Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 342 Official launch of Weibo

Chapter 342 Official launch of Weibo
Just as Brilliant Films and Tudou continued to grab headlines on the Internet, Brilliant Weibo, a heavyweight member of the Brilliant Group, is finally coming.

Before Brilliance Weibo went live, it had gone through three rounds of internal testing.The first stage is the internal test of the development team; the second stage is to invite the internal users of Guanghui Group to test; the third stage is to invite some customers of Guanghui Group to participate in the test, such as users of Xiaonei, YY Live, Meituan, etc.

After passing the three-stage test, it is ready for official launch.Jiang Hui arranged for Guanghui Weibo to go online on January [-]th. It happened that Guanghui Film and Television's "Father" had been online for five days.

Before going live, Jiang Hui had already talked with the members of Dream Band about the promotion of Brilliant Weibo, and everyone in Dream Band had already registered their personal and band Weibo accounts during the internal testing stage.The Dream Band can be regarded as people in the entertainment industry, and they each have their own backgrounds. It is also a matter of little effort for them to help invite celebrities they know to enter Guanghui Weibo.

Although Brilliant Weibo is currently Jiang Hui's wholly-owned holding company, Jiang Hui and Dream Band have said that Weibo marketing is powerful, and they also agreed to arrange special personnel to help Dream Band operate the official Weibo account.Therefore, everyone in the Dream Band didn't feel that Jiang Hui was causing trouble for them. After all, the two parties had cooperated for such a long time, and the relationship could be regarded as good friends.

Stars in the entertainment industry ask the Dream Band to request, and experts and scholars in the academic and economic circles contact through the personnel of's open class project team.And Jiang Hui also took advantage of the group's advantages and invited all YY live broadcast anchors to open Guanghui Weibo. Network and other platforms for advertising and promotion.Jiang Hui even arranged for Guanghui Weibo to advertise on Penguin, Sina, Sohu and other places.It is estimated that after two years, when I come back to see the advertisement of Guanghui Weibo, everyone will find it very funny.After all, Penguin, Sina, Sohu, etc. will launch their own Weibo after seeing the popularity of Guanghui Weibo.

The high-profile behavior of the Brilliant Group has made countless people in the industry stare at the every move of the Brilliant Weibo. After all, the Brilliant Group has repeatedly created miracles in the past year, and has changed from a dark horse in the Chinese Internet to a giant crocodile.Although I dare not say that the actions of the Guanghui Group can affect the Internet industry of the Celestial Dynasty, it is undeniable that the most promising development directions of the Internet are monopolized by the Guanghui Group.

Xiaonei is the leader of the SNS website. Although it is not open to all users in Tianchao, Tang Wenwen has already reported to the board of directors. In fact, he also reported to Jiang Hui. Starting during the Spring Festival, Xiaonei will be open to all Tianchao high school students. registration authority.

In this way, to a certain extent, Xiaonei has been opened to the vast majority of Internet users in China.Tianchao now has more than 4000 million high school students in school, plus high school graduates who graduated from the same group as the current college students but did not go to college, which suddenly added at least 1 million potential users to Xiaonei.Of course, among the 2005 million potential users, it is estimated that none of the above are netizens. Even if they are netizens, it is estimated that not all of them are registered on Xiaonei.However, even so, in 5000, there should be no problem for the number of users of in China to exceed [-] million.

Not to mention Tudou, not only in China, but even in the United States, it is also the industry leader.Companies such as YY Live and Meituan are also No. [-] in the industry.Of course, companies such as Qunar and Autohome still need to work harder, or they will be under pressure by companies such as Ctrip and Autohome.

Although many companies already know that Guanghui Group is going to launch Weibo business, but now blogs are very popular, and Weibo gives you the feeling that it is nothing more than a blog, and there is not much to worry about.

On January 2005, 1, Guanghui Weibo was officially launched, opening a new page for the Chinese Internet.For China's Internet, Penguin, Du Niang, Alibaba, Weibo and the future WeChat will all be a benchmark, and will be constantly remembered in the next ten or twenty years.


Hello everyone, this is the official Weibo of Dream Band. In the future, we will interact with fans more on Guanghui Weibo and release the latest news of our band.The photo below is some tidbits from the filming process of "Old Boy", isn't it interesting?


Hello!I am Wang Feng, and I met you on Guanghui Weibo.Welcome everyone to pay attention to my Weibo, I will share with you bits and pieces of my life.


I'm coming, I'm here!I'm Han Hong, and my next album is coming soon. I'll give you a preview first. Comments are welcome.


Hello everyone!I'm Zhao Wei, I've been so busy acting recently, I haven't interacted with fans for a long time.This is my Guanghui Weibo account, everyone is welcome to follow and pay attention.I'll take the time to reply to everyone.


Hello everyone!I'm Tang Wenwen, and I'm the general manager of Xiaonei. Welcome everyone to open a Guanghui Weibo account with me.


Hello everyone!My name is Fang Dawen, and I am the general manager of Tudou. It is a great pleasure to meet you on Guanghui Weibo.Here, everyone can share their mood and stories at any time.


Hello everyone!I am Jiang Hui, and welcome everyone to become the first batch of users of Guanghui Weibo. I believe that Guanghui Weibo will bring you different feelings. This is a moment for everyone to witness history and witness miracles.


Hello fellow bloggers!This is the official Weibo of Xiaonei. We will release the latest news of Xiaonei at any time.


Netizens, this is the official Weibo of Tudou. We will share the latest and hottest videos with you in real time.


Produced by Guanghui, it must be a boutique!Welcome to the official Weibo of Brilliant Games. We have been preparing for more than half a year for "Glory of the King" to meet you soon, so stay tuned!

Hello everyone!This is the official Weibo of YY Live. Want to know the behind-the-scenes stories of each anchor?Then follow me.


Want to know what is the next work of Guanghui Film and Television after "Old Boy" and "Father"?Then follow me.This is the official Weibo of Guanghui Film and Television, welcome to pay attention.


This is the official Weibo of Teito University of Technology. Do you want to know about our admissions policy?Want to know more about the various majors in our school?Want to know about our latest research developments?Then follow us.


Celestial cuisine, all in!Welcome to follow the official Weibo of, and we will lead you to taste the heaven on the tip of your tongue!


(End of this chapter)

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