Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 319 Tudou Open Class is Online

Chapter 319 Tudou Open Class is Online
On the same day that Guanghui Films' first micro-movie was launched, Tudou's open class channel was officially launched.

The public courses launched this time are the content of cooperation between and Teito University of Technology. Within this year, most of the courses will still be based on Teito University of Technology.At the same time, the staff of's open class channel are also starting to contact other schools. At present, Huaqing University, Kyoto University, and the University of Foreign Studies next to Teito University of Technology are all interested in this project.

Tudou public courses are listed on a display platform of universities to a certain extent, and Tudou will definitely not find some very poor schools to record courses. Therefore, if two universities of the same level have a large number of public courses on Tudou, The other one does have almost none, so people who watch the video will think that the internship in the school with more courses is stronger. itself did not do much publicity for the launch of the open class channel, but only made some prominent reminders on's official website.However, the Imperial University of Technology is more active, asking all colleges to inform students that there is such a platform where they can learn courses of various majors.

Even, Imperial University of Technology also contacted some news media to actively publicize the cooperation between Imperial Institute of Technology and to promote open classes and seek benefits for the majority of Internet names.

The education department and the Youth League Committee are very interested in this kind of action by the Imperial University of Technology.Open classes can also be regarded as a kind of education promotion action, and most of the people who will learn these things are young people, so the action of vigorously promoting free online open classes has received strong support from the Ministry of Education and the Youth League Committee.


Tianchao Youth Daily reported: In order to further improve the professional quality and teaching ability of school teachers, consolidate the basic skills of teachers to control classroom teaching, and at the same time bring benefits to the majority of netizens, Imperial University of Technology and launched an online open class activity.

In order to make the recording of the public class receive the actual effect and achieve the expected purpose, the Academic Affairs Office of the school uniformly arranges the lecture sequence and recording time.During the activity, each teacher carefully prepares lessons, makes full use of various teaching methods and multimedia, infiltrates new curriculum concepts into the teaching process, and pays attention to the creation of teaching situations and classroom exploration...


Education Daily reported: Open online courses first originated in the United Kingdom, which is a distance teaching method in the United Kingdom. This method of teaching can be traced back to the Open University established in the United Kingdom in 1969.With the rapid development of digital TV and network technology, the concept and practice of distance teaching have undergone major changes.

Although the online open class jointly launched by and Teito University of Technology is not the first in the industry, it is the project with the widest scope and plans to cover the most colleges and universities.In the future, Tudou will carry out in-depth cooperation with Huaqing University and Kyoto University...


Tudou open class message board.

Netizen "Zhengdebuzheng" said: The Celestial Dynasty really needs this kind of thinking-expanding class!Through online videos, we can share the thinking, knowledge and wisdom of the masters.They are like suns, allowing us to absorb energy continuously...

Netizen "Bu Er Bu Er" said: I hope there will be more public classes like this on the Internet, so that netizens can see more courses taught by college teachers, listen and learn more, and there will be gains.

A netizen named "Sailing" said: I hope that advanced people can explain the knowledge in a simple and simple way, and make it more vivid, so that more people can understand it, so that knowledge can be spread more widely.

Netizen “Mamluk Cavalry” said: Overseas famous schools like the University of California, Berkeley already have their own open online courses. I hope that can discuss with them to introduce them to China, so that the majority of netizens can not only appreciate domestic teachers You can also see how teachers from world-renowned schools give lectures.


Huaqing University.

"Did the people in the Academic Affairs Office watch the online open class jointly filmed by Imperial University of Technology and Tudou?"

"I see, I think many of them are not as good as what our teacher said."

"Your lectures are good, and no one on the Internet knows about them. As the number one university in China, our school needs to let netizens see our strength. Your Academic Affairs Office should communicate with Tudou as soon as possible and cooperate with them to film our school's public class".

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away."


A school dormitory.

"Xiao Wang, haven't you always been interested in computers? Tudou now has software engineering courses, you can take a look."

"Really? There are already a lot of videos on the Internet. Is there anything different about Tudou?".

"Of course it's different. This is a live video of their software engineering teacher giving a lecture to the students. This is similar to the effect of going to Imperial University of Technology to study software engineering."

"Really? Then I have to listen to it quickly. This is a rare opportunity to study a course systematically."


In the next few days, many newspapers and periodicals published commentators' articles.

Northern Weekend Report: Open online courses are based on the principle of resource sharing, using the network's functions of no distance and cross-connection, and under the leadership of the Open University team, open online courses are created through computer virtual space.

Famous universities in China should open more open classes, so that Chinese people who have no chance to study in universities can provide them with opportunities to recharge their studies.


The leaders of the Imperial University of Technology did not expect that such an online open class would cause such a big response. The Youth League Committee Headquarters and the Ministry of Education are discussing with the Imperial University of Technology to cooperate with multiple parties to make this project bigger and stronger.

Some colleges and universities even took the initiative to contact Imperial University of Technology and, saying that they could help record their school's courses for free and provide them to for free.Tudou's open class channel is not like Paike channel, all registered users can upload videos.In order to ensure the quality of the public class, currently only Tudou's designated personnel have the right to upload videos on Tudou's public class channel. After all, this is information that carries the role of education and teaching, so it is better to be more rigorous.

"Director Jiang, I didn't expect such a seemingly ordinary public class to cause such a big response. You are really amazing," Fang Dawen said.

As the general manager of, Fang Dawen, Jiang Hui recently shifted his work focus to Fang Dawen still felt a lot of pressure, but at the same time realized the importance of

"It's nothing. The public class is still relatively small. People who care about it pay attention to it, and those who don't care about it basically don't pay attention. When we are doing a good job on this channel, the work of other channels should not be left behind," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on it," Fang Dawen said.

(End of this chapter)

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