Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 303 Rich and Willful

Chapter 303 Rich and Willful

After Jiang Hui answered Chen Jingcheng's questions, he began to raise the topics that everyone was most concerned about.

"Since the establishment of, through everyone's efforts, it has achieved good results. In the last stage, it raised funds at a valuation of [-] million yuan, and now the funds have basically been used up. The purchase of copyrights and the expansion of various channels on the website, etc. It needs a lot of capital. Taking all factors into consideration, will raise [-] million yuan at a valuation of [-] million yuan. Shareholders can inject capital into according to the existing shareholding ratio, or they can choose to dilute their shares proportionally.” , Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, I would like to ask, according to your estimation, how long will's [-] million yuan be used for?" Zhang Mengze asked.

She is very satisfied with her investment, which can increase by 2.5 times the valuation in a few months, but if she continues to invest a large amount of money, her funds will be a little tight. Collected all the money this time.If there is another capital increase in a few months, she will not be able to bear it.

"This depends on the progress of copyright acquisition. If you use it slowly, it may last for a year. If you use it quickly, it may be used up in less than half a year," Jiang Hui said.

"Two hundred million will be used up in half a year, Mr. Jiang, you are burning money," Zhang Mengze said with a smile.

"Internet projects are sometimes an idea. When no one proposes it, no one notices it; once this layer of paper is pierced, funds from all sources pour in together, and it often depends on who will occupy the market first, so that When users form habits, it is time to burn money. Besides, we are now purchasing a large number of online copyrights, and the relicensing fees for these copyrights alone will generate considerable income in the future,” Jiang Hui said.

"Well, you are right, I will listen to you, but I will only inject part of the capital, and then dilute part of the equity," Zhang Mengze said.

"It's your choice. Don't regret it. Let's finish this matter within a week," Jiang Hui said.

After talking about for a while, Jiang Hui started the extraordinary shareholders meeting of YY live broadcast. In fact, most of the participants were similar to those of

As usual, it was Chen Hu who first introduced the development of YY Live, especially the situation of the island branch, which everyone was more concerned about.

Since the island country branch was established as a joint venture with the island country Yahoo, the development momentum of YY Live in the island country has a tendency to catch up with China.

With the cooperation of Yahu in the island country, coupled with the special otaku culture and customs industry in the island country, the branch of YY Live in the island country no longer needs the financial support of the headquarters.Jiang Hui's injection of capital into YY live broadcast this time is mainly used for the expansion of the domestic market, the development of South Korea and the development of Taiwan's Southeast Asian markets.

The Asian market has always been the market with the strongest liquidity in the live broadcast industry in later generations. Whether it is China or an island country, there are many local tyrants who spend a lot of money on live broadcasts.

"After listening to Mr. Chen's introduction just now, I am very pleased. The Internet is the easiest industry to achieve internationalization. The best way for us to change the image of China in the eyes of foreigners is to make the high-tech products they come into contact with every day come from Tianchao. Various industries such as automobiles, mobile phones, and the Internet can have a profound impact on users. Our group starts with the Internet and gradually changes foreigners’ perceptions of our company and our country,” Jiang Hui said .

Let’s say that when Jiang Hui was reborn, China’s Internet and automobiles still had a long way to go before going international.Especially for automobiles, it is said that the market is exchanged for technology, but the market is lost, but the technology is not seen and then returned.On the contrary, the mobile phone industry is doing well. Huawei, OPPO and other brands are doing relatively well in the international arena against Samsung and Apple.

"Combining the company's development strategy and considering the current capital situation of YY Live, I hope to inject 1.5 million yuan into the company. You can choose to follow or dilute the shares proportionally," Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. Jiang, besides expanding the international market, can you tell us more about the company's domestic development plan?" He Qingquan asked.

"In China, the main purpose is to make the current show live broadcast and game live broadcast bigger and stronger. At the same time, it also introduces or strengthens teaching anchors, food anchors, outdoor anchors, foreign language anchors, financial anchors, fitness anchors, financial anchors and other live broadcasts. Content. Basically, I hope that one-third of the money will be spent in the international market and two-thirds in the domestic market. Basically, this fund should be enough to last until the end of the year,” Jiang Hui said.


The shareholder meeting of

"The company's branch in the U.S. adopts a different group-buying model from the headquarters, and it's developing relatively well. However, in order to increase promotion efforts, we are considering subsidizing one or two ultra-low-priced group-buying projects to attract widespread attention. , but this requires further financial support. In addition, we plan to open branches in island countries, adopting a group buying model between the United States and China...", Zhou Benqiang said.

"To make a long story short, everyone has seen the company's situation. In order to speed up development, I hope that all shareholders will increase the company's capital by 2 million..." Jiang Hui said.


The shareholders meeting of Xiaonei.

"The company now has 600 million domestic users and nearly 1000 million international users. At present, the island branch is running well, and the Indian branch is also on the right track and ready to make efforts. Next month, the company's global user number is expected to exceed 3000 million , it is expected to exceed 5000 million by the end of the year. The data center jointly invested and constructed by Xiaonei and Guanghui Games is about to lay the foundation stone, and the situation can be described as good. Of course, the company also has a financial shortage, which is what Director Jiang requested to hold an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders today One reason. I would like Chairman Jiang to inform you about the capital increase proposal,” Tang Wenwen said.

Tang Wenwen, as the general manager of, has performed very well in the past six months. He has also implemented Jiang Hui's instructions very well. He can be regarded as an important backbone of the Guanghui Group.

"Everyone is aware of the company's situation. At present, we have released the registration authority of Xiaonei. In order to further accelerate the pace of development of Xiaonei, we plan to increase the capital of [-] million targeted for all shareholders..." Jiang Hui said.

Sequoia Capital and Softbank own 2% of the shares of Xiaonei, and Jiang Hui probably has a little more than 5%.Sequoia Capital and Softbank must follow the capital increase, and some other personnel chose to dilute their shares. In the end, Jiang Hui probably asked Zhang Xiaonei to inject more than [-] million yuan.Fortunately, among the funds owned by Brilliant Games, the [-] million yuan for the construction of the data center was not invested all at once, and [-] million yuan could be used to inject the campus network through Brilliant Technology, which solved Jiang Hui's funding problem.

(End of this chapter)

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