Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 314 Brilliant Film and Television

Chapter 314 Brilliant Film and Television
Thinking of the huge room for growth of online video in the future, Jiang Hui felt that in addition to purchasing the copyrights of various TV series and movies in China, it was also necessary to simultaneously purchase copyrights in the United States and other places.

Now that Youtube has been established, because is in the front, Youtube has not attracted too much attention.Jiang Hui wanted to occupy the market first before other investors burned their money like crazy in the video field.

In order to better develop the business of USA, Jiang Hui convened another extraordinary shareholders meeting of, and increased the capital of USA by 2 million.Since the development of in the United States has not caught up with China, except for Jiang Hui, others do not pay much attention to the U.S. market. Therefore, this capital increase in the U.S. branch is carried out at a valuation of [-] million. Basically, there are no shareholders to follow. Guanghui Technology injected capital alone.

In this way, more than [-]% of the shares of's US branch are in the hands of Guanghui Technology. Even if there are several subsequent financings, Jiang Hui is not worried about losing control of the company.

In the United States, currently focuses on promoting user-initiated video sharing and the acquisition of copyrights for movies and TV series.As for the Celestial Dynasty, in addition to these contents, Jiang Hui also wanted to test the waters of micro-movies and online dramas.

The concept of micro-movies is very simple, that is, they are shorter than real theater movies, generally controlled at about 30 minutes to an hour.Compared with theater movies, the requirements for shooting equipment are not high, as long as they can reach high-definition.

In terms of storyline, micro-movies use the shortest time to tell a complete story, there is no continuity, there is no continuation, and the broadcasting platform is basically a video website.

From Jiang Hui's point of view, micro-movies are just a transitional product. After the residual heat is used up, online videos will transition to online dramas.

Although the shooting and production of online dramas are generally not as high-quality as micro-films, after all, online dramas win by quantity, and they can quickly and continuously deliver new episodes, which inevitably compromises quality. It is also not too demanding, as long as you can see clearly.

However, web dramas have a continuous storyline and can effectively capture the hearts of netizens, which is better than micro movies.Moreover, the extension power of web dramas is very huge. It can drive the development of many related industries. For example, soft advertisements can be added to the film to directly generate revenue;

Of course, micro-movies can also do the same, but unless they have very classic content, they are less popular with advertisers and well-known actors.But this is not difficult for Jiang Hui, and he just brought over a few classic micro-movies from later generations, which is enough to meet this year's needs.

"Are you going to set up a new company again?" When Jiang Hui was explaining to Liao Yun about the registration of Guanghui Film and Television Co., Ltd., He Ling just came to Jiang Hui's office.

"Didn't I consider that the future development of Tudou needs a film and television company to cooperate with it?" Jiang Hui said.

"The stall is so big, are you busy coming here?" He Ling said.

"Professional people do professional things, and I will be a hands-off shopkeeper," Jiang Hui said.

"You don't have the life to let go of the shopkeeper. Which company do you really let go?" He Ling said.

This is true. At this stage, Jiang Hui is really worried about handing over the management of the company to other people.Only you know how to develop in this world. At least before 2017, Jiang Hui will continue to develop in the direction guided by himself.

"1 years is too long, seize the day and night, enter the market before everyone reacts, you can get twice the result with half the effort, and a few years later, it will become twice the result with half the effort," Jiang Hui said.

The Internet is a winner-takes-all industry, and many businesses are dominated by one company. If the Guanghui Group wants to have more companies become leaders in the Internet field, it is best to use Jiang Hui's prophet. The market was previously occupied.

"The water in the film and television company is very deep. I heard from my cousin that there are a lot of shady scenes in it. It may not be so easy to break in rashly," He Ling said.

"The deep water is more for actors. In the face of capital, film and television companies are not as difficult as you think. Besides, we mainly make some micro movies in the early stage, and then we will slowly make TV series, movies, and variety shows. Programs, etc. We have our own broadcasting platform, our own funds, actors and directors, etc., no matter whether they sign with our company or not, we can find them for filming,” Jiang Hui said.

"I can't say no to you, but you'd better ask someone in the industry to learn more about the situation. In addition, you just said that Guanghui Film and Television mainly made micro movies in the early days. What is that? Is it different from ordinary movies?" , He Ling said.

"The most basic difference is the investment. The investment of micro-movies is much smaller than that of theater-chain movies, and micro-movies are generally only spread on the Internet, not in theaters. In addition, as the name suggests, the length of micro-films is definitely not as good as that of theaters. Movies usually last three to four 10 minutes, not more than one hour," Jiang Hui said.

"Can the story be told clearly in such a short time, and will the audience buy it?" He Ling said.

"This depends on the level of the screenwriter. How will you know if there is a market if you don't try it?" Jiang Hui said.

"Judging from your appearance, you should have an idea for a micro-movie, let's hear it, and I'll see if it's attractive," He Ling said.

The micro-movies of the previous life were very popular on the Internet for a while, but gradually they became a tool for various companies to promote and promote, and the tastes of netizens gradually shifted to online dramas.

However, now that Jiang Hui has produced the microfilm in advance, it is estimated that the vitality of the microfilm should be longer.

Among the micro-films in his previous life, the one that impressed Jiang Hui the most was "Old Boy".

"I already have a preliminary idea, I plan to write the script myself, and then find someone to shoot it," Jiang Hui said.

"After the script is finished, show it to me first. If I am satisfied, I will leave it to me to find a director to shoot," He Ling said with a smile.

"Okay, then I will give you the position of deputy general manager in Guanghui Film and Television, and let you be the producer of the film," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"You are not afraid that I will bring down the company, so just leave it to me," He Ling said.

"Don't worry, as long as you shoot according to my script, you won't get dirty," Jiang Hui said.

If even "Old Boy" can hit the street, then no micro movie can be successful.

(End of this chapter)

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