks. I hope everyone can fully understand this. Next, Mr. Fang will first introduce the current situation of, and then we will talk about other things content," Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang and shareholders, good morning! After half a year of development, has more than 300 million registered users, and the number of IPs visiting our website exceeds 500 million every day. , the number of video hits exceeded 5000 million. Some time ago, Tudou established a branch in the United States, and the development situation is gratifying. However, we also have some problems. On the one hand, the website is currently operating at a loss, and the funds in the account are less than 1000 Ten thousand, at most it will run out of money until next month. In addition, the current relies too much on the Paike channel, and the quality of users is not very high. It is necessary to gradually expand movie channels, TV drama channels and open classes. Channels and other content, but this requires a huge amount of money to buy copyright..." Fang Dawen said.

After Fang Dawen introduced the situation of, Jiang Hui continued: "Mr. Fang has introduced the company's situation to everyone just now. In the next few months, will increase its network of purchasing domestic and foreign related video resources. Copyright, enhance the gold content of Tudou itself, increase the attractiveness of the website to users, so that when users want to watch TV dramas or movies, Tudou is the first thing that comes to mind,” Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, at present, netizens in Tianchao do not have the habit of paying, and pirated resources are also rampant. If our company spends huge sums of money to attract the copyrights of so many works, will the gains outweigh the losses? In the final analysis, we want to make money." Chen Jingcheng Said.

"Internet copyright is indeed not valued by everyone now, but this is only temporary. Sooner or later, the government will vigorously crack down on piracy. The price we spend on purchasing copyright now will be much lower than in the future. As a business, we must take a long-term view. Now These genuine resources can slowly attract high-quality consumers to our website. After they get used to, we can gradually introduce a charging plan to cut meat with a sharp knife. After a long time, everyone’s consumption habits have developed. It is easy to make a profit. Besides, we are not only doing business in China, the US branch has also been established, and the charging business can be implemented in the US first,” Jiang Hui said.

In fact, according to normal history, lawsuits against online copyright infringement and piracy have been increasing rapidly every year since this year.Because the Internet has the characteristics of large storage capacity, rapid transmission, and hidden transmission, some websites provide a large number of playback and download services of movies, books, music, software and other works without legal authorization, and make huge profits from it.

Internet infringement and piracy not only seriously infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of obligees, but also causes a large number of conflicts and disputes. It also has very bad political, economic and social impacts in the international arena and damages my country's international image.So starting in 2007, various ministries and commissions began to vigorously crack down on online piracy.

After that, the value of online copyrights such as film and television works began to skyrocket.

(End of this chapter)

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