Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 345 Brilliant Weibo, Change Everything

Chapter 345 Brilliant Weibo, Changes Everything

The ferment of campus bullying incidents on Guangfu Weibo has made more people aware of the speed and convenience of information dissemination on Guangfu Weibo.The number of registrations on Brilliant Weibo quickly exceeded 1000 million, and some influential stars already have millions of fans.

Two days after "Prince Dongxia" posted pictures of campus bullying incidents on Guanghui Weibo, another netizen "Daxue Wuhen" posted photos of clashes between urban management and hawkers.

All of a sudden, while the majority of netizens were paying attention to campus bullying, they also began to comment on the issue of urban management and law enforcement.

"Urban management" is a kind of administrative law enforcement subject, and its full name is the "Urban Management Comprehensive Law Enforcement" department.The names of such departments vary from place to place: in some places it is called "Urban Management Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau", in some places it is called "Urban Management Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment".

Urban management law enforcement is an important part of urban management, including comprehensive administrative law enforcement in all aspects of urban management, such as city appearance and environmental sanitation, illegal construction without a license, illegal road occupation, unlicensed operation, management of urban rivers and lakes, black cars, black tour guides, etc. The rectification and management of phenomena that affect the city appearance, such as city appearance, street occupation, and disorderly construction, have attracted media attention and hot reports because they often cause social conflicts.

The urban management has the right to educate or impose fines on the violators, and temporarily detain the illegal items after issuing a temporary detention certificate. The parties can go to the urban management office to receive education or fines with the temporary detention certificate, and they can get it back after they guarantee that they will not commit another crime in the future. Items, in theory, urban management has no power to confiscate items.

In Jiang Hui's view, the establishment of the urban management itself is a good thing. After all, if there is no assistance from the urban management in the Celestial Dynasty's urban health and other issues, it is estimated that it will be a mess.However, in the process of law enforcement by urban management, there are some personnel who behave rudely and violate the law. As a result, when the majority of netizens hear about the dispute between urban management and hawkers, they preconceive that urban management is at fault.

Although "Daxue Wuhen" was exposed on Guanghui Weibo, the urban management should have improperly enforced the law, but in fact, in the conflict between the urban management and the hawkers, many hawkers themselves have problems.

In China, especially in China's Internet, when encountering conflicts, netizens generally have a feeling of sympathizing with the weak and poor, and hating the strong and rich.In fact, sympathy itself is fine.There is no doubt that it is a noble feeling and a positive energy to have compassion, care and love for the suffering and the weak.However, we need to look beyond the surface to see behind the problem, whose fault is it?One should not hate the strong and the rich in general.

Jiang Hui consciously guided the discussion on the campus bullying incident and the urban management hawker conflict incident on Guanghui Weibo in a fair and just direction.

Before the launch of Guanghui Weibo, Jiang Hui specially set up a "Public Opinion Monitoring and Analysis Department" in Guanghui Weibo. This department is directly under Jiang Hui's jurisdiction. The number of people is not large for now. There are only six people. The head is Jiang Hui's classmate. Liu Donghui.

The main responsibility of the Public Opinion Monitoring and Analysis Department is to integrate the Guanghui Weibo information collection technology and information intelligent processing technology, through the automatic capture of Guanghui Weibo's massive information, automatic classification and clustering, topic detection, and topic focus, to realize the user's network public opinion monitoring and Information needs such as news topic tracking, and analysis results such as briefings, reports, and charts are formed, providing Jiang Hui with a comprehensive grasp of the dynamics of Guanghui Weibo, making correct public opinion guidance and decision-making, and providing analysis basis.

In the initial stage of establishment, the Public Opinion Monitoring and Analysis Department mainly focused on Guanghui Weibo to ensure that no accidents occurred on Guanghui Weibo, timely shield some sensitive, violent, and pornographic information, and prevent Guanghui Weibo from falling into unnecessary disputes and problems. .In the later period, the Public Opinion Monitoring and Analysis Department will gradually expand its scale, collecting and analyzing information from the entire Internet, and even other non-Internet information, to provide intelligence support for Jiang Hui.

Considering that the name of the Public Opinion Monitoring and Analysis Department is somewhat sensitive, the official name of this department is the Analysis Department.In the future, the Analysis Department will be a special department with public opinion research and analysts with backgrounds in public opinion communication, sociology, economics, and public management.

Jiang Hui asked Guanghui Weibo to set up an analysis department, which is probably a precedent for the Chinese Internet.In a few years, when social conflicts become more prominent and the network environment becomes more complicated, companies such as Penguin and Du Niang will definitely set up similar departments. Otherwise, it is not a joke to be interviewed by relevant departments every now and then.


The spread of several popular events on Brilliant Weibo made the Internet headlines in the past few days dominated by Brilliant Weibo.In just one week, the number of users of Guanghui Weibo exceeded 2000 million.You know, there are only about [-] million netizens in the entire Celestial Dynasty now.

Many celebrities and scholars began to open their own Guanghui Weibo accounts after seeing the power of Guanghui Weibo in publicity, and the presence of these celebrities has led to a new round of registration climax.

In the past few days, Jiang Hui has also posted a lot of news on his Guanghui Weibo account.

"Brilliant Weibo, Changes Everything".

"Glorious Weibo, leading China into the era of new media!".

"Glorious Weibo, giving you a different channel of communication."

"Follow the pace of the times and open a Guanghui Weibo account"!
"Let us witness the leapfrog development of China's Internet on Guanghui Weibo."


The employees of Guanghui Group saw that the boss was supporting Guanghui Weibo, and without exception, they all opened Guanghui Weibo accounts and followed Jiang Hui.Many users of,, Guanghui Games, YY Live, Qunar, Autohome and other companies chose to follow Jiang Hui’s Weibo for reasons such as going out out of curiosity, and being followed and recommended by Guanghui’s Weibo. account.

The number of Jiang Hui's fans exceeded 150 million in just one week, surpassing the number of fans of most star scholars.

At present, the official Weibo account of Dream Band has the most followers on Guanghui Weibo.This is due to the recent appearance of the Dream Band in "Old Boy" and "Father", and the songs of the Dream Band firmly occupy six of the top ten songs on the hottest music list in 2004, which can be regarded as the hottest singer in the past year up.

Coupled with the attention and recommendation of Guanghui Weibo, the number of fans of Dream Band has reached more than 500 million. It is the first and only account on Guanghui Weibo with more than 500 million fans.In the future, it is estimated that it will be the first account with 1000 million or 2000 million fans.

Dream Band is very popular on Guanghui Weibo, which has led to a sharp rise in their commercial performance prices recently, directly in line with first-line movie superstars.

(End of this chapter)

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