Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 344 Media Meeting

Chapter 344 Media Meeting

Brilliant Weibo's media meeting was arranged in the reception hall on the [-]th floor of the Science and Technology Building.Tianchao Youth Daily, Imperial Capital Evening News,, Du Niang News, Sina, Sohu, NetEase and other traditional media and Internet media that have relatively more dealings with Kwanghui Group were invited.

As the host of the media meeting, He Ling announced the only requirement for this interview: that is, no photography is allowed.Jiang Hui is the subject of attention of various media. Although there are some photos circulating on the Internet, generally speaking, netizens are still very unfamiliar with Jiang Hui's appearance.Now that Brilliant Weibo is getting so much attention, Jiang Hui doesn't want to be recognized as soon as he goes out tomorrow.

After the meeting started, the first person to ask questions was Chen Yanping from Tianchao Youth Daily. Chen Yanping was also an old acquaintance of Guanghui Group.When Jiang Hui created Xiaonei, Tianchao Youth Daily was the first to be interviewed, and the reporter at that time was Chen Yanping.For this meeting, Jiang Hui naturally wanted to take care of Chen Meili.

"Mr. Jiang, hello! It's a pleasure to see you again. First of all, congratulations to Guanghui Weibo, which is popular all over the Internet. You have succeeded again," Chen Yanping said.

"Thank you friends from the media for your kindness. If you have any questions today, ask them as soon as possible. I know everything," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Brilliant Weibo has become popular in just a few days. May I ask Mr. Jiang, what do you think is the charm of Guanghui Weibo? What is it that attracts so many people?" Chen Yanping said.

"In fact, I have already considered this issue when I created Brilliant Weibo. Let me briefly tell you about it. First of all, Brilliant Weibo provides everyone with a platform to show their talents and meet their needs to realize their self-worth. It can also become a platform for stars. On this platform, everyone is equal. Only if you have real talents and practical learning, you can show it to everyone in just 140 words. As long as your remarks are outstanding and attractive You will not be afraid that others will not read, follow, or repost. Moreover, more and more people will pay attention to you and become your loyal fans. The emergence of Weibo allows people to meet high-level basic needs through social media It has become a reality," Jiang Hui said.

Chen Yanping's question was actually the concern of all the media present today, and even other media and Internet practitioners, so after Jiang Hui started to answer, everyone turned on the recorder and listened attentively.

"Secondly, Brilliance Weibo makes information reading more personalized, and it is a new media that can be customized. In other words, Brilliance Weibo enables people to obtain information faster, more, and selectively. Traditionally, most of us We can understand the information we want to know through the media, but as a communication platform, the media inevitably has limitations. When the media disseminates information to the public, it is often not based on the needs of the audience, but is restricted by various factors, such as politics, Religion, geography, business interests, etc. So many times, what we want to know is not necessarily obtained from the media, or obtained immediately," Jiang Hui continued.

"Third, Brilliant Weibo will make our society more transparent and conducive to social progress. Brilliant Weibo will allow millions of ordinary citizens to face the social reality around them and have the ability to make their own voices. On the platform, everyone can become a reporter and report what they see and hear, especially for some social evils and various social injustices. The media often report more good news than less due to their own political and commercial interests. However, through Brilliant Weibo, we can not only learn about many social injustices, but also explore the deeper stories behind these incidents and restore the true colors of the incidents," Jiang Hui said.

The third point may be an important reason why Guanghui Weibo can continue to attract netizens who were not interested in registering and using it after the first wave of user growth.I believe that it won't be long before some major news events will be exposed on Guanghui Weibo faster than traditional media.

"Finally, Guanghui Weibo can be a new marketing tool. For the first time in history, Guanghui Weibo will become a brand marketing tool that everyone can control. If you want to do business and make money, you can use Guanghui Weibo is a platform to get closer to customers or potential customers, and to promote themselves or their products in real time and in a timely manner. For example, a star can release information about his new film, new song, etc. to fans through Guanghui Weibo to promote My own new work; an enterprise can also use Brilliance Weibo as a very important marketing platform to achieve marketing and publicity purposes through massive reposting, adding attention, etc. The above four points are the biggest charms of Brilliance Weibo in my opinion,” Jiang Hui said.

"According to Mr. Jiang just now, Brilliant Weibo will be a website that will change the focus of Internet users' attention. Mr. Jiang, can you explain it to everyone in detail?" asked a reporter from

"Of course no problem. In the past ten years when the Internet has been popularized and used on a large scale, when people use the Internet, the first thing they pay attention to is the content on the Internet. Searching for information and reading information are the main purposes of using the Internet. The design concept of Guanghui Weibo, It is to guide people to pay attention to the people they are interested in, and to establish a relationship of following and being followed. On the Guanghui Weibo platform, people build a community of people around all-inclusive topics, and share information with each other in the community. Creativity, viewpoints, and emotions. The relationship between people has become the focus of information exchange between people. This is a qualitative change, and it is also a major shift in the focus of the Internet as I said," Jiang Hui said.

"Glorious Weibo has attracted millions of registered users in just a few days. Mr. Jiang, what direction do you think the next development of Guanghui Weibo will be?" asked a reporter from Du Niang News.

"Innovation is the foundation of Guanghui Weibo. In the near future, I hope that Guanghui Weibo will become a new platform for the government to pay attention to public opinion and serve people's livelihood. The high degree of socialization of Guanghui Weibo provides convenient conditions for the government to use Guanghui Weibo The Internet has changed the channels, methods, and forms of expression of public opinion. Therefore, using Guanghui Weibo as a new window to pay attention to public opinion, we can understand what people think and what is happening in a more timely, direct, and authentic way. social incidents," Jiang Hui said.

"Glorious Weibo is a very good information release platform, but how to strengthen the management of the content of Weibo, how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and maximize the positive role of Guanghui Weibo, Mr. Jiang, what do you think? ", a reporter from the Imperial Capital Evening News asked.

(End of this chapter)

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