Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 313 Network Copyright

Chapter 313 Network Copyright
Back at the company, Jiang Hui went to to watch the pre-recorded and edited public lectures.Picture quality can only be described as average.Jiang Hui knows best how much room for the development of online video sharing.

As the personal values ​​and network behavior characteristics of Internet users become increasingly complex and diverse in the future, the video consumption structure of Internet users will also present diversified characteristics.The diversification of consumer demand structure will drive the competition pattern of Tianchao's online video market to develop in two directions: the pursuit of scale and the pursuit of differentiation.

As's first professional video website, Jiang Hui is not worried about falling behind others in terms of scale, but needs to be strengthened in terms of differentiation.

The prominence of differentiation mainly starts from the video content.Content is the foundation of online video development. As increases its acquisition of film and television copyrights, Jiang Hui is confident that it will be difficult for latecomers to catch up with traditional film and television.

However, with the further integration of Internet + film and television, a few years later, when video copyright is gradually becoming standardized, the user traffic advantage brought by high-quality copyright content will become more prominent.Only by continuing to adhere to the differentiated content strategy can video sites occupy a place in the fierce competition environment.

However, the long-term video content of various TV stations, such as film and television dramas, is highly homogeneous today, and outsourced content can only play a certain role in the early development of the user's taste is tricky, it will be difficult to have a sustainable impact on the user, so Tudou needs to create and discover resources by itself. At this time, the brand of online drama will become the key to the content and brand differentiation of the video site.

Jiang Hui bought Diandian Chinese website, in fact, to create some good IPs for Guanghui Games and Tudou in the future for game adaptations, film and television adaptations, etc.

Looking at the previous life, since the birth of online video, it has become a fiercely competitive field.From the early user, traffic and bandwidth disputes, to the copyright war of words, to the rush to buy copyright resources, and then gradually returned to rationality, began to move towards a diversified development path.The development of video websites has exhausted many people's youth and wildness, and has gradually become a game for adults. This industry will eventually enter the "Era of Oligarchs" where the strong compete.

Since first proposed that "photographers are everywhere", advocated that "anyone can be a photoshooter", and even gave cash rewards to video uploaders with a high click-through rate, which triggered a wave of photoshoot culture among the whole people, and the response was strong. After several months of Paike Video Theme Relay and Paike Training Camp, has now become a camp where Internet Paokes gather.

However, the rise of Tudou has attracted the attention and follow-up of other funds and Internet companies.Penguin Video, Du Niang Video, Sohu Video, and 56 Video have been established and launched in the past two months, and Youtube has also been established in the United States.Several websites are now imitating to attract users to upload and share videos. Although the scale is still far behind, the momentum of development cannot be underestimated.

The rise of has accelerated the development of Tianchao's online video by at least one year.In the previous life, it was not until the end of 2006, after YouTube was acquired by Google at a sky-high price of US$16.5 billion, that the American video-sharing website entered the Chinese people's field of vision.Many people saw the huge business opportunities contained in video websites and followed suit one after another. For a while, domestic video websites developed explosively.However, now this process has been advanced by Jiang Hui.

It has been imitated and never surpassed.This is Jiang Hui's expectation for Tudou, and it will also be the advertising lines of Tudou in the future.

Tudou movie channel and TV series Qindao had already started to go online when Jiang Hui was in military training.Although there are not many legitimate resources in it now, thanks to the efforts of Tudou's copyright department, new resources are increasing rapidly.

This is thanks to the current Internet piracy rampant. Traditional film and television companies have not yet obtained copyright benefits from the Internet. Now there is a "fool" like waving a check to buy Internet copyrights, and many companies are selling off the Internet copyrights of their products.

For these companies, these movies and TV series are not of much value except for occasionally rebroadcasting them on TV stations to earn a little money, especially for things shot a few years ago or even more than ten years ago, now is willing to spend money Buying, of course, selling all of them at once.

With Brilliance Games, which earns more than 1000 million yuan a day, will not refuse all movies and TV shows, as long as the price is not too outrageous, they will buy them all.


"Mr. Wang, how much did your company's movie online copyrights cost?"

"Internet copyright? Tudou also found your company?".

"Yeah, they even want TV dramas and movies like "Dream of Red Mansions" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that we filmed many years ago. These contents are now available for free online, and is willing to pay to buy them back for all netizens to watch. , our company must sell it quickly.”

" has such a big appetite, and it buys the copyright of any drama, so you better act quickly, before has no money and you can't buy it if you want to sell it."

"No way, is very popular recently, so it's not like I don't have money."

"What do you think, many Internet companies are losing money and making money, and they play differently from us. Although the online copyright price of each movie is not much, it can't stand the crazy acquisition of Tudou."

"Then it seems that I have to speed up the negotiation. I originally wanted to take the opportunity to sell more prices."

"Just accept it when you see it. In the past few years, have you seen anyone come to talk about the acquisition of online copyright? Besides, before there was no online copyright, we still filmed as usual. Now it is purely an extra windfall."

"That's right."


Internet copyright is also regarded as copyright, which refers to the rights enjoyed by authors of intellectual works such as literature, music, movies, scientific works, software, pictures, etc. on the Internet.

At the current stage, everyone doesn't pay much attention to it. Some TV series with [-] or [-] episodes can be bought for only tens of thousands of dollars, which is equivalent to only a few hundred dollars per episode, which is amazingly cheap.Even if the movie is more expensive, it is often only a few thousand yuan a piece.Compared with the purchase rights of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of episodes in later generations of online dramas, the current price is really the price of cabbage.Moreover, Tudou bought the exclusive copyrights of many movies and TV series.

Right now, the power of this exclusive copyright is not obvious. After a few years, when the government starts to pay attention to online infringement cases and crack down on infringements, these copyrights of will become an important asset.

(End of this chapter)

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