Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 341 Brilliant Movies and Television Was Praised

Chapter 341 Brilliant Movies and Television Was Praised
At present, "Father" has more than 3 million hits on a single film, and has always been at the top of the movie hit list on theme song "Father" of the same name was quickly spread by the audience as soon as it was released, and became popular in the streets and alleys.

The success of "Old Boy" and "Father" has begun to make more people in the film and television industry pay attention to micro-movies.Many students in art colleges or young literary and art workers have begun to try to imitate Guanghui Film and Television to shoot some micro-movies.

On, there have been some videos similar to micro-movies with relatively ordinary workmanship being uploaded to the Paike channel by users.

For these self-funded micro-movie teams, some of them are purely out of interest and filmed for entertainment; some of them hope to attract attention through their own films, and then make their official debut; Existence of extracurricular work or graduation works of art majors such as directing department.

In any case, the prosperity of micro-movies, or the prosperity of the film and television industry, is actually a good thing for Tudou and Guanghui Film and Television.After all, a rising tide lifts all boats.

On the third day when "Father" was launched, it was just New Year's Day. The hit rate of "Father" on has exceeded 4000 million. In addition to reports on various celebrations, the news broadcast that night mentioned the issue of film and television creation for the first time.Among them, "Old Boy" and "Father" were named and changed.

The general meaning of the report is as follows: Recently, the central government held a symposium for literary and art workers, and put forward clear requirements for accelerating the reform of the cultural system and vigorously developing cultural undertakings and industries.The reform and development of my country's radio, film and television is further deepening.Under this new situation, doing a good job in radio, film and television information work is of special significance to the overall situation of radio, film and television work. In 2004, although some achievements were made in the radio, film and television information work, it was still relatively weak in general, and could not fully adapt to the requirements of the rapid development situation and the needs of the work, and there were problems such as unbalanced, untimely, and pointless information submissions. are still there.We must attach great importance to and make great efforts to effectively solve these problems, and improve the level of radio, film and television information work as soon as possible.Recently, the micro-movies "Old Boy" and "Father" of Guanghui Film and Television are worth learning and learning from. The films are full of warmth and positive energy...

"Father", which had already received wide attention, was named and praised in the news broadcast of course, and then it was covered by various media the next day.


Tianchao Youth Daily reported on "Content Attributes Are the Golden Attributes of Movies": What is a movie?Movies are a way for filmmakers to observe the world, feel the world, and express the world.Movies are also the most attractive opportunity for the observation, understanding, and feelings of the filmmakers to collide and communicate with the observations, understanding, and feelings of the audience.Facing the Internet+ at such a moment, the Internet has entered the film industry as a new force, and we hope that it will maintain enough awe and respect for the web of eyes and hearts of movies that have been formed among audiences for more than 100 years, because people’s observations , thinking, discovery and expression are forming the content of the film and forming the golden idea of ​​the film.

In traditional film creation, film creativity is often the author's personal behavior, or the behavior of a small circle of filmmakers.When we have the Internet today, we suddenly discovered that such a huge and broad platform provides the most extensive exchange of information, the largest collision of thinking, the greatest possible stimulation of wisdom, and the largest range of discussions.The films "Old Boy" and "Father" are different from traditional theater movies. They are only broadcast on the Internet and attract a large number of people to watch in a short period of time. This is a traditional movie...


Tianchao People's Daily reported with the title "Innovation is always the life of movies": Movies come from life but are higher than life.We need continuous innovation to make the themes from life more attractive.

When discussing the upgrading of the film industry, one must always think about it, that is, the film history of more than 120 years is a history of innovation, continuous development and continuous progress. The Shanghai stock market 80 years ago was the birthplace of Chinese films, and we saw a lot of innovations and changes; 40 years ago in the imperial capital, we also saw the strong promotion of the language modernization of Chinese films.It is precisely because of these constant changes, continuous innovation, and continuous development that world movies and Chinese movies have always been surging with a strong driving force for continuous development.The new proposition presented to us by Internet + industrial upgrading is innovation.

In such a historical opportunity where the Internet is fully mobilized, everyone participates, and everyone is equal to dialogue, when movie topics and phenomenon movies have become a common trend, we must be aware of one thing, movie language, movie narrative system, movie text, It must also keep pace with the times and make progress and changes.We must have the confidence to push the film to a new level.

In this regard, "Old Boy" and "Father" of Guanghui Film and Television can be said to be at the forefront of the industry.Although Guanghui Film and Television was established less than half a year ago, and there are only two works, but...


Nanfang Daily reported on "Film is becoming a brand-new platform for mass entrepreneurship and innovation"...


Tianchao Film News reported the micro-movies "Old Boy" and "Father" with the title "Walk in the Frontier of the Times"...


The extensive coverage of the mainstream media made Guanghui Film and Television, Dream Band and director Zhao Gang completely famous.Tudou followed suit, with new highs in the number of signups and hits."Xihua Chaoshi", which has not yet been launched by Laihui Film and Television, has received widespread attention.

Taking advantage of this wind, Brilliance Films began to speed up the pace of recruiting. It recruited a group of behind-the-scenes personnel from other film and television companies, and also signed a few new actors.

"Director Jiang, is our next project going to continue shooting microfilms?" Zhao Gang asked.

"We can continue to shoot micro-movies, but we will also try to make a TV series. I will come back with a rough script and find someone to improve it," Jiang Hui said.

Jiang Hui plans to take out the very popular "Struggle" in a few years to shoot.There is such a long and popular TV series, which is enough for Guanghui Film and Television to train its own shooting team, and it can also create good conditions for's VIP charging model.

Although Jiang Hui doesn't expect to generate much profit for the group, at least needs to be able to make profits, so that it will have a higher valuation when discussing financing in the future.

Recently, the traffic of has sprinted to No.7 in the country, and it has the momentum to enter the top five.This created favorable conditions for the expansion of the advertising business. Jiang Hui felt that could slowly try to expand part of the advertising business.

(End of this chapter)

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