Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 312 Inspecting the Recording Site

Chapter 312 Inspecting the Recording Site
For sophomores like Jiang Hui, formal classes begin after the military training is over.Wanting to watch the recording process of's open class channel, Jiang Hui went to the "Management" class by the way.

Management is the study of how to improve the level of productivity through rational organization and allocation of human, financial, and material factors under the existing conditions; it is a human-centered coordination activity in social organizations in order to achieve expected goals.

In a general sense, it is to design, create, and maintain an environment, including the internal and external environment of the organization, by taking certain specific means and measures, so that all management objects can be coordinated and effective in a specific environment. Carry out activities sequentially.

For the current Jiang Hui, it is still useful to go back to the classroom occasionally to listen to the different management views of the teachers.Although a lot of teaching content in colleges and universities is out of touch with reality, some classic principles are applicable everywhere.

Jiang Hui's major in industrial engineering actually involves factory management issues a lot, so Imperial University of Technology also takes "Management" as a compulsory course.

"It's rare for you to come to class," He Ling said when Jiang Hui was next to He Ling.

Although He Ling is the general manager of Douban, because Douban doesn't have a lot of work and she is the class monitor, she still attends classes at school most of the time, and only goes to the company when there is no class.

"Hey, isn't it that is recording public lectures on a large scale? As the chairman, I also have a private interview on Weibo," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"I've watched many recordings and broadcasts. This kind of thing is mainly based on content. As long as the teacher teaches well and the courses are novel and attractive, they will naturally be popular after they go online," said He Ling.

"There are a hundred Hamlets in the eyes of a hundred people. We can only choose the lectures of famous professors to record and broadcast as soon as possible. We will talk about the audience's reaction at that time. In the early stage, we will win by quantity first, so that consumers can think about it. You can find resources on Tudou for any course you study, and develop a habit,” Jiang Hui said.

"It can only be like this, but it is difficult to do everything in the beginning, and it will be much better after one or two years of accumulation," He Ling said.

"Yes, so I plan to start with Imperial University of Technology, and slowly film the courses of several well-known universities in China; after that, let the American branch also look for partners and attract resources from American universities," Jiang said. Hui said.

Jiang Hui chatted with He Ling for a while, and then it was time for class.

The recording personnel set up the recording equipment in front of the podium, and after giving the teacher a gesture to start, the course officially started.

"In the last class, we learned about the development history of management, and today we will learn about the development trend of management.

The rapid development of modern science and technology has led to profound changes in management science, which has brought about fundamental changes in management functions, organizations, methods and concepts, thus making management research present the following development trends:
First, the status of management science in the scientific system will be further enhanced.Because people are more and more deeply aware that management is not only an indispensable factor in determining the development level of a country's productivity, but also the primary component of modern productivity.The education of management will become more common, and the important role of management will be more fully reflected.


The lecturer starts the lecture on the podium.

"A few days ago in class, a boy in the second class asked the teacher for leave and left. Shi Jindan happened to be sitting next to him and followed him for no reason. Everyone thought it was strange. When I came back at noon, I saw that her mood on the Xiaonei website was changed to: Shame today I was so lost, I was drowsy during class, and suddenly I saw a classmate take the bag and leave. I thought get out of class was over, so I also took the bag and left..." He Ling whispered gossip in the class next to Jiang Hui.

I didn't expect the monitor to drive a car in class.

"When Shi Jindan was still so funny, was this a rhythm with big breasts and no brains?" Jiang Hui said.

"Do you think girls look at their breasts first?" He Ling said with a white look at Jiang Hui.

"Do you know Lin Guizhou? He ate at KFC a few days ago. After sending a text message, he felt tired eyes. Cover your eyes with your hands, relax, let your head go and don't think about anything, last for 5 minutes, after 5 minutes, let go of your hands, damn... the phone on the table is gone," Jiang Hui said quickly, changing the subject.

"Really, is it this mess at KFC?" He Ling said.

"When people are unlucky, drinking cold water will clog their teeth. This has nothing to do with the security of KFC," Jiang Hui said.

"Are you going to take more time to go back to school for classes in the future, or is it the same as if you didn't go to college," He Ling said.

"It depends on the situation. You can come and listen to some courses you are interested in. However, as a company manager, you need to know more about courses such as management, finance, accounting and human resource management, and basic courses related to industrial engineering. It is not very useful for me to learn professional courses," Jiang Hui said.

"Let me help you pay attention to when the courses you are interested in are available, and you can also attend them," He Ling said.


The two were whispering in their seats, but fortunately the seats were not very far in front, so they didn't attract the teacher's attention too much.But the other students were different. It was rare to see the big celebrity Jiang Hui coming back to class, and sitting with the courtyard flower and whispering intimately. Many people's eyes were on Jiang Hui and He Ling.

The industrial engineering major is now considered a very well-known major in Imperial University of Technology, not because of how good this major is, but because there are successful entrepreneurs in this major such as Jiang Hui, He Ling, Tang Minghua, Lu Yang, and Wang Zhenguo.

Just click on the internal forum of Imperial University of Technology, and Jiang Hui's related posts have long occupied the top position in click-through rate, and many posts have been pinned to the top and refined.

The gossip about Jiang Hui, Bai Xue, and He Ling also attracted the most attention from the students.After all, many people knew the relationship between Jiang Hui and Bai Xue's boyfriend and girlfriend, and many people had seen Jiang Hui appearing in school with He Ling from time to time.

Even Dean He asked how his daughter and Jiang Hui were doing, but He Ling naturally didn't dare to tell the actual situation now, so she had to find some excuses to deal with it first.


After a rare class, Jiang Hui accompanied He Ling to the cafeteria for lunch, and then returned to the company to continue enjoying the painful and happy busy work.

(End of this chapter)

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