Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 328 We will not carry this blame

Chapter 328 We will not carry this blame

Qian Qianri reported the relevant situation to the company leaders after being rejected by Guanghui Film and Television.That night, Imperial Capital Hyundai published an open letter on its official website.


"A Letter to Elantra Owners": Recently, many Elantra owners have been misled by false videos on the Internet.I think there are problems with the crash performance and braking performance of the Elantra.In view of the confusion caused by Guanghui Film and Television's false remarks in the micro-movie "Old Boy" to the majority of Didu Hyundai car owners and the adverse impact on the sales of Didu Hyundai, we hope that Guanghui Film and Television will immediately delete the relevant false video clips and make a written apology We apologize, and we reserve the right to further pursue the legal responsibility of Guanghui Film and Television.

Consumers and friends, please put it down, abide by national laws and regulations, and treat consumers with integrity is the pursuit of Didu Hyundai as always. All our products meet the requirements of national collision requirements and other laws and regulations.

In the future, Didu Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd. will repay the trust and support of domestic consumers with more reliable products and services.

At the same time, Money Day also sent an email to Guanghui Film and Television, which roughly meant the same as the letter on the official website.It is because of the false lines in your video that the sales of Imperial Capital Modern have plummeted by half in the past few days compared to last week. We require Guanghui Film and Television to immediately issue an official statement to apologize, and delete relevant excerpts of the video, etc.


He Ling quickly forwarded this email to Jiang Hui, and at the same time told Jiang Hui about the open letter on Modern's official website.

"Hehe, didn't they want us to make a public apology? Then we will also send an open letter on the official websites of and Guanghui Film and Television, and I will write it myself," Jiang Hui said.


"Reply to some companies attacking Guanghui Film and Television for no reason": To all the netizens, in recent days, a certain company's car sales have plummeted, and Guanghui Film and Television is actually to blame. "Old Boy" is a film and television work, the content in it is purely fictitious, and we have not targeted any company.As for some companies over-interpreting the lines in the play, and blaming Guanghui Film and Television for the plunge in sales, we can only say that we will not take the blame.

I hope that some companies will look for the reasons for the decline in sales from the perspective of their own products.Brilliant Films reserves the right to further pursue the legal responsibility of certain companies for defamation and infringement of the company's reputation.


The behavior of Guanghui Film and Television and Imperial Capital Hyundai choking each other on the Internet has aroused many people's onlookers.

North Volkswagen published an article on its official website saying: The company's Audi brand is the best-selling luxury car brand in China.Thanks to excellent collision performance, rich configuration, streamlined appearance and good braking performance, the company's products...

A forum: Buying BYD F6, you are not afraid of rear-end collisions, let alone being unable to stop, and the price is cheap...

Various car companies are taking advantage of the opportunity to market and promote their own products, and have taken actions to add insult to injury to Imperial Capital Hyundai.

Netizens also wrote jokes about "I don't take the blame" on, Penguin Space and various forums.


I am a sewer worker. Today, when someone called a household for a toilet, a lot of TT came out. I told the male householder not to throw the used TT in the horseback in the future, as it is easy to get knotted and blocked. superior.As soon as I finished speaking, the male head of the household turned around and started fighting with the female head of the household. How should I persuade the fight? Guan Jian didn’t give me money, and it’s not easy for me~ I won’t take the blame for creating family conflicts!


Some time ago, TV and the Internet were full of news about the college entrance examination.So my daughter asked me: "Dad, why didn't you take the college entrance examination?".I blushed a little, and then said regretfully: "Your grandfather's family was poor back then...".

As a result, the door was opened with a "bang", and my dad yelled at me: "Stinky boy, I will not take the blame!"


Watching the Lantern Festival with my sister-in-law, as soon as I got to a place where the light was slightly dark, my sister-in-law turned around and said coquettishly: "Brother-in-law, don't make trouble... The landlord has been baffled."

When I went out of the park and asked, it turned out that someone touched my sister-in-law's butt from time to time, and my sister-in-law thought I was joking.

Just now I thought I was innocent, but my wife said: Forget it, there are so many people, and the lights are dim, who knows who touched it.Well, it seems that the pot is set.


Most netizens no longer paid attention to why Guanghui Film and Television and Imperial Capital Hyundai fought. Instead, "I don't take the blame for it" completely became popular, and it quickly became a hot word on the Internet.It seems that in 2004, besides positive energy, Internet +, etc., among the hot words on the Internet in [-], there is another "I don't blame this blame".

Everyone's performance on the Internet is about to make the leaders of the Imperial Capital Modern get angry.Let's not talk about the fact that Guanghui Film and Television not only did not apologize, but also bit back; just the behavior of colleagues in the industry made them feel depressed.And more netizens are just watching a joke.

"Money Day, I have already understood that Guanghui Film and Television will blackmail us in the film. , you can go back to China tomorrow, and after you go back, you can either resign on your own initiative, or wait to go to the workshop to make screws.”

"Mr. Park, I really didn't do anything. Guanghui Film and Television is doing something deliberately. Why should we Koreans be afraid of them?".

"Don't talk about tiger skins everywhere. It has nothing to do with any country. The company will not bear the disaster caused by your own heat."

"President Park, listen to my explanation, I..."

"No need to explain, I just want the result, and the Chinese shareholders are already very dissatisfied with your performance. The market was originally under our control, and it will fall into the hands of the Chinese side in the future. If you continue to toss, you will only lose more ".

"I will go to Guanghui Film and Television to apologize immediately."

"Be sincere and be sure to get the understanding of the other party."


"Hello, I'm looking for Mr. He."

"Excuse me, do you have an appointment?"

"I'm the money day of the imperial capital, and I have something very important to say to her."

"Excuse me, do you have an appointment?"

"No, can I trouble you to confirm with Mr. He and say that Qianqian Ri came to find her."

"Then please wait on the sofa next to me for a while. I will confirm with Boss He when she is free."


"Should I talk to him this time?" He Ling said to Jiang Hui in Jiang Hui's office.

"Continue to let him hang out until the bustle of the city government comes to us," Jiang Hui said.

"I guess he came to apologize, why don't we just let it go?" He Ling said.

After all this tossing, He Ling's anxiety has completely disappeared.

"If an apology is useful, why do we need the police," Jiang Hui said.

(End of this chapter)

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