Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 340 "Father" Comes

Chapter 340 "Father" Comes

After nearly two months of shooting and the initial stage of post-production, the second micro-movie of Guanghui Film and Television - "Father" will also be released soon.

Most of the main creators of this micro-movie are consistent with "Old Boy", but considering the role of "father" in the play, it would be troublesome to make up a few members of the dream band, so Zhao Gang found a new one. Play alone.

"Mr. Jiang, the editing of "Father" has been completed. Please confirm that the playback link has been sent to your mailbox." Zhao Gang came to Jiang Hui's office and reported.

"Okay, I'll go back and take a good look. Has the publicity plan been finalized yet?" Jiang Hui said.

"Mr. He has already confirmed that and will cooperate with us to promote the film, and with the previous warm-up, there should be no problem," said Zhao Gang.

He Ling is now the deputy general manager of Brilliant Films. Although she is also the general manager of Douban, the focus of her work during this time is on Brilliant Films.After all, Guanghui Film and Television currently has two works "Father" and "The Blossoms in the Sunset" that are being filmed.

"Then let's set it to launch on December 12th. The two-day pre-heating happens to be the New Year's Day holiday. Let's see if we can break the hit record created by "Old Boy", Jiang Hui said.

"Okay, I will prepare according to this schedule," Zhao Gang said.

After Zhao Gang left, Jiang Hui watched the movie in advance in the office alone.Because Guanghui Film and Television is willing to invest money, the picture and costumes of the film are better than those in the previous life.So Jiang Hui didn't have any special requirements for the crew to modify it, and it would be fine to go live according to this version in two days.


"Father" has been pre-heated since the beginning of the preparation. After two months of shooting, amidst the anticipation, it was finally officially launched on Tudou in the early morning of December 12.

Jiang Hui didn't wait at the company, and went to and from get off work during normal hours.But as soon as he arrived at the company the next day, Zhao Gang rushed into Jiang Hui's office.

"Mr. Jiang, 150 million, within nine hours of its launch, "Father" had more than 150 million hits on Tudou, nearly 50 more than "Old Boy". We succeeded," Zhao Gang said excitedly.

"Isn't success inevitable? Old Zhao, you will have greater success in the future, just get used to it," Jiang Hui said.

"Thank you Mr. Jiang, thank you for giving me the opportunity to direct "Old Boy" and "Father" alone," Zhao Gang said.

"Just say something, I should thank you. If it weren't for you leading the crew to work day and night, Guanghui Film and Television may still be an empty shelf until now. Lao Zhao, come on, you chose Guanghui Film and Television, and you will definitely not I regret it," Jiang Hui said.


Brilliant Films' "Father" has received widespread attention from inside and outside the industry.Many film and television companies think that Guanghui Film and Television is just lucky, and the first work "Old Boy" is so popular.Now, can the second work still be so good?This is a question that many people are concerned about.

A film and television company.

"The hit rate of "Father" has exceeded 150 million, which has surpassed "Old Boy". It seems that Guanghui Film and Television is going to gain a firm foothold in the film and television industry."

"Hey, I didn't expect that a company that doesn't have a single movie in theaters would become famous in the industry with two micro-movies broadcast on the Internet. Now that Guanghui Film and Television wants to invest in making movies or TV series, it is estimated that many actors will Interested."

"Glorious Film and Television is backed by the mountain of Tudou. Now Tudou is the most popular application on the entire Internet. In recent months, they have bought online copyrights of movies and TV series from many companies. Our company has also sold them some videos. With the help of these copyright resources, the first reaction of people who want to watch videos on the Internet now is to go to Tudou. Now Tudou is promoting "Father", and it is difficult for them not to be popular."


a dormitory.

"Xiaoqiang, don't watch American dramas, I recommend you to watch a micro movie, it's definitely good."

"What kind of micro-film, when will domestic films be comparable to Hollywood blockbusters."

"It's different this time. Go to and have a look. Today's hottest video is the micro-movie "Father". It's definitely worth watching."

"Really, you know I've never been interested in domestic films."

"Why are you lying to me? It was only launched last night. I have watched it twice. If you are not satisfied after reading it, I will treat you to chicken drumsticks in the cafeteria tonight."

"What you said, I remember."


Always asking for something but never saying thank you

It's not easy until you grow up

Always pretend to be relaxed every time you leave

Smile and say go back, turn around, tears in your eyes
How much I want to hold your warm palm like before

But you are not by my side, let the breeze take you to Ankang

Time slows down, don't make you old
I would like to use my one to exchange your years and stay forever

What can I do for you, a strong father

Accept the trivial concerns
Thank you for everything you do to support our home

always try my best to give me the best
Am I your pride, are you still worried about me?
The child you care about has grown up
How much I want to hold your warm palm like before

But you are not by my side, let the breeze take you to Ankang

Time slows down, don't make you old
I would like to use my one to exchange your years and stay forever

What can I do for you, a strong father

Accept the trivial concerns
Thank you for everything you do to support our home

always try my best to give me the best
Am I your pride, are you still worried about me?
The child you care about has grown up
Time slows down, don't make you old
I would like to use my one to exchange your years and stay forever

Am I your pride, are you still worried about me?
The child you care about has grown up
Thanks for having you along the way
With the popularity of the micro-movie "Father", the theme song of the same name quickly reached the top of the music list, and all the streets and alleys were playing this song all of a sudden.

Just like what Du Niang said in the news: "Father" is the first online Lunar New Year micro-movie launched by Guanghui Film and Television. The film continues the nostalgic and "down-to-earth" characteristics of "Old Boy" and tells the story of a father and daughter with Chinese characteristics. The story finally settled on the old father's true feelings at the daughter's wedding, and the topic of fatherly love resonated, causing countless netizens to evoke memories and "touch the scene to make love".In addition to the emotional call for fatherly love that made the audience burst into tears, the nostalgic humor of "Father" as always has also made many classic lines become everyone's online signatures, new catchphrases, and chatter after dinner.

The success of "Father" made everyone in Guanghui Film and Television full of confidence in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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