Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 304 Data Center Foundation Laying

Chapter 304 Data Center Foundation Laying
At the end of August, although the weather in the imperial capital was still a bit hot, it didn't feel too hot in the morning and evening.

The foundation stone laying ceremony of Guanghui Group's data center is finally going to be carried out under the preparations of Shan Yu and others.

Silk flowers, shovels, gloves, towels, flower baskets, speakers, microphones, corsages, attendance books, pens, gifts and other bits and pieces for guests and VIPs are all ready.Because he was not sure whether Mayor Wang would come, Jiang Hui made several plans and prepared as many things as possible.

The government of the sea area where the data center is used has already done three links and one leveling in the early stage. This time, the Guanghui Group’s data center construction preparatory team organized a number of design, construction, supervision and other companies. After several months of preparation, the construction was finally decided. plan.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the confirmed guest list for the groundbreaking ceremony." Zeng Qingying handed Jiang Hui a list.

The groundbreaking ceremony was held at ten o'clock, but Jiang Hui arrived at the scene after seven o'clock.On the one hand, it is a final inspection to see how the various preparations are going, and on the other hand, it is convenient to deal with emergencies.

"The city government office still hasn't replied whether Mayor Wang will attend?" Jiang Hui said while looking at the list.

"I didn't say I would attend, and I didn't say I wouldn't attend. The reply schedule from the office is still being confirmed," Zeng Qingying said.

"Don't worry about that much, anyway, we also made a plan for Mayor Wang to attend at the same time," Jiang Hui said.

The construction of Guanghui Group's data center did not invite too many people in the industry to participate, mainly because they did not want to stimulate them, so that everyone could build up their guard against Guanghui Group in advance.The data center is the basic module that needs to be involved in various Internet development paths such as Internet+, cloud computing, and big data in the future.To a certain extent, whichever enterprise takes the lead in the construction of the data center is likely to take the lead in the development of cloud computing and big data in the future, and then occupy the commanding heights of Internet development.

At 08:30, almost all the personnel in Guanghui Group attending the foundation laying ceremony were in place.After nine o'clock, some guests began to arrive one after another.

Considering that the data center was jointly invested by and Brilliance Games, and Jiang Hui himself didn't want to show his face on stage, he arranged for Tang Wenwen to speak on stage as the company's representative.The hosts of the foundation laying ceremony were two good hostess partners from the Imperial TV station next to the Imperial University of Technology.

When it was almost ten o'clock, the host had already started warming up on stage.Zeng Qingying came to Jiang Hui's seat and said to Jiang Hui: "I just received a call. Mayor Wang is already on his way and is expected to arrive within 10 minutes."

In this situation, the groundbreaking ceremony must be delayed a little later.

"Old Tang, you arrange for someone to tell the host, let them wait for more than ten minutes, and I will go to the door to meet Mayor Wang," Jiang Hui said to Tang Wenwen.

After Jiang Hui finished speaking, he got up and walked to the gate. The leaders of the sea district probably had just received the news that Mayor Wang was attending the foundation laying ceremony, and they all got up and walked to the gate like Jiang Hui.

Another advantage of not inviting people from the business world to participate at this time is reflected.Since most of the people present were relevant leaders of the sea area, personnel of design and construction companies, and employees of Guanghui Group itself.These people have little complaints about the postponement of the groundbreaking ceremony.

After about 5 minutes, the security personnel had arrived early, and ten minutes later, Mayor Wang's motorcade also appeared at the gate of the data center very low-key.

"Mr. Jiang, I haven't set a schedule. I'm causing you trouble." After getting out of the car, Mayor Wang shook hands with Jiang Hui and said.

"No trouble, it is our company's honor to attend the foundation laying ceremony. It is only with your care that the data center of Guanghui Group can be put into construction so quickly. Thank you for attending today's ceremony in your busy schedule. We give you It's right to cause trouble," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

Regardless of whether the leader is at fault or not, it cannot be said that there is a problem. Besides, this is really not a fault.Jiang Hui expressed his gratitude from the bottom of his heart for the fact that the ministerial level leaders were able to come to support him.

"Boss Jiang is so good at talking at such a young age, no wonder the company's development is going well, let's go, let's go to the venue, don't waste any more time," Mayor Wang said with a wave of his hand.

Under the leadership of Mayor Wang, the crowd walked towards the venue of the foundation stone laying ceremony. On both sides, there were reporters from Didu TV Station and other cameras carrying cameras to record continuously, and at the same time, there was the sound of "click" and "click".

Just when Jiang Hui went to the door to meet Mayor Wang, the seat boards of the guest seats had been quietly adjusted.After Mayor Wang and others took their seats, Jiang Hui indicated that Tang Wenwen could start.

"Leaders and guests,...", the host introduced the participants and other information above, and invited Tang Wenwen to speak on stage.

"Respected Mayor Wang, Vice Mayor Li, Director Huang, District Mayor Lu... Guanghui Group's data center adopts a high starting point and high standard planning and design, and its overall infrastructure construction conforms to ISO quality standards and the latest national specifications. , Realized key functions such as power, cooling, and network..." Tang Wenwen eloquently introduced the situation of the data center on the stage for about 15 minutes before returning to his seat.

Next, representatives of the construction party and the supervisory company also took the stage to speak.

"China Construction Fifth Bureau will fulfill the contract and keep promises, carefully organize, implement the business philosophy of building reputation with integrity and expanding the market with brands, and list the project as a key project of the company. Promote and provide a strong guarantee to build the project into a high-quality project... ".

"...We will form a strong supervision team, closely focus on the tasks and goals of the project construction, strictly follow the requirements of three controls, two managements, and one coordination, and conscientiously fulfill the statutory responsibility for safety production management of construction projects. There is a basis for supervision, there are methods for supervision, and results for supervision... ".

Afterwards, the foundation laying ceremony was held, and Mayor Wang's speech was arranged at the finale of the foundation laying ceremony.

"...The Imperial Metropolitan Government will vigorously promote industrial intelligence, greening, service-oriented, and high-end, unswervingly follow the development path of strengthening the city through industry, drive economic development with industrial development, and drive the overall development of the region with economic development. In In this process, a group of high-tech enterprises represented by Guanghui Group are an important force to promote the development of the high-end Internet industry in the capital, and they are also leaders in the innovation and creation of national capital... ".

Mayor Wang's speech gave Guanghui Group a high evaluation, and also made leaders at all levels in the sea area pay more attention to the construction of Guanghui Group's data center.

(End of this chapter)

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