Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 327 The TV station came to buy the broadcasting rights

Chapter 327 The TV station came to buy the broadcasting rights
Just when Qianqian Ri was in a hurry to contact Guanghui Film and Television, Jiang Hui and He Ling were in the office and drinking coffee slowly.

"I said, we should be fine, anyway, we're going to get angry," He Ling said to Jiang Hui.

"Why do you have to be about the same? Guanghui Group has always adhered to the principle of making money with harmony, but it doesn't mean that we have to swallow our anger when we encounter anything. Besides, as your man, I can treat you like that. Can you bear it?" Jiang Hui said.

"Actually, he didn't treat me badly, it's just that his mouth is cheap," He Ling said.

"It's not even the cheapest, you have to pay for talking nonsense," Jiang Hui said.

"Do whatever you want, I just don't want to cause trouble for you because of me," He Ling said.Although she said so, He Ling was very touched and happy that Jiang Hui cared about her so much, and felt that she had not misjudged the person.

On the fourth day of its launch, "Old Boy" has exceeded 500 million hits.This number is already higher than the second to tenth, or even the second to the hundredth most popular movies, completely stunned everyone in the Internet and entertainment circles.

Guanghui Film and Television, Zhao Gang, and everyone in the Dream Band were quickly known by the film and television circle with just one work.Various invitations to commercial performances and catwalks were given to Dream Band, but except for a few high-end events, Dream Band basically rejected them all.

The happiest one was Zhao Gang. Before that, he was just a newcomer in the director circle, not even a third-tier director.But after "Old Boy" became popular, his fame increased rapidly. Many first-line film and television companies have expressed their cooperation with him, but Zhao Gang has refused.

Why was "Old Boy" so successful?People outside thought it was Zhao Gang and the Dream Band.But Zhao Gang knew very well in his heart that Jiang Hui was the biggest hero behind the scenes.The onion script of this play, the setting and precautions of each link, editing points and network promotion are all planned by Jiang Hui.So although Jiang Hui only holds the title of producer and screenwriter in the crew, he is actually the chief director.

In the current film environment of China, film is the art of the director.A screenwriter is just a staff member who assists the director in completing the film.A good director in any country will attach great importance to the role of screenwriters.But in the domestic environment, the screenwriter does not play a decisive role in the shape of the final film.

This is because the director-centered system is implemented in the filming of Chinese film and television dramas.Screenwriters have no status in the crew, and script creation is reduced to writing "propositional compositions".It's nothing to say that the script is changed at will, the development of the industry is deformed, the gunmen are bullied, the mediocre screenwriters can enjoy themselves, the income gap is polarized, and the top screenwriters are far behind the first-line stars.

The director-centered system establishes a creative team system with the director as the core during the whole process of filming.In the film crew, the director holds the leadership and command of artistic creation, and the director has the final decision in case of disagreement.The screenwriter-centered system is a production model promoted in the film and television industry in Europe, America and Korea, that is, in the film and television production process, the screenwriter takes the leading role.The screenwriter-centered system can improve the status quo of screenwriters' low status and low remuneration, but it is still a controversial topic in the Chinese film and television industry.This is also the reason why Jiang Hui is not valued by everyone even though he holds the title of screenwriter in the crew.

"Jiang Dong, my old boss came to me and said that Didu TV Station intends to buy the broadcasting rights of "Old Boy". How do you think I can reply him?" Zhao Gang said.

Many people in the industry have always been more optimistic about Satellite TV's purchase of film copyrights or broadcasting rights, especially since online video has only become popular this year, and its influence on the film and television industry has not yet been shown.

Some people in the film industry believe that the purchase of film copyright by Satellite TV is at least a continuation of film distribution, and there is more space and possibility besides broadcasting in theaters.

In fact, foreign TV stations have already done this. Like the movie "The Sound of Music", American TV stations will repeatedly show it and broadcast it for decades.

Some people even think that popular new movies are becoming an important direction for powerful satellite TV's film and television procurement. In the next step, many TV stations may follow suit and rush to buy, and in the next step, satellite TV may try to cooperate with major international film companies for exclusive broadcasting.

Jiang Hui remembers that the movie "Your Name", which is very famous in later generations of the island country, once sold TV rights for one billion yen, which can be said to have created a new record for a TV station to purchase movie rights.

""Old Boy" is just a micro-movie. Some TV stations want to buy it? How do ordinary TV stations buy movies?" Jiang Hui asked.

"There are many ways, such as purchasing the copyright directly or buying the broadcasting right, and the broadcasting right can be classified into only buying the premiere right or buying out the broadcasting right for many years," said Zhao Gang.

"Copyrights are definitely not for sale, broadcasting rights can be negotiated, but the authorization should not be too long, and it is best not to exclusively authorize, I would rather earn a little less money," Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, then I'll make an appointment with colleagues from the marketing department and the legal department to meet with them," said Zhao Gang.

"I forgot to mention one point. One of the preconditions for us to agree to sell the broadcasting rights is that Imperial TV Station cannot make any cuts to the film, and must play it completely according to our version. This must be written into the contract," Jiang said. Hui said.

Now is the time when the disgusting imperial capital is modern, and Jiang Hui doesn't want to give in for no reason.Although Jiang Hui also knew that, as a key enterprise of the Imperial City, if "Old Boy" really had an impact on Hyundai's sales, someone from the city government would definitely come forward, but it was not the time to compromise.

"Okay, I understand," Zhao Gang said.At the same time, he was also thinking in his heart: It is better not to offend Jiang Hui in the future. Although Jiang Hui usually looks easy to talk, he is also very powerful when he remembers hatred.However, Zhao Gang recognized Jiang Hui's way of standing out for his company's employees, and this kind of boss was worth following.

Brilliant Films became an instant hit. In order for the company to continue to attract the attention and participation of people in the industry, Jiang Hui wanted to continue producing several micro-movies.Afterwards, classic TV series such as "Struggle" and "Love Story in the Imperial Capital" will be filmed. Basically, will be able to test the charging model or expand its advertising business.How to choose depends on the situation at that time.

Guanghui Film and Television can start to expand its workforce and sign some potential artists. In this regard, Jiang Hui should be the best at it.Jiang Hui knows who is popular and who is not.

(End of this chapter)

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