Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 320 Tudou membership system

Chapter 320 Tudou membership system

After's acquisition of copyrights lasted for nearly two months, it already has the online copyrights of more than 1000 TV series and more than [-] movies.The pace of this acquisition is still accelerating, and the content of this piece is monopolized before the opponent responds.

With the resources of movie channel and TV drama channel becoming more and more abundant, the traffic of is constantly creating new records.At present, the number of registered users has reached 500 million, and 2000 million IPs are inserted to visit every day, generating more than 1 million hits.

Although the traffic has not yet been converted into money, it is just a matter of thought. already has the ability to make profits, but Jiang Hui doesn't want to place too many advertisements so early.So now Tudou users will go straight to the topic after clicking on the video, and there will be no advertisements for more than ten seconds, or even tens of seconds, or more than one minute.

Of course, the expansion of Tudou's advertising business is also an inevitable trend, but Jiang Hui wants to secure the top position in online video before expanding the advertising business. This can be regarded as raising the entry threshold for video websites in disguise.Because there is no website and no fee-paying business, the development of video websites is basically a process of pure investment, and companies with insufficient funds cannot compete with

Since launched a frenzied acquisition of online copyrights, more than half of the nearly [-] million capital injected last time has been spent. Looking at the momentum, it may be necessary to inject another capital from Guanghui Investment by the end of this month.After all, the current online copyright is too easy to acquire and too cheap.

Faced with this development situation, Tudou has also taken some new measures to prepare for future profitability.

"Mr. Fang, this is a membership system made by the marketing department according to the requirements of the company's board of directors. I'll confirm it for you first, and then send it to Director Jiang for final confirmation," said Chen Jingcheng.

As is the leader in China's video industry, and its resources and development speed far exceed those of its competitors, the membership system of will greatly increase the stickiness of customers to the website.For website users, the advantage of the membership system is that they can enjoy some services that non-members do not have, such as blocking advertisements after there are advertisements in the future.

Of course, the membership system is not without its drawbacks.In addition to the need to pay for VIP members in the future, the membership system will make members have higher requirements for the service of the website, and members will hope that will have better quality and privacy.

"Registration is free for ordinary members. After becoming a member, you can post comments in the comment area. For some movies and TV series, you must register as a member before they can play..." Fang Dawen looked at the membership system made by the marketing department, and muttered something in his mouth Said.

"This system is just an initial plan. After the company decides to charge in the future, we will divide the membership into another level. Only ordinary members can register for free; if you want to watch some popular movies and TV series, you need to register as a VIP, and VIPs need to pay. Membership fees; at the same time, we can also consider grading VIPs, VIPs of different levels enjoy different treatment, and will definitely be exempted from advertising in front of the video, watching high-definition movies, etc.,” Chen Jingcheng said.

It is an inevitable development trend for video websites to charge fees. After all, no matter which company it is, no one wants to see the money flow out like this.However, in view of the current chaotic and disorderly situation of the Internet in China, it is difficult to "finalize the decision" in a short period of time. This is an inevitable problem that must experience in the growth of the charging model.Therefore, Jiang Hui asked to slow down the pace of charging rather than rushing, and slowly cultivate users' paid viewing habits on the basis of continuing to expand the user base.

In the future, portal websites will slowly decline, and video websites will become the largest application on the Internet. As long as has mastered its basic skills, its valuation will definitely exceed tens of billions in less than ten years, and the unit is US dollars.

"There is nothing wrong with the current membership system. After all, there is no fee-based business involved. The user response should not be too strong. I will take it to Director Jiang to confirm. If there is no problem, it will be launched tomorrow," Fang Dawen said.


"Director Jiang, this is the membership system drafted by the company, let me report it to you," Fang Dawen said when he came to Jiang Hui's office.

Jiang Hui looked at the plan Fang Dawen handed over, but he didn't have any objections.

"Let's implement it according to this. But you have to think in advance. After launching the paid membership system in the future, will it be welcomed by netizens? How can we attract the stickiness of paying members," Jiang Hui said.

In the previous life, although various video websites launched their own membership fee system, the majority of netizens were not very satisfied.The main reason is that the film and television resources of video websites basically rely on external purchases. "Whoever grabs the resources, users go to whoever".However, the unknown resources make it difficult for netizens to predict which website can stably output high-quality content.This kind of thing happened in the previous life. The first season of "The Voice of Heaven" was broadcast exclusively on, but in the second season, it suddenly became Sohu Video.If the changes are too fast, users will not have a sense of belonging to the website, and naturally they will not become paid members.

Jiang Hui established Guanghui Film and Television, in fact, to complement the company and Tudou.The relationship between Guanghui Film and Tudou is a bit like fish and water. Cooperating with each other is good for everyone, but going it alone will be more difficult.

"It is indeed the case. At present, in addition to continuing to expand the shooter channel, movie channel, TV drama channel, and open classes, our company is also beginning to get involved in entertainment, news, and other aspects of content," Fang Dawen said.

"This direction is right. It needs to develop in a diversified way and give users more choices. One day, no matter what content netizens want to watch, they will think of going to, and the company will be considered a success," Jiang Hui said.

"We will work hard in this direction. In addition, the company has now recruited a lot of camera, editing and other related personnel in order to shoot public classes. I am wondering whether can expand this business and slowly expand its Make it like an Internet TV station," Fang Dawen said.

"It's absolutely fine. You and Guanghui Film and Television can communicate more and make progress together. However, if you want to become an online TV station, there will inevitably be a lot of live programs. The content of this piece will gradually be controlled by the government. The stricter it is. You should pay attention to the developments in this area in time to see if you can promote the government to regulate the video industry and set up some entry thresholds," Jiang Hui said.

According to normal development, it will take a few years for the government to issue video website licenses. As a pioneer and the current industry leader,, if it can obtain the license in advance, it will avoid some unnecessary policy risks. , It can also set up some thresholds for newcomers and increase the difficulty of entering video websites, which can be said to be a matter of more advantages than disadvantages.

(End of this chapter)

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