Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 318 Start Shooting

Chapter 318 Start Shooting

The success of a film requires the close cooperation of a team, and it is often not the credit of the director and actors alone.The rest of the film crew is just as important.

When we watch a movie, we can often see information about the director, leading actor, producer, producer, etc. of the main filmmakers of the movie at the beginning of the movie.At the end of the movie, there will be a more detailed list of production personnel, including editing, lighting, makeup artists, art directors, set designers, etc.

Although "Old Boy" is just a micro-movie, the sparrow is small and well-equipped. It is impossible to omit the lighting engineer or other roles because of the short film time and low investment.Of course, when some small teams arrange some simple micro-movies, only a few people can handle all the content, but the effect of the micro-movies produced by this shooting method can be known only after thinking about it.

As the first work of Guanghui Film and Television, Jiang Hui hopes that "Old Boy" can be shot according to the staffing configuration of normal theater movies, so that the team can also start the next project directly in the future.And as the company's first work, although the fire will definitely be very popular, Jiang Hui also hopes to make "Old Boy" a better picture quality, more comfortable makeup for the staff, and smoother editing.

A few days later, Zhao Gang came to Jiang Hui's office with a personnel list.

"Mr. Jiang, after communicating with some technical masters of our station, as well as classmates and friends who work in other film and television companies, I initially drew up a list of crew members, and I will introduce you for confirmation," Zhao Gang said.

Jiang Hui took the list from Zhao Gang and looked at it for a while.

Producer and producer are vacant, probably waiting for Jiang Hui to decide.

The producer is generally responsible for the early market research of the film, to see if the film market of similar films has prospects (such as box office situation, popularity, possibility of sequel, etc.), and decide whether it is worth producing the film through investigation.To put it more generally, the producer often refers to the legal representative of the capital or the big names in the film and television industry who are helpful to the sales of the film.The commercial nature of a film determines that the producer is the master of a film, and has the right to decide all matters related to filming, including what kind of script to shoot, hiring directors, photographers, actors, and sending film producers on behalf of it to manage production funds and review filming. Fund and control the whole process of filming. Jiang Hui is going to take on the role of the producer of "Old Boy" himself.

The producer is the master of the entire crew, the highest authority of the crew, who has the right to decide to hire excellent members, and also has the right to expel members who violate the rules of the crew.From the completion of the film to the release of the film, he is the core character throughout the film. Jiang Hui, the producer of "Old Boy", plans to let He Ling take over.

Usually many people confuse the producer with the producer, but in fact there is a big difference between the two.If defined by a metaphor of an enterprise, the producer is equivalent to the chairman (investor, corporate legal person or authoritative person), and the producer is like the president (the person in charge of the overall situation).In Tianchao, although there are many producers who also signed the title of producer, there is still a big difference between these two positions, just like the chairman is also the general manager, which does not mean that the chairman and the general manager are the same role.

Director: Zhao Gang

Assistant Director: Xiao Liang
Starring: He Qingquan, Chen Yu, Li Minghua, Zhang Mengze
Cast: Zhang Wenyu, He Haibo, Lin Ting, Chen Jianhua, Dong Jiaqi, Guo Jianxiong
Field manager: Hu Yongshun
Photographer: Huang Zhigang

Music Editor: Lin Yongjian
Set designer: Miao Yiqiang

Makeup Artist: Lin Tongtong

Lighting engineer: Wang Changbo

Props Master: Lin Zhihao

Sound engineer: Chen Wenbin

Editing: Zhang Zhiqiang

"Mr. Jiang, let me introduce you. The counselor Xiao Liang is my college classmate. He is now working in a film and television company. We have known each other since college and know each other's styles, so I invited him to partner with me. Supporting actors Zhang Wenyu, He Haibo, etc. Some are my alumni, and some actors I have met in the past few years. Although these people are not famous at the moment, I think they still have basic strengths, but they lack one Opportunity, so I dragged them into the crew of "Old Boy". In addition, the scene manager..." Zhao Gang introduced the situation of the personnel on the list to Jiang Hui one by one.

"Just follow this. In addition, you make a list of equipment purchases, listing all the equipment needed in the process of filming and post-processing, and I will arrange personnel to purchase them," Jiang Hui said.

360 lines, every line is the champion.For professional matters, leave it to professional personnel to deal with it.Therefore, Jiang Hui did not raise any objections to the list given by Zhao Gang, but only told him that he would be the producer and He Ling, the deputy general manager of Guanghui Film and Television, would be the producer.

The film and TV industry in the imperial capital is the most developed in the country, so whether it is recruiting people or renting photography equipment, it is relatively simple.

Guanghui Film and Television has not yet purchased its own shooting equipment. After Zhao Gang made a list of what he wants, Jiang Hui will arrange personnel to purchase it.Before that, I rented the equipment for shooting, and I can use my company's equipment when I wait for the next scene.

The first time I saw filming, it was really not that simple.In the past few days, I just watched Zhao Gang prepare the camera, lighting equipment, movie film, track and rail car for the camera, rocker arms for the camera, props, scenery for the set, and various costumes and cosmetics to match the film's story era. , recording equipment, office supplies, transportation, etc., Jiang Hui felt that it was too correct to find professionals to do professional things.

After a series of preparations, on October 10st, Guanghui Film and Television's first work "Old Boy" finally started in the High School Affiliated to Imperial University of Technology.

In the current Chinese film and television industry, whenever a new film starts shooting, there must be a launching ceremony.In fact, it is to choose an auspicious day and hold a worship ceremony.Generally speaking, at the opening ceremony, the table used for worship is covered with red velvet cloth, on which Emperor Guan is enshrined, and on both sides are incense burners, roast suckling pig and delicious fruits.Usually the camera is covered with a red cloth, and then the main staff of the crew offer incense and worship gods one by one, and finally lift the red cloth of the machine to announce the start-up.

You have to ask who are they worshiping?In fact, there is no unified requirement that everyone come to worship which great god.The crew members worship whoever they have in mind, such as Buddha, Bodhisattva, gods of all walks of life or Master Guan, Father-in-law of the Land...the main thing is to respect their profession, have a sense of awe for the things they shoot, and pray for a smooth shooting. Something went wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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