Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 356 "The Blossoms in the Evening" Comes

Chapter 356 "The Blossoms in the Evening" Comes

Mencius said: Then governing the world can only be cultivated and be obtained?There are things for adults and things for villains.Moreover, if one person has a body and a hundred craftsmen prepare for it, if he must do it himself and then use it, he is leading the way of the world.Therefore, it is said: either work hard, or work hard.Those who work with their minds rule others, and those who work with their strength rule others; those who rule others eat people, and those who rule others eat people.The general meaning of the world is also.

What this passage means is that Mencius said: Then, can the affairs of governing the world be done while farming?There are things about officials, and there are things about ordinary people.Besides, a person needs to rely on various craftsmen to prepare for him (necessary supplies). If he must make it himself and then use it, it will cause people in the world to be exhausted.So it is said: Some people use their minds, some people use their physical strength.Those who use their minds rule others, and those who use their physical strength are ruled by others; those who are ruled by others support others, and those who rule others are supported by others.This is the universal truth.

After confirming the internal testing, promotion, and online lighting arrangements of "Glory of the King", Jiang Hui left Guanghui Games.As a manager, Jiang Hui began to explore the true meaning of "those who work hard govern others, and those who work hard govern others", and gradually freed himself from the endless busy daily work.

The Spring Festival is approaching, and "Sun Blossoms in the Morning" filmed by Guanghui Film and Television is about to go online.If "Father" is a New Year's Eve film of Guanghui Film and Television, then "Father", which was filmed at the same time as "Father", is a New Year's Eve film.

The micro-movie "Evening Blossoms" tells a story of time travel. The young protagonist meets his 57-year-old self in the busyness of the day and spends an afternoon together. If you are tight, you have to relax and live; as long as you face it, there is no hurdle that you cannot overcome.

The title of the film "Sun Blossoms in the Morning" is also a bit of a mouthful, and it has a little Wenqing style.The general meaning is that after seeing the 57-year-old self, the protagonist understands the truth of life when he was 20 when he was 57.It's like the flowers that fell this afternoon, but you picked them up this morning, so it's called Xihuachaoshi.

The birth of Brilliant Films and Televisions made the micro-movies of Tianchao come out ahead of schedule.In fact, in Jiang Hui's view, the emergence of micro-movies is an inevitable trend.Microfilm is a new image form bred in the new media environment that can fully meet the characteristics of new media communication. It is an innovation of the self-regulating mechanism of the film industry in the new media era. The beneficial supplement of film creativity, script and derivative product development contains huge business opportunities and industrial development prospects.

The successive broadcasts of "Old Boy", "Father" and "The Blossoms of the Sunset" will surely lead China into the era of micro-movies.

At Jiang Hui's suggestion, Boss Li asked Du Niang to develop Du Niang Encyclopedia in advance.After Brilliance Films released "Old Boy", it used micro-movies to promote the film, and then Du Niang Baike began to have an entry for "micro-movies".Micro-movies usually refer to short films with complete storylines that are specially used on various new media platforms (mainly at present), suitable for watching in a short-term rest state.There is no standard for the length of time, it can be a single article, but there are also series of small movies.The content forms include: public welfare promotion, image promotion, commercial customization, personal creativity, etc., because the mode is presented on the Internet in a short or even ultra-short time (30-300 seconds) with a complete plot, which is very important to the public. It is said to be popular and attractive, so microfilms have been widely used by all walks of life in various forms recently, especially in the promotion of enterprises.

"Jiang Hui, the editing of "Picked In The Evening" has been completed, when do you think it will be launched on Tudou?" He Ling said.

"Let's put it two days before the Chinese New Year. At this time, everyone is about to go on vacation or has already gone on vacation," Jiang Hui said.

"Are you sure you won't be going during Chinese New Year?" He Ling asked.

"Do you think I can leave? Judging from the current arrangement, 20.00% of the people in the whole group cannot go back during the Chinese New Year. It's not easy for me, the top leader, to slip back home, right?" Jiang Hui said.

"The companies in our group are basically Internet companies. The Spring Festival may be the time when users use the most intensively. It is true that many people need to be left behind for website maintenance," He Ling said.

"Yeah, so I'm going to go home around the seventh day of the lunar new year, stay at home until the Lantern Festival, and then go back to the company," Jiang Hui said.

"So many employees stay to work overtime during the Spring Festival, do you need to make any special arrangements?" He Ling said.

"I have asked Li Shigui and Tang Minghua to coordinate and deal with it. They also stayed for the New Year's Eve. On New Year's Eve, we plan to hold an event in the cafeteria to celebrate with everyone. In addition, on the first day of the first lunar month, we will give out red envelopes to everyone who stayed and worked overtime. Happy New Year," Jiang Hui said.


The winter vacation has come quietly, Bai Xue stayed for a few days, and flew back to Haizhu City three days before the Chinese New Year.

Brilliant Films' third micro-movie "The Blossoms in the Sunset" is finally going online.

Various enterprises of Guanghui Group, such as Xiaonei, Tudou, and Meituan, are cooperating with the promotion of the film.Jiang Hui also made some advertisement placements for Xiaonei, Tudou and other companies in the film "Xi Hua Chao Shi".

With the development of, the income from advertising business has slowly risen to the point where it is no longer dispensable.However, the advertising revenue of is still relatively small compared with the advertising expenses spent on external publicity and promotion of after Xiaonei completed the B round of financing, it has increased the promotion of each branch, and mainstream websites in island countries, South Korea and other places can basically see the advertisements of Xiaonei.The money is spent quickly, and the effect is very obvious, and the number of registered users is increasing rapidly.Jiang Hui felt that the expansion of's registration authority in Tianchao should be arranged as soon as possible. Otherwise, the number of users of's Tianchao headquarters would be less than [-]% of the overall number.

With "Old Boy" and "Father" as the basis, the film and television industry and the majority of netizens are full of interest in Guanghui Film and Television's "Sun Blossoms in the Morning".In fact, this is the power of word of mouth. Guanghui Film and Television, which has produced two good films in a row, has accumulated a lot of popularity.You know, on, "Old Boy" and "Father" are still firmly occupying the top two positions.

On February 2005, 2, "Sunflowers in the Morning" was officially launched on information can be seen on Tudou's homepage and movie channel.

Brilliant Films' Brilliant Weibo official account also simultaneously released the news of the launch of "Xi Hua Zhao Shi".All of a sudden, countless netizens flocked to Tudou to enjoy the latest masterpiece of Guanghui Film and Television.

(End of this chapter)

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