Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 315 The Old Boy of the Microfilm

Chapter 315 The Old Boy of the Microfilm

"Old Boy" tells the story of a pair of middle school friends who formed a band to participate in the "Happy Boys" talent show when they were middle-aged, because a song brought them back to their youth and the past. This touching "Old Boy" "The theme song also touched all the audience.

The film narrates these young people and the changes of this era with brilliant shots. Why does such a seemingly ordinary micro-movie move the audience so much?Jiang Hui felt that the reason might be this.It is the diamond-like bright memory that remains after years of refinement. Maybe we can all find our own shadows, our memories of time, and our youth in this light and shadow.

Jiang Hui found a conference room and locked himself in it. From afternoon to night, he didn't eat dinner, and wrote the script of "Old Boy" in one breath.Jiang Hui has watched this micro-movie many times. Although he dare not say that he has memorized all the lines, the dialogue content and precautions of each scene are very clear.Of course, now that Michael Jackson is still alive, the script cannot be completely copied, and some things that have not happened yet must be properly corrected.

"Why haven't you gone back yet?" Jiang Hui just returned to the office when he found that He Ling was still waiting in his office.

"You've locked yourself in a small dark room since noon, and you don't even eat dinner. Why don't you fight like this," said He Ling.

"When I got inspiration and didn't want to be interrupted, I wrote the script in one go. I'll print a copy for you to read," Jiang Hui said.

"There is some food here, you can eat something first, I can just watch it on your computer," He Ling said.

Jiang Hui noticed that there were already a few Pizza Hut bags on his desk, so he felt really hungry.

"Lingling is the most considerate of me," Jiang Hui said over and over while eating.

He Ling ignored Jiang Hui and read the script in front of the computer:
"Old Boy" Screenplay

Screenwriter: Jiang Hui Director: TBD
Starring: He Qingquan (Xiao Dabao), Chen Yu (Wang Xiaoshuai), Ban Hua (Zhang Mengze), Li Minghua (Bao Xiaobai)

Scene [-]: In the classroom
①Broadcast gymnastics sound []
(The two men are pretending to be reading but actually reading ****)

(2 men beat together)
(Xiao Dabao plays guitar and practice singing) "There is a girl named Xiaofang in the village".

②(Banhua walks by, Shao Xinyu sings) "Thank you for the love you gave me, I will never forget it in this life, thank you..." (The girl walks by and the listener plays) "Lesson 1 Unit 3".

(Xiao Dabao pauses and then continues to sing) "Thank you for being gentle to me, don't you fucking go so fast—" (Shao Xinyu sees the girl walking away, drops the guitar, gets discouraged, and collapses to the ground).


Jiang Hui watched He Ling read the script with so much concentration, so he didn't interrupt her, and ate pizza and drank Coke slowly by himself.

He Ling sometimes smiled lightly, and sometimes her eyes were red and ready to shed tears. It seemed that she had completely integrated herself into the script.

"That is the person I miss and love deeply day and night.

How do I express that she will accept me?
Maybe never say that to her
I am doomed to wander the world, how can I be concerned
Dreams are always out of reach, should we give up?

Flowers bloom and fall, it's another season of spring, where are you

Seeing that He Ling was about to finish the script, Jiang Hui began to sing softly beside him the theme song "Old Boy" of the micro movie "Old Boy".Ever since Jiang Hui sang this song in the finals of the Imperial University of Technology's Late Autumn Song Contest, it was covered by the Dream Band, and it has become a popular song all over the country.

"Honey, I love you," He Ling stood up from the computer and said, hugging Jiang Hui actively.

From He Ling's reflection, it can be seen that "Old Boy" is destined to be a popular micro-movie. Even a script can move He Ling, let alone after it is filmed.

"I love you too," Jiang Hui said with his arms around He Ling's slender waist.

"Don't leave me, you are not allowed to leave me in this life," He Ling said, hugging Jiang Hui tightly.

"I would like to accompany you all my life, and accompany you all year round. In spring, I will accompany you to walk gently among the blooming flowers; in summer, I will accompany you to run by the happy river; in autumn, I will accompany you to wander Under the fiery red maple forest; in winter, I will accompany you to sit around the blazing stove," Jiang Hui whispered in He Ling's ear.

After hearing this, He Ling took the initiative to give Jiang Hui a passionate kiss, and the two hugged and kissed deeply in the office.


After the script has been completed, if it is invested, Guanghui Technology will temporarily inject 1000 million into Guanghui Film and Television for the shooting of "Old Boy".Guanghui Technology owns the shares of Penguin Company and Du Niang, and wholly-owned Guanghui Games, which is not short of 1000 million.

In the previous life, Chopstick Brothers filmed "Old Boy", and it is said that they only spent 80 yuan.Of course, this amount of money definitely did not include the factory fees of the two of them, but it also shows from the side that the demand for funds for micro movies is not as exaggerated as that of theater movies.This is also related to the plot of "Old Boy". There are no scenes and props that are too expensive, so it only cost 80 yuan, which sounds small, but it is not impossible.

However, Guanghui Film and Television reinvested in the filming of "Old Boy" because they invited members of the dream band. Although they can appear in the filming as a friend, they signed a contract with the record company after all, and the company will not allow them to perform for free.It's not necessarily because the record company cares about the little money, but because they are afraid of breaking the rules.So Jiang Hui planned to give the Dream Band 500 million yuan as an appearance fee, and another 500 million yuan to hire some directors, supporting roles, extras, and rent venues and props.

All kinds of micro-movies and online dramas in later generations are full of product placements. Some of them are well done so that the audience will not be disgusted. good.Jiang Hui is also thinking of trying to place ads on "Old Boy", the best way is to save the shooting cost by relying on ads.

Although Guanghui Group is not short of the 1000 million, in the long run, it is best for all products of Guanghui Film and Television to be able to make a profit on their own.

Jiang Hui has already thought of adding toys and dolls produced by Aofei Animation in some scenes of "Old Boy", and adding embedded advertisements such as Xiaonei in some scenes.At the same time, can also contact several restaurants in the imperial capital to place advertisements for them.You can even contact some merchants on to see if they can implant relevant information such as hotels.These scenes are different from those in "Old Boy" in the previous life, and Jiang Hui needs to adjust the plot appropriately.

In addition to allowing these Brilliant Group's own internal enterprises and affiliated businesses to provide sponsorship and advertising placement, Jiang Hui also plans to introduce some other cooperative users to try various advertising placement methods for micro-movies and online dramas in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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