Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 322 The Old Boy Is Finished

Chapter 322 The Old Boy Is Finished
Just when Jiang Hui was busy dealing with the interconnection of Guanghui Group's companies.Brilliant Films' first work "Old Boy" is also in full swing.


Sohu Entertainment reported: Recently, the filming of Dream Band's first film and television work started in the imperial capital in a low-key manner.It is said that this movie is a microfilm called "Old Boy", which was shot by Guanghui Film and Television Investment.Guanghui Film and Television is a newly established company, and "Old Boy" is their virgin.Maybe you are still relatively unfamiliar with Guanghui Film and Television, but you must have heard of companies such as Xiaonei, Meituan, Guanghui Games, Guanghui Payment, and Tudou.These companies and Guanghui Film and Television have the same parent company - Guanghui Technology.Guanghui Technology is...


Mango Variety Report: Our reporter visited the set of "Old Boy" today. "Old Boy" is the first film and television work of the famous Dream Band, and all four members of the Dream Band star in this film.Xiao Dabao (played by He Qingquan), one of the protagonists of the film, was a gangster in his school days and had bullied many people, including Wang Xiaoshuai (played by Chen Yu) and Bao Xiaobai (played by Li Minghua).But because Xiao Dabao and Wang Xiaoshuai had the same music dream, they became friends in the future.

When they were students, they loved Michael Jackson very much, and became all-time "idols" on campus because of their imitation of Michael Jackson.At the same time, the emotional life of the other protagonist Wang Xiaoshuai also experienced some twists and turns.A fat girl named Hao Fang has been secretly in love with Wang Xiaoshuai, but Wang Xiaoshuai is deeply in love with Xiaohua (played by Zhang Mengze)...


Dream Band fanbase.

"Finally I can see my dear brother Quan on the screen."

"Favorite Zhang Mengze".

"Chen Yu is also very good."

"I think Li Minghua has the most characteristics."

"It's all pretty good, but I don't know how well they sing and act in movies."

"I heard that it's just a micro-movie, and after the filming is finished, it will only be watched on Tudou."

"What is a micro-movie? Can a company hire the Dream Band?".

"You are ignorant now. How did the Dream Band become famous? It became popular through cooperation with Jiang Hui from Imperial University of Technology. "Old Boy" was filmed by Guanghui Film and Television Investment, and it is said that Jiang Hui wrote it himself. Yes, if not the Dream Band, who would you look for?".

"Glorious Films is very different from other companies. What kind of micro-films are they making? I haven't heard of them."

"Okay, it will be clear at a glance after going online."

"Looking forward".


a movie company.

"What is this Guanghui Film and Television? I haven't heard of it before. Why are there so many news about them on the Internet recently?".

"Glorious Film and Television was only established recently, but this company has a strong background. Several Internet companies that are very popular in Tianchao, such as Xiaonei, Meituan, and Tudou, are said to be his brother companies. The boss holds the shares, so Guanghui Film and Television is very influential on the Internet.”

"It's enough to make good use of their Internet. Why come to the film and television industry to join in the fun? What's the micro-movie? You're just messing around!".

"Hey, if you have money, you can do whatever you want. There is nothing to pay attention to if you can't even enter a movie theater."

"Dream Band is also real. Besides, we invited them to shoot a youth idol drama, and they put on airs with us there. They have to read the script before acting."

"After suffering a loss, they will know which company is a reliable company."


A singer's studio.

"Dream Band has moved to the film and television industry? That's great, the music charts in the past six months are about to be dominated by them, so hurry up and get involved in other fields."

"Yeah, classic songs one after another, completely do not give other singers a way out."

"Hehe, they are developing so rapidly in the music industry, and the entertainment industry will be so simple in the future. Let them hit the wall in the film and television industry and save themselves so arrogant."

"Yeah, last month I just wanted them to introduce the lyricists of those songs to us, but they also pushed back and forth. I really thought I was a big singer."

"Don't pay attention to them, when the time comes when the "Old Boy" micro-movie goes online, let's just watch the joke."


Du Niang posted it.

"I heard that Dream Band is going to shoot a nostalgic movie for the post-70s and post-80s generations?".

"It's not a nostalgic movie. I heard the propaganda on that it is the first micro-movie of the Chinese Dynasty."

"Time flies, and society changes so fast. It's good to take pictures of the old things, but I don't know how the effect will be."

"It is said that it cost 1000 million to shoot, although it is nothing compared to Hollywood's investment of hundreds of millions of dollars in movies. But this figure is not small in China."

"I hope Dream Band's first film and television work can be as classic as their songs."


The poplar trees on both sides of the school road stand under the sun, and the emerald green leaves cover the sun in the sky. Occasionally, a gust of breeze blows through, taking away the heat from people's bodies and lifting the skirts of the girls.

In October in the imperial capital, the weather is no longer so hot. After the crew of "Old Boy" completed the campus scene shooting at the High School Affiliated to Imperial University of Technology, they are already intensively shooting the location.

Although Jiang Hui hopes to change some of the shoddy scenes in the previous life "Old Boy", after all it is just a micro movie with a relatively simple plot without too many props and special effects.So the progress of shooting is relatively fast.

By October 10, the crew had already started filming the last set of scenes.

"Micro Film" No.30, the sixth scene of the second paragraph of the fourth scene.

Following the order of director Zhao Gang, the last shot of "Micro Film" began to be shot.

"Emotionally invest some, and then invest some more"!
"Add light to the left to make the contrast between black and white more vivid."

"Then who, step back and don't run into the camera."


"I announce that the microfilm "Old Boy" has been successfully completed," Zhao Gang said to the crew members with a microphone.

Although it can’t be said that it has gone through untold hardships, but as the first step of filming by the newly established company, all team members formed a team for the first time and were able to film "Old Boy" smoothly. Still not easy.

"In addition, tonight at the Chaolou Hotel, we will hold a wrap-up banquet for the crew of "Old Boy". Mr. Jiang will also be present at that time. Please attend on time," said Zhao Gang.

Whether it is to celebrate the smooth completion of the film in the future, or to strengthen the cohesion of the crew, or to increase everyone's confidence in the company, Jiang Hui feels that it is necessary to hold such a celebration banquet. Just taking this opportunity, Jiang Hui also went to get to know the crew member.

(End of this chapter)

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