Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 308 The New Atmosphere of Guanghui Group

Chapter 308 The New Atmosphere of Guanghui Group
If you don't come back to the prime of life, it's hard to get a morning again.Timely encouragement, time waits for no one.

More than a week of military training ended in a blink of an eye.Although there are many complaints during the military training process: poor accommodation, poor food in the canteen, poor attitude of the instructors and so on.But when it was time to say goodbye, everyone was full of reluctance to the barracks and the dear instructors.The dissatisfaction and complaints that passed by turned into "take care" and "we will miss you" at the moment of parting.

After returning to school, Jiang Hui and his brothers in dormitory 301 ate a big meal in the cafeteria next to the school, to comfort their stomachs that were severely depleted of oil and water during this period.

Most of the people who ate the buffet couldn't get their money back, but people like Jiang Hui who just came out of the barracks might be an exception.

"Boss, you eat so hard, don't close down this shop," Lu Yang said with a smile, looking at the large plate of shrimp in front of Tang Minghua's table.

"If you spend money, you have to eat it back, otherwise it would be a waste," Tang Minghua said while peeling the shrimp.

"How do you say these buffets make money? According to our way of eating, I feel that the boss will lose money," Wang Zhenguo said.

For a long time, everyone must have the idea that I want to eat enough when eating a buffet. There is also a saying on the Internet-"I am so hungry that I lean on the wall to get in, and I am so full that I lean on the wall to get out", which can be called a buffet. the highest state.But cafeterias aren't dumb enough to let you get your money back so easily, and often after 20 minutes of feasting, the belt barely snaps on.

"No one does business that loses money. The cafeteria buys so much every time, and the cost of food can save a lot. You can't measure their cost by the price of an outside restaurant. What's more, even if occasionally some people If you can eat, you can make money back, but the daily traffic in the cafeteria is so large that it is impossible for everyone to have enough to eat. Then, the accumulated gross profit will naturally keep the cafeteria alive,” Jiang Hui said.

"Indeed, and you can see that the operation mode of buffet saves a lot of costs, the biggest of which is labor cost. Traditional restaurants require many waiters to order, serve and other services, but buffet is different. It It requires consumers to complete the entire dining process by themselves, and only a few service personnel are required to provide post-service,” Lu Yang said.

In fact, no matter what Jiang Hui or Lu Yang said, it is part of the reason why the buffet can make money, and there are many ways to do it.For example, there are many cold dishes in the buffet and few hot dishes. Some of them are porridge or something simple, because providing hot dishes requires hiring a chef and increasing costs. Buffets are generally time-limited. This reduces costs by controlling time ;There are also buffets that limit your leftover ingredients. If you exceed the limit, you will have to pay a fee. Which one is in the front and which one is in the back is knowledgeable. This is the same as the supermarket, and the display is very knowledgeable.

After eating and drinking enough, several people slowly returned to the dormitory.

It was a rare time to go back to the dormitory, Jiang Hui wandered around several dormitories in the class before leaving.

After calling Bai Xue, knowing that their dormitory was also going out for dinner, Jiang Hui went downstairs to wait for her when she came back from Bai Xue's dormitory.

In the barracks for ten days or so, the two of them had barely held each other's hands. Now that they were back at school, they would definitely go back to the Bauhinia Garden to fight for [-] rounds at night.

"Have I turned black?" Bai Xue went downstairs and ran to Jiang Hui.

Jiang Hui picked up Bai Xue and turned around twice, saying: "Our silly girl is naturally beautiful, and she won't be tanned no matter how sun-baked, but I think you have become lighter."

"It's true that it has dropped three or four catties. The food in the canteen for military training is too bad. Only by comparing can we find the difference. Now I think the canteen in our school is quite good," Bai Xue said.

"That's right, then I'm going to verify it tonight to see if I've reduced the parts that shouldn't have been reduced." Jiang Hui said with a smirk and glanced at Bai Xue's chest.

Bai Xue blushed: "Rogue!".

"Hey, since I've been called a hooligan, I'll just do more hooligan things tonight," Jiang Hui said with a smirk.

The two played and walked towards the Bauhinia Garden. Naturally, they did something "indescribable" at night.


The next day, the two came to the company together and started to get busy.

Zeng Qingying and Liao Yun have compiled a document on the recent situation of the various companies in the entire group, and let Jiang Hui understand it first.

Xiaonei, Tudou, Meituan, YY Live and other companies have already decided to increase their capital before the military training, and they are all increasing the pace of expansion recently.

In addition to continuing to develop markets such as island countries on Xiaonei, the Indian branch has also stepped up the promotion of the website.Although India is a very strange country, considering the population base and the influence of India's computer industry, treats India as the second overseas market after the island countries.

In the case of, in addition to setting up a copyright department, it has begun to negotiate with various film and television companies about the acquisition of online copyrights. At the same time, the filming of the public class has already started in full swing, and the effect remains to be confirmed.

In addition to starting to make efforts in the United States, the island branch is also preparing to be established, and personnel have been arranged to go to the front station.Fortunately, Xiaonei and YY Live have branches in the island country, so there is no need to cross the river by feeling the stones.It should be possible to set up a company soon and officially enter the island market.

YY live broadcast will continue to increase the development of various domestic live broadcast channels to attract more anchors and consumers to use; at the same time, it will also increase the development of the South Korean and Taiwan markets, expand its international influence, and prepare for future financing and listing .

Other companies such as Autohome, Brilliant Games, and Brilliant Payments are advancing various tasks as planned.

"Mr. Jiang, our newly renovated floors are almost ready for use. Would you like to visit them first?" Liao Yun said.

"Is it ready to move and use at any time?" Jiang Hui asked.

"Yes, the main thing is to wait until you come back from military training and then choose a time to put the offices and canteens on these floors into use," Liao Yun said.

"Is the canteen outsourced or run by yourself?" Jiang Hui asked.

"We are planning to jointly set up a logistics company with several companies to do it ourselves, so that we can strengthen the management of all links, especially the purchase of ingredients, and supervise the quality, so that employees can eat with confidence," Liao Yun said.

"Alright, let's go and have a look. If there is no problem, move as soon as possible and make full use of the space," Jiang Hui said.

(End of this chapter)

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