Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 311 Focus on the Express Market

Chapter 311 Focus on the Express Market

The development of the modern express delivery industry can be said to be inseparable from the economic development of various regions of the world.

With the development of science and technology, the scientific and technological content of products has increased. A large number of products of high-tech enterprises are small in size and light in weight, but their value is high, which takes up a lot of working capital. Express transportation can deliver these products to customers as soon as possible, and Provide good packaging, warehousing, customs declaration and logistics services to meet the needs of enterprises and realize the greatest possible social division of labor.

In the process of continuous development, it has gradually formed a mail express mainly dealing with documents, materials, drawings, trade documents, etc., and a cargo express mainly handling samples, high additional items, gifts for social activities and high-end household goods. The two methods have been developed at the same time, but small-scale express companies have different business priorities due to their limited capabilities.Relying on its powerful technology and network advantages, internationally renowned express companies have continuously expanded their influence, gradually formed advantages in a certain region or even the world, and opened up a variety of new service methods and means.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, with the rapid development of the Chinese economy, the private express delivery industry has expanded rapidly. Whether it is the three links and one express or SF Express in the later generations, they have all entered the fast lane of development in recent years.After 2010, various online shopping broke out, and the express delivery industry completely entered the blowout period.Capital from all walks of life is speeding up, and several express delivery companies have also been listed one after another. The market value ranges from tens of billions to hundreds of billions. It is definitely a market that cannot be underestimated.

"In my opinion, the current express delivery market is a small, miscellaneous, and chaotic scene, and no one has a larger scale. Guanghui Investment's focus here is better than investing in the Internet industry," Guan Weidong said.

"Because the courier company has not yet become popular, it is the best time to enter the market. Otherwise, the current [-] million in the Guanghui investment account will not be able to do anything. The task of expanding the Internet market is left to other companies in the group That's enough," Jiang Hui said.

Several express delivery companies in the later generations raised billions of dollars at every turn, and they burned so much money that they couldn't do anything with [-] million.

In fact, since the early stage of development, the express delivery industry has been characterized as "small, scattered, and chaotic", and it is a money-burning game.Slowly, as the reshuffle of the industry intensifies, profits will continue to be compressed, so the demand for funds is increasing.

"Are we investing in several express delivery companies? The valuations of these companies are not estimated to be very high, and one or two companies alone may not need so much capital," Guan Weidong said.

"It can be negotiated, whichever offers good conditions, go to which one first, as long as you have the shares of the companies I just mentioned, you can take it at any exaggerated price," Jiang Hui said.

"The and Alibaba you mentioned just now have a relatively large reputation in the industry, so it is probably not easy to buy shares; as for, it seems that they are not yet well-known in the industry," Guan Weidong said.

"Let's focus on investing in I'm more optimistic about their development. As for Alibaba, it's a chance to get a chance. If you have the best, don't forget it. Our Guanghui Investment focuses on the early stage of entrepreneurship or the huge potential in the future, but now we still have a lot of money." Enterprises that have not developed,” Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, I'll ask Mr. Jiang to take care of him from now on," Guan Weidong said.

"Happy cooperation," Jiang Hui stretched out his hand and said.

"Mr. Guan, let's go to other conference rooms to discuss other details. Mr. Jiang will interview people for other positions here," Liu Chujing said.

The next thing is that Liu Chujing and Guan Weidong will discuss the details of entry, and Jiang Hui will not intervene too much.

Liu Chujing took Guan Weidong to another meeting room, and then brought Gao Peng over after a while. After a brief introduction, he left for the time being.

"Mr. Jiang, I've heard your name for a long time, and I finally saw you in person today," Gao Peng said.

"I have also heard about Mr. Gao's name from the Tianchao branch of Sequoia Capital; it is not easy to be able to hold an important position in a US-funded company at such a young age," Jiang Hui said.

After exchanging a few pleasantries between Jiang Hui and Gao Peng, they turned to the main topic.

"Mr. Gao, you should know something about our Guanghui Group, right?" Jiang Hui said.

"Of course, companies such as, Brilliance Games, Brilliance Payment,, and are all newly emerging dark horses in the Chinese Internet industry. Their future is limitless, Mr. Jiang is a great talent," Gao Peng said.

"Before, we asked headhunters to look for the deputy general manager of Guanghui Investment. In fact, our group's recently established is also looking for a suitable person in charge," Jiang Hui said.

Gao Peng is very smart. As soon as he heard Jiang Hui's words, he knew that Jiang Hui preferred to let himself go somewhere instead of Guanghui Investment.If I insist on going to Guanghui Investment, then it is possible that this opportunity to enter the Guanghui Group will be gone.

"Mr. Jiang, can you briefly introduce the positioning of these two companies in your heart?" Gao Peng said.

"Brilliant Investment mainly invests in some potential industries that the group has not yet involved in. I will make a unified plan for this area, and the vice president will lead the team to implement it, so I hope to have a good executive to help me advance. Work. Where to go is different. Except for some general directions of development, other business details require the vice president to lead the team to formulate and work hard. Therefore, I hope to have a pioneering and innovative person to lead the team. ", Jiang Hui said.

"President Jiang must have already made a decision?" Gao Peng said.

"Indeed, I think you are more suitable for the position of deputy general manager of The initial treatment of this position is the same as that of the vice president of Guanghui Investment. So far, Guanghui Group has not failed a company, I believe Guanghui Investment and Qunar will also succeed,” Jiang Hui said.

Gao Peng lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and said to Jiang Hui with a smile, "Thank you Mr. Jiang for your trust. I hope Mr. Jiang will continue to lead us all to success."

"It's a pleasant cooperation. I firmly believe that you will not regret today's decision," Jiang Hui stretched out his hand and said.

"Mr. Jiang, when will I apply for employment? The situation of each company in Guanghui Group changes a lot every month. I want to integrate into Qunar as soon as possible," Gao Peng said.

"If you have no problem, you can come to work tomorrow. I'll ask Director Liu from the HR Department to arrange the entry procedures for you," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, let's do it tomorrow," Gao Peng said.

Jiang Hui was also quite happy to solve the problem of the leaders of the two companies at once, so he invited Gao Peng, Guan Weidong, and the management of Guanghui Investment and Qunar to have lunch together, which can be regarded as getting to know each other first.

(End of this chapter)

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