Chapter 309
The [-]th to [-]th floors of the Science and Technology Building, a total of [-] floors, are now rented out by Guanghui Group.According to Jiang Hui's plan, except for the [-]th floor which is used as a staff canteen and gym, the other [-]th floors are basically arranged on every floor.

There are 238 full-time employees and interns on, occupying a single floor alone. Before the construction of the Guanghui Group headquarters building is completed, it is estimated that it is barely enough.After all, if the first floor is arranged more compactly, there should be no problem accommodating six to seven hundred people.

There are 336 regular employees and interns at Meituan. Nearly half of them work in other branches, occupying a single floor, which is enough for now.However, as a company with the largest number of employees in Guanghui Group, if it is true that the office space is not enough at that time, we will need to coordinate separately. now has a total of 235 people. If it plans to recruit a lot of interns for the open class, it is necessary to occupy a separate floor. After all, is still a company that Jiang Hui pays more attention to.

YY Live also has 155 people, so Jiang Hui also allocated a floor for them to work.With the rapid development of the live broadcast industry, the number of employees is also increasing. After two years, one floor may not be enough for its office.

As for Brilliant Games, let alone having 188 full-time employees and interns, it is the group's cash cow, and it is understandable that it occupies a first-floor office building.

As one of the core enterprises of Guanghui Group in the future, Guanghui Payment now has 138 employees.In the long run, Jiang Hui also arranged a floor for them.

In addition, the number of visits to Autohome has quickly entered the top ten in the industry, and the number of employees has already reached 121, so Jiang Hui also arranged a separate floor for it as an office space.

Guanghui Technology and Guanghui Investment are headquarters-type enterprises and enterprises with financial attributes. Although the two companies together only have 51 employees, Jiang Hui also gave them a separate floor for their offices.At the same time, let Douban also work on this floor first.I also set up a permanent office on this floor.

There are two other floors reserved by Jiang Hui for Weibo and drone projects.The Weibo team now has 34 people. After several months of hard work, some prototypes have been formed, and it is estimated that it will not be too long before it can be launched.As for the UAV project, there are currently 25 people. Although there is no great progress, after a while, after Jiang Hui personally joins the project team, it is estimated that the development progress will be greatly accelerated.

It looks like there are eleven floors, and the office area is not small, but as soon as a dozen companies from Guanghui Group rushed up, they quickly divided up the floors.Jiang Hui had to consider continuing to lease other floors. In fact, it would be best if Imperial University of Technology would sell this building to Guanghui Group. However, this building is built on the school's land, and leasing is easy to buy and sell Disaster.

Driven by Guanghui Group, the leasing speed of the Science and Technology Building has been significantly accelerated. At present, there are few options for renting out the entire floor.Jiang Hui is going to ask Tang Minghua to communicate with the logistics department of Imperial University of Technology again, and rent all the floors that are not rented out. The floors that are not in a hurry can be used as meeting rooms first. The group does not have any The conference room can accommodate hundreds of people at the same time.

Besides, the "Where to Go" arranged by Jiang Hui before is almost ready and can be officially launched at any time.They also need an office is a wholly-owned and controlled enterprise of Guanghui Technology, and Guanghui Technology is a wholly-owned and controlled enterprise of Jiang Hui. It is a test field for Jiang Hui to try to verify whether the option incentive method is effective, so Jiang Hui also paid some special attention.

The main organizational structure of Qunar has been established.

General Manager: Jiang Hui
Deputy General Manager: Temporarily vacant
Minister of the Finance Department: Chen Yanling (poached by the financial staff of a foreign company)

Director of Marketing Department: Xiang Zhuo (poached by Ctrip)
Director of Development Department: Luo Weijie (personnel recruited by the society from

Director of Technology Department: Wang Hailin (personnel recruited from the society by

Director of Customer Service Department: Wang Jie (poached from the customer service center of the bank),

Minister of General Affairs Department: Lin Guizhou

Minister of Justice: Xiang Weiwei concurrently

Director of General Manager Office: Liu Mei

Minister of Public Relations: Fang Lijuan (poached by China Travel Service Group)

Minister of Personnel: Liu Chujing concurrently

In order to confirm matters related to the launch, Jiang Hui also participated in a regular ministerial meeting of

"Mr. Jiang, the website has been in internal testing for a week, and no problems have been found so far. Some minor experience problems have been resolved. When do you think it will be launched?" Luo Weijie, the head of the development department, asked.

"Is the web advertising marketing department ready?" Jiang Hui did not answer Luo Weijie's question directly, but first confirmed other preparations.

"It's ready. In terms of art, we specially asked the personnel of Guanghui Games to help optimize it. Advertisements can be placed at any time," Xiang Zhuo replied.

"Then contact the corresponding personnel from the marketing departments of several companies such as Xiaonei, Tudou, YY Live, Meituan, Autohome, Guanghui Games, and Diandian Chinese, and ask them to arrange for Qunar to start advertising in three days. promotion; in addition, you should also contact Hao123 and ask them to put the link of Qunar next to Ctrip on the navigation page,” Jiang Hui said.

In the future, it will be convenient for communication between various departments within the group. Jiang Hui once arranged for personnel to make a contact list for each company, and put the email addresses and landline information of relevant personnel on the contact list, so that if the companies need to communicate It will be much more convenient and conducive to fully reflecting the advantages of group operations.

In order to improve the user experience, the number of external advertisements on Xiaonei, Tudou and other websites is relatively small, so sometimes if the companies in the group need to promote, it is easier to determine the advertisement space.However, due to the current shareholding composition of each company and gradually becoming more complicated, Jiang Hui is also considering establishing an internal advertising promotion price benchmark to prevent some shareholders from feeling that their company has been taken advantage of by other companies.

At 9:14 on the afternoon of September 14, with the advertisements of appearing on Xiaonei and other websites at the same time, was officially launched.

In addition to some new hotels, tickets and other resources developed by the marketing department, the website also integrates the resource information of other major tourism websites to provide consumers with a platform for price comparison. If consumers want to buy those hotels after price comparison, After clicking, you will return to the corresponding travel website.Although, at the initial stage, the method of is equivalent to promoting other websites for free, but after the influence of Qunar comes up, it is estimated that other travel websites such as will start to pay for Qunar. Opportunity to get a good recommendation for the corresponding resource.

(End of this chapter)

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