Chapter 326

While "Old Boy" plundered countless people's tears, it also angered some people.In the play, the scene where the Hyundai Elantra rear-ends the Audi A6 was specially captured by Guanghui Film and Television and spread on the Internet.

"What kind of broken car do you drive? A Hyundai Elantra dares to hit my A6 ass. Don't think that if your car crashes and ruins my car, I can spare you."

"I'm sorry, brother, it may be that the brakes of my car are not very sensitive, and I obviously stepped on the brakes."

"If the brakes are not good, you can talk to the car manufacturer, don't tell me."


When He Ling went to Didu Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd. to discuss film sponsorship, Jiang Hui didn't forget the face of their marketing department stick money day.

A modern 4S store in the imperial capital.

"Is the Elantra I ordered a few days ago available now?".

"Sorry, Mr. Wang, our store is still transferring goods to the manufacturer for the color you want. Please wait patiently. We will contact you later."

"Great, you don't need to contact me anymore, I request to cancel the order. How do I get the deposit back?".

"What? I'm sorry, I didn't hear clearly, sir, can you please say it again?".

"I want to cancel the order, how do I get the deposit back?"

"Sorry, the deposit is non-refundable."

"Did I pick up the car? I paid the deposit because you didn't have the car. Why can't I get it back?".

"Sorry, this is the company's regulations."


The Elantra forum of Autohome.

"I heard that the Elantra's crash performance is poor?".

"More than that, there is still a problem with the brakes."

"I just bought a car a few months ago, can I return it?".

"Bangzi's car is not as good as European and American brands, its quality is not as good as Japanese, and its price is not as good as its own brands. I don't know why you guys would buy it."

"Upstairs, stop. You didn't buy the Elantra, what are you doing in this forum, are you trying to provoke us?"

"This is sprinkling salt on the wound, why don't you be so ruthless."

"I want to return the car, the manufacturer must give us an explanation."

"That is, there must be a saying."


Imperial Capital Modern 400 Customer Service Center.

"Jingle Bell"!
"Hi, hello! This is the Imperial Capital Modern Customer Service Center, how can I help you?".

"There is a problem with the brakes of your car, I want to return the car."

"Hello, sir! Could you please describe the problem in detail?".

"The Elantra I bought couldn't stop with the brakes. Others stopped it when they stepped on it lightly. My car had to slide for a long time before stopping."

"For existing cars, the braking distance is related to the driving speed and braking force of the car. Our company's products are put into the market after rigorous testing. If you have any questions about your car, you can drive to the nearby 4S shop for testing."

"Damn the test, everyone on the Internet says there is a problem with this car, so there must be a problem."

"Excuse me, sir, if you have any questions about your car, please drive to a nearby 4S store for inspection."

"You will shirk your responsibility. When the time comes to test and test, it is not up to you to decide."


Imperial Capital Modern Sales Department.

"Have the statistics of each store come out today?".

"Minister, the statistics have just been sent to your mailbox."

"Why has the sales volume been declining in the past few days? Especially the Elantra, which has dropped by almost half from the previous month."

"I don't know why. Recently, many customers in 4S stores have complained and even asked to return their cars, which has had a great impact on our sales."

"Is there any reason for the investigation?".

"It is still being confirmed, but it is said that there are already many comments on the Internet saying that our car's crash performance is not good, and there are still problems with the brakes."

"Fart, our cars are all the most advanced products imported from South Korea, how could there be problems."

"I think so too, but the problem now is that consumers don't believe that much."

"As soon as possible to confirm, what is wrong in the end."


Imperial Capital Modern Market Section.

"Chief, a video of the collision between the Elantra and the Audi A6 has been circulating on the Internet recently. I think you should watch it."

"China's Internet will only copy the United States, what's so good about it."

"Chief Jin, I think it's better for you to take a look, just a few minutes."

"Okay, okay, turn on the computer and let me take a look."

"Just this, this is a clip from the microfilm "Old Boy" shot by Guanghui Film and Television, which is now widely spread on the Internet, and our competitors seem to be contributing to it."

"Brilliant Films? Is that the company that came to talk to us about movie advertising placement last month?"

"Yes, I was there with you."

"I remembered, the girl is very beautiful."

"You can talk about it after watching this video."

"Damn guy, this is slander, blatant slander, I'm going to sue them."

"This estimate is a bit difficult, and they didn't say anything directly."

"It's still called not saying anything directly. There is a saying in your heaven that is tolerable or unbearable. I'm going to sue them and ask that flower girl to apologize to me in person."

"Chief Jin, the minister is here to see you."


"Money Day, what is your marketing department doing? Why did Guanghui Film and Television smear our company in "Old Boy"? I heard that they came to discuss advertising cooperation with us."

"Minister, they are deliberately slandering us because I did not promise them a sky-high advertising fee."

"Are you sure you are telling the truth? The sales of the Elantra in the 4S store have been cut in half these days. If it turns out that this incident was caused by your mistake, then you should think about the consequences yourself."

"Minister, this is absolutely slandering us. I did nothing wrong. I only rejected their sky-high advertising cooperation project from the standpoint of the company."

"You should immediately contact Guanghui Film and Television and request to delete this picture immediately and issue a written apology."

"Okay, I'll get in touch right away."


"Hello, is this Guanghui Film and Television? I'm looking for your company, He Ling."

"Hello, which company are you from and what's your name?".

"I'm Qian Ri, the Marketing Section Chief of Didu Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd., and I want to call you Mr. He immediately, she knows me."

"I'm sorry, Mr. He is not in the company. If you have anything to say, you can leave a message, and I will help to convey it."

"Give me her cell phone number, and I'll talk to her directly."

"Sorry, this is inconvenient to give."

"Is it convenient or not? Let me tell you, your company is in trouble. If you don't ask He Ling to contact me, just wait for the lawsuit."

"I'm sorry, but I'll hang up if you have nothing else to do."

"Hello? Hello? Hello? How dare you hang up on my phone, I'm so mad."


(End of this chapter)

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