Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 334 Retreat With Golden Finger

Chapter 334 Retreat With Golden Finger

In the early days of Guanghui Weibo, it was very beneficial to use celebrities to develop business.Because the propagation path of Brilliance Weibo is actually a "fan path". After A publishes the information, A's fans A, B, C, D (until infinity) can receive the information in real time; one is the "forwarding path".If A thinks a certain Weibo of A is good, he can forward it with "one click", and this letter will be immediately synchronized to A's Weibo. At the same time, A's fans 1234 (until infinite) can receive the information in real time, and then use By analogy, extreme speed transmission is achieved.

Celebrities have inherent advantages in this regard, but in order to protect the rights and interests of celebrities.Jiang Hui felt that it was necessary for Guanghui Weibo to launch a celebrity authentication system from the very beginning, so that all users would know at a glance that this account was a real account confirmed by Guanghui Weibo.Celebrity certification is marked with a gold "V" after the certified user's name.The certified figures are mainly stars in various industries, corporate executives and important news parties.

At the same time, Jiang Hui intends to open registration permissions for companies, universities and other organizations from the very beginning, so that Guanghui Weibo is not limited to individuals. This is one of the important functions of Weibo in later generations.

For example: Accounts with real names on Guanghui Weibo, which are the most well-known to the public, and have media characteristics can apply for Guanghui Weibo certification.In the future, there will be accounts of Didu TV Station, Tianchao Youth Daily, Didu Evening News, etc. on Guanghui Weibo.

At the same time, names that use real names on Guanghui Weibo and are the most well-known to the public, and have the characteristics of universities can also apply for Guanghui Weibo certification.The first must be universities such as Imperial University of Technology.

There is also a very important certification: enterprise certification.In order to facilitate the company's publicity on Guanghui Weibo, Jiang Hui will arrange personnel to carry out company certification.Same as celebrity authentication, the letter "V" will be added after the user name after enterprise authentication.However, these enterprises must be properly registered with the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and it is not just a random person who wants to pass the certification by setting up a personal website, fan group, and spontaneous non-governmental organization.

In addition to the celebrity and enterprise certification mentioned above, Jiang Hui asked the development team to activate Weibo master certification for individual users in order to allow the largest group of ordinary users to participate in Brilliant Weibo.

Weibo masters are active members of Weibo, a stage for grassroots users of Guanghui Weibo, and big stars among grassroots.To become a Weibo master, you can have an exclusive identity logo, a cool Weibo master medal, and you can also meet more friends in the same city and have common hobbies, gain more fans, have more confidants, and enjoy priority Life convenience and discounts brought by various online and offline talent activities on Guanghui Weibo.

In later generations, the Internet marketing of many enterprises is realized through these Weibo masters.Those Weibo masters with hundreds of thousands or even millions of fans can already rely on Weibo to support themselves.

After passing this series of certifications, Brilliant Weibo will greatly enhance its authority.The sustainable development of Guanghui Weibo can only be achieved if the information is trustworthy and deliberate.Otherwise, fake news and fake information are flying all over the sky, and it won't be long before the government departments will take action to rectify it.

The initial internal testing of Brilliant Weibo was only conducted between the development team and two No. 30 people including Jiang Hui.

Jiang Hui personally registered his account on the beta version of Guanghui Weibo, and tried celebrity authentication.At the same time, it also registered internal test accounts for several companies such as Brilliant Games.

The @ function already in use on Xiaonei has been added to Guanghui Weibo under Jiang Hui's suggestion.Not to mention functions such as one-click forwarding and following.

Guanghui Weibo has a length limit of 140 characters, which is also the meaning of "micro" in Weibo.For Western languages, taking English as an example, an English word plus a space requires an average of five or six characters, while Chinese is dominated by two-character words, so that the amount of information that can be conveyed by each English Weibo is only one Chinese Weibo About 1/3 of that.If tweets are written in a language with less information density (such as Spanish), the amount of information conveyed is even less.

Compared with blogs that emphasize layout, the content of Weibo is only composed of simple words and phrases. From this perspective, the technical requirements for users are very low, and the organization of language is not as high as that of blogs.

The emergence of blogs has pushed social media on the Internet a big step forward, and public figures have begun to build their online images.However, in Jiang Hui's eyes, the image on the blog is still a performance after makeup, and the creation of blog posts needs to consider complete logic. Such a large workload has become a heavy burden for bloggers. Jiang Hui himself has never written a blog post .Like Jiang Hui, the "silent majority" among blog users or potential users will be able to find a stage to show themselves on Guanghui Weibo.

During the internal test, Jiang Hui asked all the testers to pay attention to each other.Brilliant Weibo has great flexibility in the influence of publicity, which is highly related to the quality of Weibo content.Its influence is based on the number of "followers" a user currently has.The more attractive and newsworthy the information posted by the user is, the more people are interested in and follow the user, and the greater the influence.Only by having more high-quality fans can one's Weibo be followed by more people.

The internal test of Brilliance Weibo is in full swing. After Jiang Hui pointed out a few important revisions a few days before the test, he devoted his energy to the work of the drone project team.

Unmanned aircraft, referred to as "UAV", is an unmanned aircraft that is controlled by radio remote control equipment and its own program control device, or is completely or intermittently operated autonomously by an on-board computer.From a technical point of view, drones can be divided into: unmanned fixed-wing aircraft, unmanned vertical take-off and landing aircraft, unmanned airship, unmanned helicopter, unmanned multi-rotor aircraft, unmanned parawing aircraft, etc.

Drones are often better suited for missions that are too "dumb, dirty or dangerous" than manned aircraft.According to the application field, UAV can be divided into military and civilian.In terms of military use, UAVs are divided into reconnaissance aircraft and target aircraft.In terms of civilian use, drones + industry applications are the real rigid needs of drones.UAVs are widely used in aerial photography, agriculture, plant protection, micro selfie, express transportation, disaster relief, observing wild animals, monitoring infectious diseases, surveying and mapping, news reporting, power inspection, disaster relief, film and television shooting, making romance, etc. Application prospect.

The first research direction Jiang Hui arranged for the UAV project team was aerial photography.

(End of this chapter)

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