Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 310 Brilliant Investment in Action

Chapter 310 Brilliant Investment in Action

Although the launch of Qunar has attracted the attention of people in the industry, the characteristics of this website determine that it is impossible for it to attract attention and arouse heated discussions as soon as it is launched; More consumers get used to themselves.This situation is somewhat similar to

Before that, Jiang Hui thought about putting Qunar online during the summer vacation, to see if he could catch up with the summer tourist peak.However, the plan cannot keep up with the changes. Recently, all companies are developing rapidly, and there are not many manpower to transfer to, so it will not be officially launched until September.

After Jiang Hui explained his plans for the company to the various ministers, the daily affairs were discussed and decided at the regular meeting of the ministers.Major matters were confirmed and approved by Jiang Hui through the general manager's office.

"Jiang Dong, the deputy general manager of Guanghui Investment that you asked to recruit earlier, I have already found two people and arranged for an interview tomorrow morning. I have confirmed it with Secretary Zeng before. Here are their resumes. I will report to you. What do I know about them after interviewing them?" Liu Chujing came to Jiang Hui's office and said to Jiang Hui.

Jiang Hui looked at the two resumes that Liu Chujing handed over.

Gao Peng, male, born in 1971, studied at Kyoto University as an undergraduate, and graduated with a Ph.D. in economics from Princeton University. He has successively worked in Wall Street investment banks and Sequoia Capital.He once led a number of venture capital investments in the United States and achieved very good results.

Guan Weidong, male, born in 1968, studied at Tianchao University of Science and Technology as a bachelor, and received a Ph.D. in Finance from Columbia University. He has worked at Morgan Stanley for many years and is good at capital operation and corporate packaging.He has promoted the listing of many companies.

"Judging from their resumes, both Gao Peng and Guan Weidong have done well in the United States. Why do they want to go back to China?" Jiang Hui asked.

"I also asked them your question during the initial test. The reason for the two of them returning to China is that they have encountered a ceiling in their development in the United States. As Chinese people, although they have both obtained green cards and their work performance is also very good, but It is very difficult to further develop in their respective companies," Liu Chujing said.

The problem of career ceilings actually exists everywhere.Among foreign companies, whether they are European, American or Japanese or Korean companies, under normal circumstances, people from the Celestial Dynasty can only become department-level leaders, and at most they can only become vice presidents, which is quite difficult for a branch company.

"How do you evaluate the two of them?" Jiang Hui asked.

"I think both Gao Peng and Guan Weidong are qualified for the position of deputy general manager of Guanghui Investment in terms of ability. On the contrary, I am worried that they will not like the scale of Guanghui Investment. Gao Peng pays more attention to investment autonomy, while Guan Weidong Pay more attention to job promotion and a platform to display their talents. I personally think that if Mr. Jiang wants Guanghui Investment to operate strictly according to his own ideas, Guan Weidong will be a qualified executor; , then Gao Peng is more suitable," Liu Chujing said.

Jiang Hui and Liu Chujing talked for a while, and generally got to know Gao Peng and Guan Weidong a little bit.

The next day's interview was arranged in the Science and Technology Building, and Jiang Hui reserved one hour for each person.It was Guan Weidong who was notified first, because in Jiang Hui's mind he had already preconceived that he was the deputy general manager of Guanghui Investment.As for Gao Peng, Jiang Hui felt that it might be more appropriate for him to be the deputy general manager of Qunar.

Because Jiang Hui knows which projects Brilliant Investment needs to invest in at various stages, what he needs is an executor to implement his will into the company.Relatively speaking, Jiang Hui pointed out a general direction for the development of The specific content requires a deputy general manager to lead the ministers to promote it. There is a lot of room for free play. Obviously, this position is more important Suitable for Gao Peng.

Guan Weidong, born in 1968, is a 36-year-old middle-aged and young man who has begun to gain weight.He is not very tall, maybe 1.7 meters or not, and his visual weight is at least 140 catties.Wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, he looked refined.

After Liu Chujing took Guan Weidong to the conference room and sat down, he called Jiang Hui over.

"Mr. Guan, this is our President Jiang. I think you should know something about it, so I won't introduce any more," Liu Chujing said with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, hello, I noticed you when you acquired Facebook in the United States at the beginning of the year. In fact, I was already paying attention to this company at that time. I didn't expect Mr. Jiang to be the first to get there." Guan Weidong said nothing. Said.

"It can only be said that this is what the heroes see and agree with. I have read your profile, Mr. Guan, and those cases have worked perfectly," Jiang Hui said.

"Thank you Mr. Jiang for your compliment. My small achievements will turn out to be a joke in front of Mr. Jiang. It's really unbearable to mention," Guan Weidong said modestly.

When people in the Celestial Dynasty praise themselves, they will always modestly say that they are not that powerful, which is very different from Europeans and Americans.Unexpectedly, Guan Weidong has not changed his habit after staying abroad for so many years. It is no wonder that he has no way to continue to improve his position in the United States.But it is precisely because of this that Brilliant Investment has the opportunity to hire him.

"Compared to your situation, I have a better understanding of the company's situation. I have also spoken with Minister Liu about your situation. As for the treatment, I guess you also know the situation of the Celestial Dynasty. There may be no way to give it to the level of the United States from the beginning. , I don’t know how you think about it,” Jiang Hui said.

"In fact, Minister Liu has already explained this aspect to me, but I still came here today, which has actually shown my attitude. To be honest, I have been fighting in the United States for so many years, and I am not special now. I am short of money, I just hope to have a stage to display my talents," Guan Weidong said.

"Okay, then I understand. You also know that Guanghui Group now has a dozen companies. It is impossible for me to manage everything by myself. Therefore, as the deputy general manager of Guanghui Investment, basically you are acting as the general manager. And, after a period of time, if your performance is satisfactory, I can directly appoint you as the general manager and give you certain options," Jiang Hui said.

"I would like to know, what are the main investment directions of Brilliance Investment in the future? According to Director Liu, the company currently has no other investment projects except for 60% of Facebook's shares," said Guan Weidong.

"It's express delivery and online shopping. Specifically, express delivery requires you to negotiate with express companies such as STO, YTO, Yunda, Zhongtong, and SF Express, and strive for good conditions to buy shares; as for online shopping, I am currently more interested You can see if you have a chance to get a stake in companies such as and Alibaba,” Jiang Hui said.

(End of this chapter)

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