Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 335 Drone Project Team

Chapter 335 Drone Project Team
UAVs first appeared in the 20s. In 20, the First World War was in full swing. The two generals of the United Kingdom, Carder and Pitcher, made a suggestion to the British Military Aeronautical Society: develop a drone that does not use drones. It is a small aircraft piloted by humans and controlled by radio, so that it can fly over a certain target area of ​​​​the enemy and drop the bombs loaded on the small aircraft in advance.This bold idea was immediately appreciated by Sir Day Henderson, then chairman of the British Military Aviation Society.He appointed Professor AM Luo to lead a group of people to develop it.The UAV was used as a target drone for training.

In 1945, after World War II, redundant or decommissioned aircraft were converted into special research or target drones, which became the first of its kind in modern drone usage trends.With the advancement of electronic technology, drones have begun to show their flexibility and importance in the role of reconnaissance missions.

During the Vietnam War from 20 to 55, the Gulf War and even NATO's air raids on Yugoslavia, drones were frequently used to perform military tasks.

Of course, it is impossible for the brilliant drone to enter the field of military drones from the very beginning.Then, which direction to choose among so many development directions for civilian use becomes very important.

The development of DJI drones in later generations has proved that drones have unique advantages in aerial photography, so Jiang Hui took it over and arranged for the Guanghui UAV project team to attack aerial photography drones.

The uses of aerial photography are actually very extensive, and the most familiar one is probably the filming of drones.

In later generations, there are many successful cases of using drones in the film and television industry, whether it is Han Han's debut show "The Future Is Unexpected", the hot show "Where Are We Going, Dad", or the classic blockbuster "Harry Potter" series , "007 Skyfall", "Transformers 4", etc., can find traces of drones from behind the scenes.In addition, UAVs also played an important role in the reports of important events such as the Sochi Winter Olympics in Russia and CCTV's Qiantang River tide.

UAV aerial photography is easy to say, but it is not easy to do well.The core of which is the flight control system of the drone.The flight control system is a high-tech product that integrates single-chip microcomputer technology, aerial photography sensor technology, GPS navigation aerial photography technology, communication aerial photography service technology, flight control technology, mission control technology, programming technology, etc. and relies on hardware.

Therefore, it is impossible to design an aircraft control system without any of the technologies mentioned above. The more flight experience and experience can provide many ways to avoid problems in the early stage of design, so that the test flight progress can be smoother. , You must know that the debugging of the flight control is mainly the test flight. Compared with other automatic control products, the test flight is high-risk. Once the plane crashes and the hardware is damaged, it is difficult to analyze the cause of the accident, and it is even more difficult to solve the problem.

The Brilliant UAV project team has already produced several mechanical models and tested them many times, but due to the imperfect flight control system, there is no possibility of mass production yet.

Jiang Hui saw the situation of the Brilliance UAV, so he decided to retreat for a period of time, and together with the project team, he publicized several major issues of the UAV.

Common aircraft are usually divided into fixed-wing, helicopter and multi-rotor (four-rotor is the most mainstream).Before 2010, fixed-wing and helicopters basically occupied an absolute mainstream position in the fields of aerial photography and aircraft model sports.However, in the next few years, due to its excellent control performance, the multi-rotor quickly became a new star in the field of aerial photography and model sports, but this still requires professionals to debug or assemble the aircraft.

In terms of handling, the control of the multi-rotor is the easiest.It can take off and land vertically without a runway, and can hover in the air after takeoff.Its control principle is simple, and the four remote sensing operations of the controller correspond to the movement of the aircraft in the forward and backward, left and right, up and down and yaw directions.In terms of autopilot, the control method of multi-rotor autopilot is simple, and the adjustment of controller parameters is also very simple.Relatively speaking, learning to fly fixed-wing and helicopters is not an easy task.The fixed-wing flight field requires an open space, while the coupling between channels will occur during the flight of the helicopter, so the design of the autopilot controller is difficult, and the controller adjustment is also very difficult.

In terms of reliability, multi-rotors are also the best performers.If only the mechanical reliability is considered, the multi-rotor has no moving parts, and its reliability basically depends on the reliability of the brushless motor, so the reliability is relatively high.In comparison, fixed wings and helicopters have moving mechanical linkages that wear out during flight, resulting in reduced reliability.Moreover, the multi-rotor can hover, the flight range is controlled, and it is safer than the fixed wing.

In terms of serviceability, the serviceability of multi-rotors is the highest.Because of its simple structure, if the motor, electronic speed controller, battery, paddle and frame are damaged, they are easy to replace.However, fixed-wing and helicopter parts have more parts, and the installation also requires skill, which is relatively troublesome.

Therefore, although the endurance performance of the multi-rotor UAV is obviously weaker than that of the other two models, its energy conversion efficiency is low.At the same time, in terms of load-carrying performance, the multi-rotor is also the worst of the three.However, Jiang Hui still let Guanghui UAV choose the multi-rotor UAV as the first product to develop.

After all, for these three models, the handling is related to the aircraft structure and flight principles, and it is difficult to change.In terms of reliability and serviceability, multi-rotors always have advantages.With the continuous improvement of battery energy density, the lightweight of materials and the continuous miniaturization of airborne equipment, the advantages of multi-rotors will be further highlighted.Therefore, in the mass market, the "rigid" experience must eventually make people choose multi-rotor drones.

However, during this retreat, Jiang Hui also began to realize the importance of batteries.Whether it is drones or the field of electric vehicles that I plan to enter in the future, there is a strong dependence on battery upgrades.Especially for electric vehicles, the quality of batteries is about to become a key factor in determining the pace of development of this industry.

It is necessary for Guanghui Group to start paying attention to the content of battery technology, see if it can acquire several promising battery companies, enter the battery field, and then use the future development direction that it is familiar with to increase capital investment and strive to be in five to ten years. Make some breakthrough developments.

Regarding matters related to the acquisition, Jiang Hui told Guan Weidong of Guanghui Investment that he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, although this matter is very important, it is not that urgent.It is still too late to get it done within the next year.

(End of this chapter)

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